» Self-Help » Karta: Life-Inspiring Essays On Cognition, Consciousness & Causality, Santosh Jha [free biff chip and kipper ebooks .TXT] 📗

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must accept his larger attainment of warmth… Sun should not rue about not being as ‘cool’ as moon… nor should moon…

If one part of our body strays from his defined attainment, the body gets dysfunctional and often leading to fatal outcomes…. confusion kills… they said it… and, there is a mechanism which helps in understanding this word called ‘acceptance’. And this is, pain… the tears… it stops you… helps you with a break in your journey…. makes you sure that what path of ‘attainment’ you are treading is truly what you should…. and if not, then accept it, as it is… and be happy….


Back To Stupidity!

A great mind had once said, ‘complete darkness is the ideal space to be in as it is the only possible platform for the most preferred state of non-violence’. Looks quite similar to what another great mind said: ‘Ignorance is bliss’.

This dualism of darkness and light is a huge metaphor for all humanity to figure out. Conflict is the energy of all evolution and essential it is for all good minds to comprehend this primordial and transcendental energy prototype. General prescription of life for average human is to move from darkness to light. Be in the light of the god, is the popular wisdom.

The metaphor of darkness and light has since ages been associated with ignorance and wisdom respectively. Every generation is taught to see the wisdom, be in a lighted world of knowledge. But then, spiritually… and even psychology and science admits that the wisdom is not linear but cyclic… this means, you move from darkness to light but this is only half your journey… the reverse cycle of moving away from light back to darkness is a must to perfect the journey and reach the destination….

The conflict is the energy… when destination is where we started the journey from, then why waste energy in such redundant journey… remain where you are…. this is the conflict that needs to be understood….

You cannot avoid the pains of the journey… if you remain in darkness and don’t strive to see the light, you would never ever understand truly the significance and true purpose of darkness… if you don’t take the arduous journey, you would never ever understand the importance and value of the treasure that is there ….

In modern management principles too, people are told about a technique which looks conflicting: it says, ‘you have to understand the twin, conflicting and simultaneous processes of learning and unlearning…’.

… yes… that’s it… it is a beautiful mind travel… it is a journey of free and able minds… learning and then again unlearning… then only both the ideals are synchronized and valued… from darkness to light and back again…

Love your stupidity; but only when you use it as the energy for a journey to light and back. We start with stupidity, wish to attain wisdom and then please don’t stay there…. make a quick journey back and when you will come back… you will come back to simplicity and humility… which most humans would still call your stupidity… but then…. you would know the difference….


Realisms, At Mind Level

At purely mind level, realism has completely novel set of experiences and it introduces one to a wide new universe, as against the routine to which we are all attuned to … it then beautifully juxtaposes together different aspects and dimensions of self to form a new ‘whole’. For example, either hydrogen or oxygen alone manifests as a gas, whereas their combination can be a liquid – water.

At mind level, it is easy to apprehend a very basic thing, which helps us rise above a very crippling effect. Humans have to keep pace with changes in physical environment. Evolution is a slow process as it involves synthesis of mind. Physical environment however changes fast as it involves changing bodies, which is easy and fast. There are conflicts in contemporary human societies and these conflicts and struggles are growing fast as we humans are far behind in evolution, compared to changes in physical environment. …and these physical changes are being accentuated by fast technological advancements every day…

At mind level, it is also very easy to understand DIVERSITY, which baffles most of us and leads us astray in our day to day life actions. The idea of evolution embodies a belief that there is an inner blueprint, which guides our growth. In plants, such a hidden pattern is suggested by the growth of a seed into a mature plant. Each acorn, for example, sprouts and develops following a specific sequence. As bark and leaves are formed they display characteristics that are the same for all oak trees. Even so, each tree develops a unique arrangement of branches. This is a pointer to singularity of energy (wisdom) amid diversity of actionable patterns in we humans… it is easy to understand and appreciate at mind levels…

At mind level, human being is conceived as an energy system. Actions, images, emotions, and thoughts may be seen as basically varied forms of energy. As people begin seeing their behavior simply as energy, without the usual labels of heart and soul, the possibility of transformation becomes much more real and alive for them, opening many new options for expression.

A behavior pattern or belief system or typical emotional reaction may seem very difficult to change for a common person, yet when the underlying energy of these patterns is contacted, it can be redirected. For example, one will say, Here comes my usual angry reaction and then, he or she will say, I sense this negative energy: do I want to express it by yelling, or simply stating that I'm angry, or withdrawing, pouting, asserting myself, artistically creating something, moving, or instead, playing with it?. Look, how once seemingly optionless behavior opens up to varied potentials.

Thinking in terms of energy is also valuable for getting inner guidance. Through energy awareness, perception extends beyond the forms of one's life into the realms of higher consciousness. To live and move in the world of energies evokes intuitions, revealing new inner qualities and sense of the next step ahead.


Stains Are Good?

