» Self-Help » Karta: Life-Inspiring Essays On Cognition, Consciousness & Causality, Santosh Jha [free biff chip and kipper ebooks .TXT] 📗

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the trouble. Even if you think, you do not apparently make a mistake; the devil inside you creates such an environment and attitude that a harm looks like an external creation. It is actually an internalized process.

The devil in the story is just a metaphor. Just be liberal and opened up to consider the facts as the background of the events in the story. Do not be judgmental. The psychotic mind is your devil inside. It orchestrates all his machinations silently and unconsciously, presenting his full face at a time when it is conveniently opportune moment.

May be, the princess had unconsciously taken undue pride of her possessions! Anybody can; such enormous were her possessions and may be over a period had turned herself away from the world outside. Probably, her pride, or let us say her unconscious attitude made her lose contact and connect with her people and she ultimately lost her expressions.

In the story, for the convenience, it has been made to look like an instant deed of a Devil but in actual life, it is a slow and steady process, which percolates deep down in the unconscious over a long period of time. Psychosis is not a flamboyant extrovert.

May be; the many princes, who came to see her after the king invited them to marry her, had earlier felt insulted by her behavior of exclusivity and when they saw her in such trouble, they felt great joy in refusing her. May be this … may be that… !

The unconscious mind creates so many psychoses and as the person is in ‘princess-mode’, used to the pampering and stately aura of kingdom, he or she refuses to even admit that the Devil has unknowingly sneaked into his or her soul.

As said earlier, psychosis is there when someone accepts only his or her fixated dimension of subjective realism as true and all others as wrong. He or she even refuses to believe that there can be many dimensions or subjective realisms. Simply, the realism he or she accepts is either a very underrated or an overrated version of realism, far off from the objective realism.

Many of you might have met with such beautiful, very good-hearted princesses and felt that they had similar fate. You might also have felt that the kings in their lives probably led them to their destinies. The kings often unconsciously create such life milieu for their princesses, which often lead them to the door of psychosis, even when they think they did best for them. The kingdom is often in trouble! The same may happen to a prince too. Stupidities and psychosis have no preferred gender…!

You might even have tried your best to make these princesses understand the ‘devil of attitude’ that they had unconsciously housed in their souls and minds but almost every time you would fail. It is tough to deal with the psychosis, the devil inside…

You can ask; why one almost often ends up meeting princesses so beautiful and intelligent but with psychotic attitudes? You wonder, why this, when there are no more the kings and the kingdoms! Well, stupidity is another kingdom…!


Interview With A Top Model

SUCCESS DOESN’T come cheap… too bad… it should… but then; a thing without a decently snobbish price tag ain’t worth a pursuit… hardly merits flaunting…. and what use success if it doesn’t come with loads of rainbowish attitudes to flamboyant exhibitionism…!

This world is worth a penny because, we have things to exhibit to fellow mortals… exhibitionism is the salt of life and, attitude is the brand-wagon of what we have…. our assets…

As the marketing prudence goes, “… what exhibits well, sells well …!”…. exhibitionism of attitude is the right advert for individual warehouse… and, no amount of marketing is bad selling, till markets love it….

The real buyers may not be lured by exhibitionism…. but then, where is the dearth of window-shoppers…! …. you never run short of crowd…. and, the pop-culture feeds on nothing else but crowd madness and competitive consumptiveness….

Sample this interview with a very successful hot model with top brand endorsements in her vanity case:

Q. How would you say, “who are you”?

A. Oh yeah… saying it is as easy as sex… but as hard as loyalty… but then… does it matter…?... who cares!... but, I have done a reality-check on me… did some online tests for my personality orientations… the results put me on the high score of obsessive compulsive disorder meter… and you know, there were some interesting things coming out of these online tests… it said I am a shade bit narcissistic, moderately paranoid, mildly schizoid and borderline neurotic…

Q. …so, you are concerned about the findings?

A. …Neah…! You think am a kiddo…? … I am commonsensical enough to take these things on my stride. And then, nobody has the business to tell me who I am. I already know my facts… and I have my heart at place to accept all my weaknesses and faults with generosity. You know, you have to accept yourself as you are… confidence is all about how you stand in this cruel world… and who knows, it may work for me…! Probably working fine for me. I am big time confident that I would find a man who would love me with all my stupidities and not try to change me….

Q. How can you be so sure…?

A. Why…? If I can accept myself with all my faults, why can’t he? Yeah… I know… it is a bit tough on a guy… but it is the way it has to be… after all… I am worth it… I may not be the easiest girl around but he will have to love me this way… I know who I am… I don’t come easy… I come with a price tag… it should always be this way or never be… get me…?

