» Self-Help » Having ETERNITY on Your Mind, Anne Warner [well read books TXT] 📗

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Having ETERNITY on Your Mind

Have ETERNITY on Your Mind.

Eternity may not mean much to you now, but the more you study it the more you will long for it.
Eternity means forever.
We were put on this Earth to be tested.
Don’t fail the test.
Have eternity on your mind always, by remembering the Lord’s commandments in all that you do.
Your Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ love you, and want you to remember their plan.
That is why you are here.
I know as teenagers it is hard to keep an eternal perspective, but this is why I created this booklet.
This booklet is meant to help you keep Eternity on your mind so that you can one day have an eternal family of your own.

The eternal family. An eternal family is a family that has been sealed to each other for time and all eternity. Eternity does not mean this life, but so much more than that. Eternity means forever. Families can be together forever, what an incredible blessing that is.

Strengthening your Eternal Family:
-Show love to each member of your family.
-Help your family stay on the Lord’s path.
-Be the best that you can be.
-Have eternity on your mind.

Eternal life is a destination within our reach. Often times when we think of the Eternal Plan of Happiness, we think of having eternal life as being impossible, when really this statement is completely false. Eternal life is within our reach, as long as we choose now to follow the Eternal Plan of Happiness. In 1st Nephi chapter 3 verse 7 we read, “I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.” Every commandment that he has given us, he has prepared a way for us to accomplish this commandment. It is possible to reach eternal life if we are willing to do our part to get there. It is essential that we have eternity on our mind in order to reach eternal life.
As teenagers we are tested. We are faced with many temptations, and introduced to many things we never have seen or experienced.

How to keep from falling into temptation:
-I will never smoke or drink. The Word of Wisdom is too important to me.
-I will never break the law of chastity. This does not just include sex outside of marriage. This includes any form of sexual intimacy that is considered inappropriate. Tip: There are no “gray areas” the Law of Chastity is Black and White.
-I will never steal. We are commanded, “Thou shalt not steal.”
-I will have eternity on my mind.

Do not wait until you are faced with a temptation to make a decision, make your decision NOW!
If you want to have Eternal Life make the decisions now that will help you get there.

“Don’t sacrifice what you want most, for what you want most now.” –Gordon B. Hinckley

When we are younger we often wonder, “What is the purpose of marriage?” As we get older we understand that marriage is an equal partnership ordained of God. We learn from The Family: A Proclamation to the World that, “the family is central to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children.” Marriage between man and woman is essential to his eternal plan. Although you as teenagers are not ready right now to be married for time and all eternity, it is time to start preparing NOW. In that preparation it is essential to date only men/women that hold the same standards that you want your husband/wife to possess. If there is one thing I want you to learn, it is this phrase: YOU MARRY WHO YOU DATE. Do not waste your time dating people that you could not see yourself marrying, or you will end up settling for less than you deserve. Keep your standards high, and attract the kind of men/women you want to marry. Keep eternity on your mind at all times, in all things, and in all places.

Dating Guidelines:
-I will never date before the age 16.
-At age 16 I will go on group dates, and not be in a serious relationship at a young age.
-I will never sit in a parked car with my date.
-I will stay in public places with my date.
-I will never break the law of chastity.
-I will never date someone that doesn’t respect me, and my standards.
-Have fun!
-I will have eternity on my mind.


Marriage is hard, and often we enter into marriage unprepared. Of course it isn’t possible to be fully prepared for marriage, because there are certain things you will need to experience for yourself. However, it is essential to prepare yourself as well as you can. You can prepare yourself now, for that wonderful blessing and those sacred covenants you will make in the temple, by becoming the person your husband/wife deserves. One thing that I always like to do is pray for my future spouse wherever they may be, that they are preparing for marriage just like I am. The best thing that you can do for your husband/wife is find out who you are, where you came from, and where you are going. Strive to understand what your personality type is, and what you can do to improve yourself. Learn to be patient, optimistic, and charitable as best as you can.

Becoming the person your husband/wife deserves:
-Grow a closer relationship with your Father in Heaven.
-Read your scriptures.
-Keep a journal.
-Be positive.
-Study the writings of modern and ancient prophets.
-Have eternity on your mind.

When dating someone ask yourself these questions:
1. Are you better people when you are with each other?
2. Does either of you want to date anyone else?
3. Do you truly enjoy each others company?
4. Do you feel better about yourself when you are with him or her?
5. Are his or her needs as important to you as your own?
6. Are you free to be yourself when you are together?
7. Are you prepared to marry the family of your prospective spouse?
8. How do you each treat your own parents?
9. How does each of you feel about the other being a parent of your children?
10. Do you each accept the patriarchal order?
11. What will your destiny together be?
12. Have you had your decision confirmed by the Lord?

“There is no time to wait, only time to prepare.”

Family happiness is essential in our eternal happiness. Show your love for your spouse and children now, by being the best that you can be. Pray for your future companion and for your children that they will have as much love for their family as you do. Do not sacrifice your eternal happiness for something you want at this moment. Stay righteous and keep eternity on your mind!

What is happiness?
Happiness is love. Happiness is trust. Happiness is faith. Happiness is service. Happiness is family. Happiness is eternal.

Along with marriage, parenting can be hard. What better way to be prepared for parenting, then to show your love for your family now by keeping the commandments and improving yourself. Be who you want your kids to be, and do what you would want your kids to be doing.

Be the example for your children, by living your high school years in the way you would want them to be living.

Who you want your children to:
-Lie about where they are?
-Smoke, or Drink?
-Break the law of chastity?
-Cheat on a test?
-Hang out with the wrong crowd?

… Me either! So set the example for them and do not do these things. They are not worth it. I repeat, they ARE NOT worth it.

Temptation is everywhere. We are each given different temptations throughout our lives, but it is essential that we remember to not make a permanent decision based on a temporary emotion. Keeping eternity on our minds at all times protects us from falling into the temptations of Satan. As teenagers we are constantly faced with temptations and decisions, remember to always look at the eternal perspective. We have the power to overcome any temptation that we are given, and we are expected to.

How to overcome temptations:
-Keep an eternal perspective.
-Make decisions early on, so that temptations will not tempt you.
-Have eternity on your mind.

“The devil has no power over us, only as we permit it.”

Life is filled with many trials and tribulations. Enduring and finding strength through these trials is possible if we remember to keep the eternal perspective. Christ will never give us a trial that we can’t handle, so it is possible to overcome every trial life presents us with. Sometimes in life we are presented with trials that we have no control over such as: death, illness, financial situations, etc. These trials are given to us for a reason, and they teach us and strengthen us more than anything else could.
On July 15, 2007 my mom passed away due to a brain hemorrhage. I was 14 years old. The night she went in to the hospital, I wouldn’t go see her in her hospital room. I guess you could say I didn’t want it to become real to me yet. I went to bed that night thinking that in the morning everything would be back to normal. I woke up to Maggie in the bed next to me and realized that what happened the night before was real. That day I remember sitting against the wall in the hospital with my arms around my knees crying as if I was completely alone. I remember leaving the room and sitting alone while my family discussed the funeral. I remember going with my Dad to pick out a casket and not saying a word. I guess you could say I was stuck in denial. It may have taken me a little while to know how to deal with this tragedy in a healthy way, but I have now learned to be grateful for this trial in my life. I know that because of this trial I have become a stronger girl, and have grown closer to my Savior. I don’t know what my life would be like if my Mother were still here, but what I do know is that I wouldn’t be as strong

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