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the leaders of positivity and God's helping us this world, the people have got to want to change and transform in the spiritual new realm. Or else they have no hopes but to stay in the dark. I hear them say well I have bad health, or I'm sick or they do not feel the pains I have and these are bullies that try to imply their roles upon us because of jealousy. I tell you now I have seen and heard this only from the people who do not want to use the mind which God gave us to heal faster. These people crack the mirrors around us and are of the devil with their walking legs, and those are the ones who will not get any better, they are only going to get worse in health as long as they stay negative saying to themselves “stick it” or “I hope something goes wrong with them” or “I have bad health” or if someone says to you, “Aw they are not in pain” and why is it this? It is because they believe positiveness is voodoo when they are casting curses of witchcraft upon themselves of us. They are jealous. These same peoples are cold handed, foolish constantly bitter and complaining. I say this in order to get well you have to say I can win, I will not let this health get me down, now that's the spirit of mind to win. The excuses and their blindness of negativity is only going to get them worse. I say this now and one time only people you ain't never gonna get any better in prosperity, in health unless you use will, unless you change your state of mind and stop using that gravity of negativity to have be inspiring, to have hopes and know there is unlimited possibilities. You can not drown us the positive. You cannot bring us down for we are children of God protected with his shield, his seal upon us and you whom are miserable and using excuses to try to force upon us the good and hopeful, you have not been to the recent Boston site of the bombings to see those who lost legs, lost eyes or lost arms. ou have not seen their tears, and smiles, and yes you have not seen them as our heroes laying their in the hospitals even suffering and how bitterness and complaining is not getting them down. And yet you seek to bring your cracked mirrors never to change and your reflective darkness of destruction upon us the good. You will not win this against us the positive ones.

1) Cheering Thoughts as a family can influence others to have positive attitudes.

 2) A Whole Positive Attitude in you shows on your face in look and rubs off on others what you do today encourages others to follow suit. It shows in the way you glow or smile. Love and romance or relationships grow closer and stronger.

3)Always take the time to go out and have a few moments to yourself everyday. This helps you to be able to keep that thinking ability and thoughts. This is a truly relaxing way of life to enjoy whether it is waves of the rivers or oceans, fresh mountain air, a walk or just to sit and gaze off into the wayward sky whether it is the sunrise or sunset.

4) Relax what you feel and this is anger or joy. Do not take it out on others in violence or angry outbursts. Go outside and scream aloud if you have to or jump high in the air. Laugh with the world and the world will laugh with you. Cheer on the inner you for what you do or cheer on the world and the world will cheer for you back. Release the tensions.

5) The time to go somewhere to rejuvenate and bring in a newer you.

6) Best part to be energized and think positive day and night. In the end you can transform into a new you which everyone will like. Impress yourself first and last. Don't care what other people think of you. Let nothing get in your way of life and dreams.

7) Go to work smiling and enjoy what you do. For what you do in life means pleasing only you, no one else. Look into the mirror and reflect and be happy. What you do in life is your happiness. Jump with glee and jubilation to the highest you can do in the world. You be at the top of the world.


