» Self-Help » Karta: Life-Inspiring Essays On Cognition, Consciousness & Causality, Santosh Jha [free biff chip and kipper ebooks .TXT] 📗

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swim against a wave but not flow like water!

The fluidity; the state of being natural-simple-navigable is difficult.

The large chunks of ice on top of Himalayas; they have colossal forms and not even liquid, still, they reach the oceans! Why not we? They do not have the fluidity but they are willing to attain it and they melt.

They have the natural-simple-navigable attitude to attain fluidity.

The large boulder, standing mid-way the mighty stream; they reach the oceans. They are not liquid. Why not we? They do not have the fluidity but they are willing to attain it and they erode.

They have the s natural-simple-navigable attitude to attain fluidity.

They drop the ego to be shapeless and formless and happily turn into sand.

Is it really that difficult? It is… Like ice and rock, we have a form and mechanism… but they have a singular consciousness, perfectly and innately aligned and attuned to the overall consciousness of the mighty Nature. We do not have this facility…

We have egoistically multiple and multi-dimensionally conflicting consciousness. An individual’s consciousness is not singularly aligned to cosmic consciousness. It has an innate component as well as a cultural component. The singularity of consciousness is missing…

The non-dualism of ice and rock leads them intrinsically to melt, erode and assimilate with singular mechanism of nature’s scheme of things… the stream intuitively follows the ‘natural gradient’ the landscape has provided… nature’s scheme decides the flow…

Humans have dualistic consciousness… engendering rainbowish randomization of probabilistic positioning… the conflict ensues and ensures more psychotic randomizations …

Fluidity is an art… needs lots of riyaaz, the perseverance of practice… being natural-simple-navigable is innate positioning, which we all lose connect with as we grow… fluidity is ‘unlearning’ mechanism… more difficult than ‘learning’…

Not easy …! … how we always wish, it could be… we can try… we shall… can’t we…!


Of ‘Pre-Wired’ Singularity

In the last days, when Leo Tolstoy was confined to bed, what he said when in intense pain and even a state of perfect acceptance of his state of being is truly mesmerizing…

Sample this:

“… everything that happens to a human being is inextricably bound up with the life of the rest of the universe and serves as a manifestation of one and the same life force. Though inaccessible to our minds, this life force is undoubtedly rational and good. Therefore, the death of each and every human being – whatever its external cause – occurs only when this death becomes necessary for his own good and for the good of others….”

This was 1910… and later years of 20th century saw the rise of a scientific acceptance of the concept of one energy…. and now in 21st century, latest scientific positioning weaves a close correlation of almost all celestial happenings to a ‘scheme of things’ pre-wired and pre-scripted…. or what spiritualists would call it as ‘ordained’….

Ancient Indian philosophical and religious scriptures talked of Tolstoy’s ideas almost 1500 years back…. rationality and faith look different but are one energy. This is such a beautiful and satisfying situation…. the feeling that all that can be revealed to all creatures of this universe and beyond is not in confusing multiplicity but in simple singularity …..

We all are one correlated energy, manifested differently and diversely but only in form, but in spirit and faith, we are all one…. conflict is in form… harmony in faith….

…. and as Tolstoy very rightly said:

“…. more a person’s individual manifestation unites with manifestations of others, more he exists in larger and true sense…. and this union with the lives of other beings is accomplished through love and compassion …. god is not love, but the more there is of love, the more man manifests God, and the more he truly exists...”

However, this Tolstoy-syndrome is a huge awakener…. “…do it before you land on the death-bed…”


God Can’t Help, We Can

Somehow, as things are… god cannot help you much…. He is too catalytic for that… He is not a mover…. just a facilitator…. only we can help each other…. truly and effectively… this world is a very cruel place…. nature is always very cruel…. and if you do not have somebody, who can take your hand and lead you to sanity, joy and emancipation…. you will end up knocking all wrong doors….

…. that's why, we all have parents… they were designed to be deputies of god on earth…. but then…. the cruel nature has its game-plan here too…. when men and women become parents, they are themselves too young. Their own senses desiring too many of their own fulfillments… so… essentially, in most cases, the parents grow up along with their own kids….! ... unfortunate but true…!

That’s why… old families usually had grand-parents…. the support system for a child was almost perfect…. and….. multi-layered…. lifelong…. we all need a ‘hand’ to lead us… to protect us… to guide us. Marriage is supposed to be an ideal exchange of hands to each other…. the man be the father of the bride first, then a husband…. the woman be the mother of the groom first, then be a wife… all in a metaphoric scheme of things….

…. and…. even when, they cease to be husband and wife, they remain parents to each other…. till death maketh them apart…. god cannot help you much…. only we can help each other…. and, we should always do… we remain a man or a woman…. even if we cease to be a particular ‘relationship’….

….. for… a woman must be sure… when a man holds her hand and leads her to a dark tunnel…. she has the faith…. at the end of the tunnel is light…. and inside tunnel…. the man shall remain truly a ‘man’…. even as in the darkness of tunnel, he ceases to be a ‘relationship of manhood’…. and…. the vice-versa….