Q. I do… but, you had a steady relationship with this guy and you are single again?

A. Yeah… I am… he was very good… I don’t lie about things which I reckon is my stupid past… he was a charmer… very talented, well-read, very honest, affectionate and compassionate. And the good thing about him was that he made me very happy and comfortable with myself… which is so rare… and the best thing about him was that he was a man… so rare to find one now a day… ain’t it…?

Q. Then, what went wrong?

A. Nothing…! … from very start of my relationship with him I was sure what I wanted out of it… I took him as my at-the-moment-joy and never as my happily-ever-after proposition… you know…! … it is hell lot easy and saves you of lots of bitter after-taste when you are clear in your mind…. it is then very uncomplicated and straightforward to see and accept things as segmented and segregated….!... you always need to know your priorities… you do and you are happy….

Q. So, what is next in your mind?

A. Oh… nothing… I never plan… I am wild, erratic, enigmatic, free like fragrance, tumultuous but never timid, tentative but never judgmental, moody, bitter, snobbish, even vindictive but I never ever ask anybody to do me a favor… I am too reclusive for all these… and who cares…! I am successful, a winner and proud of what I have done with my life…

Q. Love happening again in your life?

A. Not now… I am a true workaholic… do I have the time for it…?.... anyway, you need to gulp a quantum of good scotch before you go to bed…! … and I am not retiring any soon… not going to the bed any sooner… that’s the way life is… ain’t it…

Wonder…. was that enough… enough for the markets… for fans would always want more… exhibitionism of attitude sells like hot samosas… that’s why, the media shows you loads of attitudes and smart ingenuity and we all imbibe it fully and want more … enough is never enough… till we all go to the bed…!


God’s Design: Was She Right?

A MAN LIVED in deep woods, far away from humans and that too by choice….

Since early civilization, humanity understood the basic causality of all matter with its environment. The cognition, consciousness, conscientiousness and choices; all are colored by environment. He understood and accepted it.

He lived in the forest and was successful in aligning his consciousness to the non-dualism of pure nature and its innate mechanism. He thought so, only to be proved wishful…!

Once, idling in his hut, he saw a herd of deer peacefully grazing in front. He felt affection for them and even wished to offer his food to them. Suddenly, he saw a lioness hidden in the tall grasses, on the other side of the herd of deer. He grew compassionate towards the deer and started making panic sound to woo away the deer.

The deer looked at him for a while and then continued with grazing. The man tried his best, shouting and clapping so that deer could be warned against the lioness. The deer were used to the presence of the man and were assured of his nobleness. They did not pay heed to his efforts.

The man finally dared and stepped out of his hut to chase away the deer with a baton. The deer still did not budge, as they were sure, the man was harmless. Finally, the lioness attacked and killed a deer for his meal.

The man was very sad. His compassion made him cry and he was terribly sorry for not saving the deer. He said to himself, “if only I could know their language, I could have saved them”. He then thought, if he were a bad guy, the deer would have run away from him and could be saved. He landed himself in the multiplicity of emotions.

The nature goddess was watching all this. She had been always around the man and was helpful to him. She asked the man, “why should you feel sad, it is my arrangement. I have wished it this way”.

The man was shocked. “How could you be so unkind? How can you wish and plan such a calamitous scheme of things?” The nature goddess took the man in her arms, made him rest his head on her lap and calmed him, as a mother does to his child.

Later, she reasoned with him, “nature is instinctive; it is singular and non-dualistic reason. As there is grass for deer, there are deer for lioness. If you show compassion for deer, what shall happen to lions?”

The man was not convinced, he said, “but this is brutal, not the way things should be. The lions must understand. Why can’t he turn vegetarian? There is plenty of grass for all.”

The nature goddess replied, “you are mistaken, there is never a plenty of anything. There is a limitation of grass supply, which is why; some were designed to live on flesh.”

The goddess went away and the man pondered, “she is probably right. Even in human society, most things are the way it is in jungle. Like the food pyramid in jungle, there is a life support pyramid in human society. Things do not change even in human society as people always feel, there is never enough and a killing is a must for survival”.

He reasoned, “humans are the most advanced animals and they have reason, logic and consciousness. Still, they have societies where system is more like jungle’s food pyramid. Love and compassion is what makes jungle different from societies, still, they are not the guiding spirit in human society.”

He thought, “probably the nature goddess is right when she says lions too have a life and they need deer flesh for survival. May be lions cannot be trained to accept vegetation and other compassionate food as an alternative. Nevertheless, humans have consciousness and conscientiousness. They have evolved and developed to be mighty resourceful, capable to create an alternative of everything still, why do they still not drop cannibalistic attitudes and practices?”

The very moment, the

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