» Self-Help » Girls, THINK ABOUT IT!, Faith Gunter [novels to read in english .txt] 📗

Book online «Girls, THINK ABOUT IT!, Faith Gunter [novels to read in english .txt] 📗». Author Faith Gunter

First lets talk about our seleves.

We all have our highschool status. But why? Why do we have to go to school and only hang out with people in our clicks. We don't.

So rule number one. DARE TO BE DIFFRENT!

Girls sometimes obsess over our bodies. We're to fat. We're to short. We're to tall. Does it really matter. Why can't we just base our appearences on how we feel. Girls understand that you set yourselves up for failure doing stuff like that. If you learn one thing from me today that is to love yourself just the way you are.

I'm going to admit right now I'm only thirteen. Yes I'll be turning forteen soon. The way I've lived my life so far isn't to good. That's the pourpose of this book. So you won't make my mistakes. Even if you did I want to help you out of it.

It all started at an early age. Seven years old to be exact. I was in second grade. there weere always theese two girls who treated me like dirt because I was diffrent. I was the size of a kindergardner in second grade. For all you mathmaticians out there, you csn probaly guess. I was short. Not only was I short, I was a geneius. I was top at my class. I never got a single bad grade. When every one else was learning hhow to write in cursiive iwas learning how to write stories in cursive. When eveery one else was learing basic words like imagination, I was learning shakespere's flow in literature.

This was all thanks to my grandmother. Most people know her as Mrs. Gunter. The pre-K teacher at my school. I've been goin to Bethlehem Christian Academy since I was five years old. So You could say that the principle and all the teachers are like family. They always encouraged us to be individuals. A leader not a follower. That's a principle that I lived on for so long. But eventually I started giving up on it.

My problems started back in fourth grade. Parents might say that teens can't be under stress. But, seriously they can. So can nine year old girls.

I was smart , talented and weird, but that made me , well me. I've always been the odd one out. The reason wasn't because I wasn't likable. It wa because of two girls. Kennedy and Brittney. I used to think that someone sent them as hit men and I was their target. Like seriously. They had to have their entire lives invested on tourturinf me. Every little thing I did the twisted around and made it evil news.

Now going to school to do work was hard enough. But going to school and dealing with pressures from them was harder.

This leads me to rule number two. NEVER FALL INTO PEER PRESSURE.

If I would have followed the advise I'm telling you. My life would have been a heck of alot easier. Now theese two she witches were so mean to me literaly I went home crying every day. But they couldn't have done it with out there little robt monkey Justin.

He wa there puppet in training. They were training him for when they left school. He was the one chosen by destiny herself to continue on in my life of tourture. I use to pray at nite and ask for it to all just go away. But sadly every time I went back to school they were still there. SO I asked myself. Do I need a satillite cause God's not getting my messages.

But I endured it. I mean I did do stuff back to them so I guess I'm not at all innocent myself. Cause if I was life would've been so fun back then.
Life would've been easier too if I did'nt use to have a crush on justin. If I could go back in time and stop him from meeting Kennedy and Brittney. He might mot be as mean today.

That leads me to the third rule. I adapted this one from my teacher Mrs.E. She got it from a book but what they hey. I can use it right. Well my edited version at least. Rule number three. NEVER GO BY WHAT YOUR HEART SAYS. yOUR HEART IS DECEIPTFUL. 80 PERCENT OF PEOPLE WHO FOLLOW THEIR HEART. ARE EITHER ONE OF THREE THINGS. PREGNANT WITHOUT MARRIAGE. IN PRISON FOR SOMETHING STUPID. OR DEAD FOR ALL INTENSIVE PUROPOSES.

This book might be a reality check for some of you. But pressures and the fall of pressures can happen at any age. So in the words of my gym teacher "The truth hurts". When he used this phrase it was in a situation where I got in trouble. Can you believe it me of all people.

Let's pull up a random situation in which peer pressure comes in. Your friend says that she is going on a diet. Your friend is skinnier than you. Because your thiker than her you go on a diet. Believe it or not I'm that girl.

I'm currentyly only 78 lbs. I'm five feet tall and I'm only in a size zero. I go on diets every other week. People tell me that I'm not at but I never listen. I have to be forced to eat all my meals/ I'm a ,ess. But I wasn;t always like this. Because I listen to the lies of this world I always blieved untrue things. All of my dieting started when a girl who is two years younger thsn me called me fat. I didn;t think I was fat. But soon I started not fitting into my jeans. I've been on so many diets that I've lost count. My teachers called my parents. I was called into the principles office to duscuss my diet. I used to force myself to vomit to get rid of meals. I wasn't annorexic I just didn't want to be fat. ONe teacher I had cared the most

Her name is Mrs. E. Mrs.E hs given me multiple health lectures. She told me that I was perfectly fine. But hearing the kids in ny school call me smack(ugly) and short, and fat was too much. I stsrted spending hours at a time working just on my appeence. Sure eough I lost sight off who I was. Now I'm okay. with help I over came this . Well sorta. I still try to stay small. But I;m working on it,

This little story brings me to rule number 4: THE WORLD WE LIVE IN WILL REPEDATlY TRY TO BRING YOU DOWN. DON'T LET IT.

If I followed this rule, my life would not be in te mess I'm in now.

Back in fifth grade I had my worst year ever. I never paid attention in class. I sle[t in class evry day. I argued and was lied on every day. It was a big mess. But the one day that no one ever lets me forget is my dark day.

This one girl who I couldn't stand, scratch that I still can't stand her. Well any way she would not leave me alone. I kept telling her to back offbefore I did something that I would regret. But being the idiot that she was she kept on messing with me. So I slapped her. Every one in my fifth grade class heard it. It was so oud and her face was soo red.She tried to slap me back but I was to fast. She would miss and I would get her again. She finally gave up and told the teacher. Yes I got in trouble but it was soooo worth it.

She eventually got me back at the end of the year but then I slapped her back told the teacher and she got a detention for slapping me. They couldn't give me a second one. I was using self defense.

The point to this is even now I feel bad about it. Yes it happened a while ago but I still feel guilty about it.


My past did come back. One day this irratating pest pusheed me into a wall. At first my friends said don't tell. But I had too. Soo the techers called in our parents. As it turns out his parents kew nothing about how we argued. If you haven't guessed it, I'm talking about Justin Robinson. I mentioned him before.

Any way to make a long story short we had to tell our parents of every fight that we ever had. It was a long story. But now I look back at that and realize that it was all dumb. Those fights never improved my life it just made it worst.


This rull might be the most improtant rule in this book. And if you're wise you would pay attention.


Text: Teens are ofen misslead on the pretenses for life. Exspecialy girls. This book is to help them avoid obstacles in life. If this book helps then I have done my duty to society.
Publication Date: 04-01-2011

All Rights Reserved

I want to thank my teacherMrs. E. With out her this book would not be possible.

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