Chapter IV The Positive New You

Chapter IV

The Positive New You


Positive thinking just means that you approach the unpleasantness in a more positive and productive way. You think the best is going to happen, not the worst. When your mind soars you notice more and more positive things. This unleashes an upward spiral of positive emotions that opens. Our brains are not hardwired for optimism or pessimism, so you can learn to accentuate the positive. It's a way to change your attitude toward a more optimistic outlook. A positive attitude can help you overcome even some of the toughest person. There is not on-off switch for positive thinking. Even if you are a natural-born optimist, positive thinking can take effort in the face of challenging situations. Like any goal, the key is to stick with it for the long-term. Even if you find yourself dwelling on negative thoughts, you can look for ways to minimize negative self-talk and cultivate a more optimistic outlook. Optimists tend to view bad or unfortunate events as isolated incidences that are outside of their control, while pessimists view such things as more common and often blame themselves. By taking a moment to analyze the event and ensure that you are giving yourself the credit you are due for the good things and not blaming yourself for things outside of your control, you can start to become more optimistic. Learning to think positive is like strengthening a muscle; the more you use it the stronger it will become. Researchers believe that your explanatory style, or how you explain events, is linked to whether you are an optimist or a pessimist. Optimists tend to have a positive explanatory style. If you attribute good things that happen to your own skill and effort, then you are probably an optimist. Pessimists, on the other hand, usually have a negative attribution style. If you credit these good events to outside forces, then you likely have a more pessimistic way of thinking. Self-talk involves the things you mentally tell yourself. Think of this as the inner voice inside your mind that analyzes how you perform and interact in the world around you. If your self-talk centers on negative thoughts, your self-esteem can suffer. When you start thinking critical thoughts about yourself, take a moment to pause and assess. You have probably heard a thing or two about the benefits of positive thinking. Positive thinkers have better stress coping skills, stronger immunity, and a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. While it is not a health panacea, taking an optimistic view rather than ruminating on negative thoughts can benefit your overall mental well-being. A few common strategies involve learning how to identify negative thoughts and replacing these thoughts with more positive ones. While it might take some time, eventually you may find that thinking positively starts to come more naturally. Consider putting some of the following tips into practice. If you really take the time to look, you will usually find something good, something genuinely positive .It's a way to change your attitude toward a more optimistic outlook. A positive attitude can help you overcome even some of the toughest .Our brains are not hardwired for optimism or pessimism, so you can learn to accentuate the positive. When your mind starts soaring, you notice more and more positive things. This unleashes an upward spiral of positive emotions that opens. The truth is only positive thinking is able to determine your good actions. And those actions will bring you wonderful results. You can train your brain to focus on the positive even if you're wired. When you feel good about something you've done, you get more. It's the positive action that gets you back on track as you reinforce. Complaining is a habit that's very hard to get rid of. Even if you recognize that you have fallen into a pattern of seeing the negatives in every situation. If you often feel unhappy and negative, here are seven ways to turn thing’s back in control, and that's bound to make you feel more positive. Positivity is not something that always comes naturally. Be positive and act positively as often as you can. Starting

today, begin the process of doing more of what you love. Expect some set-backs. In time you will find that the more positive you are as a person, the more positive people will be. The more you give in to your negative thoughts, the stronger they become. Think of the beginning of each year as an opportunity for growth and positive change. You can do it .So the world looks more like something you can affect to get what you want. The less positive you are feeling, the fewer possibilities you see. More often than not, the difference comes down to just one thing thinking. Look around you. You'll discover that they are positive thinkers than optimists. Positive thinking can be a very important element to implement into your daily life. It helps you to create a more productive atmosphere at work, in school or at home with the family. In today's life when one is thronged with worries and tensions all around, it is very difficult to maintain a positive attitude. We need to know several ways on how to be more positive rather than being. Thinking negatively will be a hindrance to have a happy living. Positive thinking just means that you approach the unpleasantness in a more positive and productive way. You think the best is going to happen, not the worst. Expressing gratitude is one of the best things that you can do to make your life more positive. As more of your thoughts and words become positive, you'll start attracting more positive people and circumstances. It is extremely hard to stay positive, but the more we practice the better we get at it. If you have developed very negative thought habits, it will take a bit of effort to change them to more positive habits, but it can be done if you simply work at it . The surprising step forward will change your life. Choose to live the positive side of life. Negative thoughts can affect you mentally and physically. The key is to be more positive, not to have a big head. If the stress in your life is more than you can cope with, get help right away. I believe we can improve our life with faith, hope and strengthening. The biggest concern of problem is conditioning the mind and spirit to the degree of the carnal spirit. To dream is to believe and to believe is to encourage by what you see and learn

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