Eleven Dimensions of Hopes

Scientists now maintain, there are possibly eleven dimensions in the universe… though we humans have perception of only three…. may be, we are in urgent need to explore more dimensions and be truly aware about them at very actionable levels…. we humans are very much sad victims of single-dimensionality of a large part of social and personal universe around us….

Usually, when we decide on the utility of a matter, we take into consideration all three known dimensions of it – the length, width and depth …. sadly however, when it comes to measuring the utility of an idea, we are greatly troubled…. most ideas present themselves as single-dimensional…. or simply dimensionless…. !

But then…. as scientists say they can identify eleven dimensions of matter…. why can’t we discover and actuate eleven or even more dimensions to an idea….! Yes… we aan…… but how….?

It is not easy…. rather, very tough…. because, it is a mind thing…. not as convenient as matter… when scientists talk about eleven dimensions of realism, they talk essentially of mind positioning…. may be mathematically interpretable, not amenable to physical manifestations….

The multi-dimensionality of a pure idea like compassion, affection or intimacy, etc. is also very much possible to understand and practice…. If and only if the mind allows it to be positioned in different symmetrically aligned ways….

The average mind, very tragically, is trained from childhood to accept singularity, simplisticity, uni-dimensionality and brevity as hallmark of success…. and also as a truly admirable benchmark for larger comfort and peace of mind…. we essentially train our children to be physically more multi-dimensional but very very singularly focused on one single attainment…. and that is career success….

The hot pursuits of multi-dimensional joys of matter keeps us away from the huge utilities of the need to understand and practice the multi-dimensionality of ideas…. that’s why, we have large majority of people living very mechanical lives and though being hugely dissatisfied and unhappy, still very successful and materially multi-dimensional…..

But then…. we have seen such hardships and tough lives…. It is only natural that our minds were primarily trained for survival and physical comfort, which was not available without toil….

…. the Y-generation, having seen a vibrant world, post 2000 AD, are not obsessed with survival issues and take most comforts for granted…. they may understand and practice the importance of multi-dimensionality of idea…. of course, along with that of matter….

After all, it is this generation who is in greater need of the multi-dimensionality of idea, as post 2000 world, as is a trend with developed societies, face more attitudinal-emotional issues…. purely idea level…

We all hope well for gennext…. hopes should never be single-dimensional…. can they be…!


Attainment, Acceptance And Pain

If life happens… something has to be done with it… it is a human fixation of sorts to ascribe a ‘purpose’ or ‘design’ to every small thing, which is there… and, once this ascription is ascertained, the subsidiary and complementary purposes are lined up as necessary accessories and duly prescribed….

For example, a poet said : “… dreams happen as life happens, dream happens then roads to it happen and when avenues open up, there has to be destinations….!”

Over millenniums, humanity has accepted a larger purpose and design for every living thing… and this is described in one single word, “attainment”.... it is as simple as this, “… if life happens, it has to ‘attain’ something…”.

This word is so beautiful… and, it could have been amazing to see its unlimited dimensions if, cosmic arrangements would not have bridled it with some unchangeable restriction… the diurnal and seasonal movements of earth in its fixed path slapping on humanity a day of 24 hours only and a month and year of fixed time-frame….

This probably had lot to do with the idea of ‘attainment’ becoming more mechanical and actionable… people are always reminded that there is only 24 hours in a day, only 30 days in a month and 365 days in a year and within these short times, a whole universe of ‘attainment’ has to be perfected. This gives most people the kick to become more actionable and largely mechanical for maximizing ‘attainments’….

However, this planet is a stupidly brilliant space, as it is housed by humans… the most eccentric of all creatures…. probably in the universe….! 7 billion humans on this earth make 8 billion definitions of this word ‘attainment’… and this truly makes this earth a most beautiful place to live in to experience life….

A person attains an industrial empire of billions… but wants more time, to make it to trillions… a man gets the love of his beloved and he thanks the God for his ‘attainment’… both struggle… both face competition… both have attained something, which is ephemeral; within the larger definition of life being ephemeral itself. It is altogether different thing that one is not happy and another is happy and content…. at a particular time and space…

This ‘attainment’ energy itself lends energy to a whole plexus of intricate subsidiary and complementary ‘attainments’… and this makes our world…. a truly bizarre and absurd one…. nobody should be as stupid and conceited to pass a judgment that this attainment is right and this is wrong. Everyone has the liberty of his or her choice and its corollaries… this world is so dynamic and exciting because of the multi-dimensionality of this word called ‘attainment’… and its conflicts…

It is altogether different thing that most humans of wisdom prescribed ‘attainments’ sans struggle, competitiveness and divisiveness…. they said, “… attain the ability to enjoy the beauty and fragrance of rose… never the possession of it…, attain the abilities to sing, dance, paint, cook, love, show compassion, etc… not for display but for self-joy… ”.

The body we have acquired for life is the best manifestation of this reality… we have a system called human body which has organs, tissues, cells and genes that have different ‘attainments’ and together they successfully run a body…. life and this world is just a macrocosm of our body….

The key word is ‘acceptance’… people often get confused… they work towards one larger attainment and regret about non-availability of another one… one life is good only for one larger attainment for most… only a few lucky ones have two or more. The Sun

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