» Self-Help » Cheering On The World, Cheyene Montana Lopez [read books for money .txt] 📗

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your actions, but if you do nothing, there will be no results. Selfless action without expecting any results or return is vital. To perform well, you need to know what is expected of you. Develop a program to meet your goals and guarantee the results. You'd be surprised of your effects on others. People's actions can have surprising results. The results of actions matters more than the intentions. The results of actions performed by us can never be obliterated. A body

in motion will continue until its acted on by a force. The principle is that karma brings back the results of actions to the person. Think of life liken a field where it is planted and grown in. Reflect on results of actions and decisions. The concept of action is to understand what causes the cycle and affects of negative poisonous effects that enclave when the forces of people are generated. The body and the mind act as one thus translating what’s seen or heard. No matter how sever or how each act is done the impacts are equal in all aspects from beginning to end. Peoples existence offers details from ones heart on a daily basis for achievements. Karma to sum it all up actions of a persons destiny or fates from his or hers viewed existence. The most basic karma is ones virtues and a kind of raw spiritual navigation through vigorous drives from the actions and conduct during the successes. Try to capture the core essence of karma where every thought of every action carries energy into the world. This concept to grasp begins and is explained in spiritual reality. It is possible to have unstable bound states with positive interaction energy provided that there is an "energy barrier" that has to be tunneled through. Study the existence, multiplicity, and nonexistence of positive solutions for multiparameter semipositone discrete boundary value problems functional dynamic equations on time. Have you ever had hopes to change but find yourself not able to follow through? Well hopefully these steps can help you to change your lifestyle. Identify the price of maintaining the status quo. Not making the change you know you need to make is as human beings, we’re creatures of habit. No wonder making a major life change is so hard! But it can be done. Follow these steps to get your change in motion. Create a reserve of everything. We don’t always have to make a difficult change from where we are now. If we have issues with money, time, space, emotional support, skills, etc., make a plan now to get more than you need in these areas, creating a stronger foundation from which to launch in your new direction. Forgive self-judgments. Guilt is rampant in our culture. So is the vendetta against selfishness. Suffering is supported and nurtured by friends, family, religions, etc. So it's not surprising that many of us, deep down, don't feel we deserve to have what we want. Stop complaining. You are playing the victim and you’re forfeiting your power to make the change you say you want. Even if you're blaming yourself for not being happy or for not having the courage to make the change, then part of you is beating up on another part of yourself, hence there's a victim in there somewhere. To the degree you play the role of victim, you lose power you could be using to move forward. So get behind yourself completely and own your full power to create the life you desire. Give up analysis that breeds paralysis. We are so conditioned to figure things out before we leap, that sometimes we become paralyzed to take the actions our bodies are directed to take from the beginning. This is particularly true if you’re an engineer, scientist, or other type of technical person who experiences the world more through analysis than through feeling. If you’re stuck in a thinking pattern rehashing the same ideas over and over, trying to figure out what will happen if, then you're stuck in a mind-loop. It's time to quit thinking and start doing. Feel in your body what it wants to do, then just do it! The information you're seeking may only be available after you take action anyway. Wisdom often comes from experience, not from analysis. Develop a compelling vision. Leaving a longstanding relationship or a long time career can be very frightening. This is because if what we have is all we see, then to give it up means we’ll have nothing left. This is a terrible illusion. New opportunities, relationships, resources, connections, and ideas always rush in to fill space in our lives. But first, you have to make the space for something new, and second, create a clear vision of what your life will look like once your change is complete.

