» Self-Help » How to Talk to Anyone (Junior Talker #4), DeYtH Banger [ebook reader screen .txt] 📗

Book online «How to Talk to Anyone (Junior Talker #4), DeYtH Banger [ebook reader screen .txt] 📗». Author DeYtH Banger

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lot of suffering. And this suffering absolutely doesn’t end when we find someone to love us.


But, if you are able to see that love and approval can’t make you happy and fulfilled, then you can stop feeling like something is missing from your life and stop worrying about whether you will ever get it. Then, you will be left feeling much more free and happy right now.


If you want to feel whole and happy, you need to identify and address the thoughts that make you feel this way

Since other people cannot change all of our negative thoughts to positive ones, we need to question the truth of our negative thoughts if we want to be happy. If we don’t believe the thoughts which make us feel unappreciated, insufficient, or unlovable, then we will be completely happy regardless of whether or not others love us.

In addition, once you are already happy, then you can enter into a relationship without wanting anything from the other person. When you are fulfilled, you can enter into a relationship without an ulterior motive… without using them. Then, any relationship will be much more enjoyable. It will be based on love.


Therefore, somewhat paradoxically, discovering that a relationship can’t make you happy will make it much more likely that you will end up in a happy relationship. 


Now, I would like you to ask yourself a few questions:


Can love and marriage eliminate all the thoughts that create my unwanted emotions and make me feeling lacking and unfulfilled? If love and marriage can’t eliminate all (or even many) of the thoughts that make me unhappy, is it true that love and marriage can give me the happiness, wholeness, and fulfillment I want? If love and marriage don’t have the ability to fulfill me (or anyone else), then is it true that my life isn’t “good enough” just because I don’t have love and marriage? If love and marriage can’t fulfill me, am I sure that I would be happiest if I got married? If all of my unwanted emotions and sense of lack are created by thoughts, then is it true that I need to get love and marriage in order to be happy? Is it possible for me to feel completely whole, happy, and fulfilled without getting married (by addressing my thoughts)? If I can be fulfilled without getting love and marriage (by addressing my thoughts)… and love and marriage don’t have the ability to fulfill me… then can I admit that it wouldn’t necessarily be “bad” for my life or my happiness if I never get love and marriage?



Hey Don Juan,

Do you know the magic "F-word" that makes a woman chase you?

It's completely innocent and rejection-proof.

And when you sneak it into a conversation with any woman you want...

You're going to at least triple the chances of her chasing you.

She'll be 3X as likely to start hitting on you, out of nowhere.

3X as likely to ask for your number.

And 3X as likely to make the first sexual move on you... and sleep with you that same night.

Click Here to Discover the Secret to Making Her Chase You

So what is this magic "F Word"?

It's not that vulgar word you might be thinking about.

The magic word is "friend."

Here's what to do:

Next time you're flirting with a woman you want, call her your "friend" as much as possible.

For example, if she says something nice to you, you might respond with:

"Awww, thanks for saying that Annie, you're such a good friend."

Or if you're at a party you could say, "Hey friend, what are you up to?"

This word will really screw with her mind.

Because look, a "friend" is a good thing. It's a positive attribute.

You're not dissing her or being mean.

But it also implies a platonic relationship, not a sexual or romantic one.

And if she's attractive, she's not used to a guy putting her in the friend zone like that.

She's used to being in control and having power over men.

But not anymore...

Using this "F-word" will instantly set you apart from other guys and set the stage for her to start chasing you.

Because you are a CHALLENGE.

It works like magic... and it starts the psychological process of her wanting to chase you.

And that's just 1 way to make her chase you, out of hundreds!

My friend Mike actually coined a term for these techniques.

He calls them Chase Triggers.

Just one chase trigger is powerful enough to make her start flirting with you.

But when you stack them together, the effect is ridiculous.

She'll be begging for your attention, making every sexual move on you, and even begging you for sex.

And she won't even know why she's doing it... she'll just know she has to have you.