The vision of your new future eliminates the fear of the unknown—which can keep you stuck for a long time! Your vision will form the matrix on which you will create your new life and give you the inspiration and courage you need to move on. Risk failure. You've got to learn to remove or rid the word “failure” from your usage of vocabulary once and for all. Realize that actions yields results. Use this as feedback from the universe and take the next logical step. From this perspective, mistakes are just indications of a course correction and not to be taken personally. Give up the concept of failure and take flight. Recruit your inner warrior. Within each of us there is an instinctual aspect built for bold, decisive action. It looks out, not only for our survival, but also for our soul's mission. It sends messages in the form of feelings in your body. They may come as "gut" feelings, or just a sense of "knowing" that has no rational foundation. If you’re facing a difficult change, and have "contemplated" yourself into a corner, it may be time to let your inner warrior take over for a while. Just act “as if” you "know" what to do, then do it without thinking about it until after it's done. Get support to help you through the change. Big life changes can be overwhelming. There’s no shame in asking for help from friends, relatives, or from a coach. In fact, enough of the right kind of support can make a seemingly difficult change, relatively easy. Do whatever is necessary to make change easy on yourself. You're worth it. Don't go to your deathbed wondering what would have happened if... It's easy for us to forget how short our lives really are. Many of us live as if we'll never die. We waste away our hours and days working jobs we hate, living just for the weekends, or "putting in time" until retirement, living most of our lives like zombies. We may live in a relationship that is draining and disempowering thinking it might magically get better somehow, someday. We deny our feelings or make excuses for frittering our lives away. This is insane. Stop it now! Our lives are so precious and so short. I challenge you to project yourself forward to your death. It's real and it's coming for you! See yourself on your deathbed and ask yourself if the life you're living now is all you dreamt it to be. Write your own obituary today. Let this vision be a motivator to get off your butt and follow your dreams. We need to dream a dream or else we're nothing at all. We might as well hang it all up if we cannot be happy and peoples accept us the way are for whom we are and that is as fellow human beings for our individual self happiness. How many of us can say we took the lead and followed through. And yes it is true that changing is hard to do, but it can be done, guaranteed. Change is inevitable and lets be honest we have to face those life decisions one tiny step at a time paths. Consider what you gain and what you loose. Be proud of whom you are and all that you done in so short of time. Never look back. You've got to phase out any and all the old residue. We can always go back to the old ways if you decide you do not like the new. Just give it a shot, what else do you got to loose but too gain? Try to use the imagination of the mind and the soul's experience, just let it all hang loose and feel freely to travel the world. For this is one of the greatest events the mind can do and that is to use heart, and imagination to picture what it all would be like. After all you can only be responsible for you every aspect of your world. Take it slowly one step at a time one day at a time this process to the transition mirror of changes to transform the energy. Remember you have a higher power that believes in you in which you are reaffirmed. Listen to everything this world around us including the precious beauty and such awesome heavenly sounds of the birds that sing happily. You're receiving for making the changes you want or do not want. See the world we have is set in nothing but one huge maze. We're always trying to find that opening to get out of. But really where is it at? Have standards that relate to your values to which you

believe in. Practice creating over and over till you find soon that you have mastered this the circuit of interactions. Know this and that is that living is so fast and all things in the world can be spurred at any one time. Control your life, keep your good qualities and never turn your world upside down. Its how you react that makes you so very dear and special in entirety. For every good thought comes about a shining everlasting blessing through that transformation of the reflection of what you see of yourself to be thought of highly by just you to be that inspiration strength. For today is as it is and the rest a laying of fools gold. But the true gold is that which is you given one special and very unique gift of serenity. God thinks highly of you and so should you of yourself to. You should not be out to impress no one but you and only you for keeps. What worlds awaits tomorrow your smiles to what brings unto others. For you're but the leader for generations to flow. Keep that your gates which to enter into lit fully for the bundling glories of you. You sing the song that others could follow suit of. I think about all that is going on in the world. The animosity, the arguing, no appreciation of supporting enthusiasm. All in all a constant barrage of put downs and attacks of us all the good people in a world that wants to bring us those of us whom have always been positive down to their levels of anxiety and miseries. Just unbelievable. I've come to this conclusion. No one wants to look into the mirror of reflection’s and see what they have really become in this world of uncaring. Perhaps this is why people are depending on medications or mans way to solve things or to change rather than using common sense to realize how much these people who deny hurt us rather than a wanting to the point of wanting, seeking to change for the better. These kind of folk are brutal negative forces of examples of bad seedlings or rotten fruits that stink and smell. These kind of peoples seem to want to stay so negative only on and on in a hashing burned out world so distant. We have to pray for these kind of peoples to change, we're

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