Here's a video from Mike explaining how these Chase Triggers work, and how to use them on that girl you've been thinking about:









Chapter 7 - Need (Part 1)  CareFree Installation by Jason Capital


What you need in dating world or what you need to know is to be carefree... to start giving less value to things. People most cases attach to people who they know very well and people who they don't know... the attachment goes like.


With what "if's"


What if she get angry? What if she start hating me? What if she get upset? What if she has a boyfriend? What if she see me as a freak? What if she see me as a creep What if she doesn't get my joke? What to do if this is her brother? What to do if she reject me?


or it could be



I am 


Note: "I" is the ego... that's the word which we use for ego.



I am pretty bussy I can't do it now... lets put it for other day I now need to do something else I don't feel in the state Okay... she is okay... but ... naah... I can't now Okay... I will do it but after few minutes Okay... but lets my stop come and I will do it... when I get out of the train Okay... I will say it fast... and "Bye" Okay... I will say that... but nothing more



It could be a simple excuse... or theory and theory going in your brain like a strain... but it never goes to action....


So you have a virus in yourself... but you don't  know how to put in action!



Date Against the Machine



This here is what I can say about the whole dating advice


Is a program which tells you how to do it... how to step out and take action. Rejection is good... it means that you have made a progress so:


1) Rejection - As  I said... rejection is good... if you have tried to improve somebody's day.

2) Prize - You are out there...  to have fun... you are out there to show that you are the reward... no need to put somebody in more value than yourself.

3) Have Higher Value - As for you... put yourself in higher position and others put them in lower value



4) Stop Going OUt With B.C. - BC - Is a word used for people who are with no targets... and going outside just to lose time... time outside is not for to lose... not be some kinda a asshole and to start wasting time... don't go with such people out.


5) Belief - If you gonna do something... at least believe in that shit... nor ever doubt yourself









Chapter 8 - More

 Ten Essential Flirting Moves You Must Know


by Ron Louis & David Copeland


There are 10 essential flirting moves that you must know:


1) Smiling


You must smile. You probably think you smile now, but you don't, really. You should practice your smile in the mirror. To be big enough to be noticed, your smile will probably have to be bigger than you are used to.




2) Getting Caught Looking


Most people look away when the object of their desire looks at them. If you want to let that person know you are interested, when they catch you looking, smile, hold eye contact a moment longer, then look away.


3) Waving


A little wave to someone who caught you looking, along with a smile, is a non-intrusive, very flirty way to say "hello."


4) Winking


You can wink at someone from across the room, or wink at someone during a conversation. If he or she says something funny, or someone else does something silly, you can give a wink as a way of sharing a little moment for just the two of you, as if the two of you are in on some private joke no one else is aware of.


5) Asking "What's the Story Behind That?"


You can ask "what's the story behind that?" about any special or unusual thing your quarry is wearing or carrying. Examples: "That's a really neat bracelet you are wearing. What's the story behind that?" or "That's a really great briefcase. What's the story behind that?" Even if there isn't much of one, it's given you some conversation.




6) Holding Eye Contact


While you are conversing with your new friend, you want to be sure to have eye contact at least some of the time. At least once it's a good idea to hold the eye contact a little "too long," just a fraction too long, so there's a brief, more intimate moment between you.


7) Non-Intrusive Touching


This can be as simple as placing your hand lightly on his or her hand for a moment, or touching his or her back for a moment as you walk to a table to sit down. Just do this a couple of times on the first flirting interaction -- if the person pulls away, don't do it again.


8) Checking Him/Her Out


Checking out someone's body must be done properly, especially if you are checking out a woman. The goal is for your new friend to feel complimented that you noticed his or her body, not objectified like some piece of meat. You do this by making eye contact, then quickly, in less than a second, passing your eyes down and then up over his or her body, then back to looking in the eyes. It should happen quickly, and you should be unashamed of taking a glance. Just don't do it too often.


9) Using the "Good-bye Compliment"


If you are shy, flirting with the "good-bye compliment" may be just the thing you need. On your way out, you simply go up to the person you want to flirt with, and say something like, "Hi, I have to go now, but before I did, I really wanted to let you know that you have a really great sense of style, and that I noticed it. I wish I had more time to spend with you, but I have to go." Then leave. This allows

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