People usually make sure that they follow what is NORM and be successful in the benchmarks underlined within the norm ; social, cultural and economic. There are few stupid, with strange and ab NORM al choices, whom earlier society called MAD but today, a more liberal and educated society call mavericks… 

People have now developed knack for maverick way of expression and choices. A beautifully expressed rebel positioning says: stains are good! Since ages, people in love and people of extreme high emotions and intellect have justified even the stupiditiest of choices and positioning if and only if the intentions are decisively novel and noble. 

A poet beautifully justified his iconoclastic; maverick behavior as he said he was in love and could not do without it… stains are good, if enhances love, intimacy and compassion… but beware… intentions are invisible and intangible, stains however are not… 


Between Only & Also

Can things be as simple as that… or could it be an ever-complicating spiral! Yeah…! sounds so simple…. but looks so almost impossible to have it in your shirt pocket…

Usually, the best of minds are averse to speaking…. naturally….! What a mind attains is wisdom of unknowable… something, which cannot be known but only be revealed. That’s why, an initiative to make an ‘unknowable’ known, through the knowledge of words is such a dangerous exercise.

Best of minds prefer it this way, “…better carry blame than guilt…” If you speak, you are guilty of saying things not many would understand and this would spread more ill-will. If you don’t, you carry only the blame that he could but didn’t. Preferable!

Some great minds sometimes say a few words, out of pure compassion. One such mind said, “… wisdom is just between two words: To Be Or Not To Be”. Another great mind simplified it: “… the two words are – ‘Only’ and ‘Also’.

The first word is individualistic and sparks off absolutism. Second word is collective and hints at relativity. From a person to society, from politics to economics, from consumption to spiritualism, from religion to law; every single idea and matter that humanity can think of, is a knowledge between the wisdom of the two words.

It must remain self-explanatory. Best it is that it remains for individual revelation….! It is all about a ‘poise’…. every individual has to find it and apply it …. nobody else can help….


Getting To The Bottom of Fathomless Ingenuity!

Human ingenuity is deep and vast like an ocean…. Since ages, humanity has created defense of every thinkable idea and action and has even set benchmarks like strong fortresses. Someone defended his loud speech saying, “truth knows no fears”. Ingenuity presented its own defense and countered, “thieves speak louder”.

Generations to follow are torn between these conflicting benchmarks…. to be or not to be….! The greater trouble is the Frankenstein syndrome…. people create benchmarks to set them more free and allow them more operating space… and later, they themselves become ‘slaves’ to their own benchmarks…. limiting themselves no ends….

Similar is the tragedy with metaphors and icons. Humanity created metaphors and benchmarks of god, religion, morality, ethics, law and etiquettes. The ingenuity created smart counter metaphors and benchmarks…. and generations after generations, people became slaves to these….

And even as one says this, ingenuity is quick to quip, “how negative! Can’t they think of anything positive”. Okay…. let us admit ingenuity call and say things what may qualify as positive. Let us say even if half the glass is empty, we must see positives and say, ‘half the glass is filled!

And, the ingenuity snaps back, “ idiots; how stupidly status quoits, can they ever be positive!” You think, best it is to remain silent! Huh…! … how stupid…. how dare you underestimate ingenuity!


Of Order Of Disorder and Disorderly Order

When we talk of disorder…. mental, physical, social, economic, political etc.; the first question which comes to mind is what is ‘order’ or ‘orderly’, to be precise…. and above all; by what criteria the term orderly is precisioned…

Let us first sample the accepted definitions of order…. the research zeroes down to the one below:

A condition of logical-methodical or comprehensible-prescribed arrangement, the established system of social organization, a sequence or arrangement of successive things, a customary procedure, an authoritative sanction of a prescribed model, etc….

It is easily decipherable to anyone that definitions of ‘order’ are expressly ‘collective, societal and authoritative’…. order and consequently, disorder shall also remain an interpretation of the collective will of a contemporary society….

To make it more clear; disorder is essentially a cultural benchmark…. mostly enjoying the authoritative sanction. An individual positioning, as often, may stand in complete or partial contrast with the established norms and benchmarks of ‘order’ and lead to a stand which may sound like a ‘disorder’ but only by the established societal pathology…. an individual might always say, ‘he is healthy and in perfect order…’!

An extreme of this may be an individual, or a small collective labeling the benchmark of order of the authoritative collectivity as a ‘disorder’ itself…. it is happening. All rational people in this world have always respected and even welcomed individual perspectives…. revolutions, which bring about refreshing changes in societal-political order, have always germinated from individual initiatives…. or from a small collectivity….

All definitions of ‘order’ and ‘disorder’ are bordering beyond what may be termed as authoritative. What authoritatively is ‘orderly’ is a ‘disorder’ in popular perception and the vice-versa. Old benchmarks of authoritative and societal-cultural order and pattern are in for a toss. The new benchmarks of ‘order’ are more on the wrong side of popular perceptions. Or, to euphemize it, we can say, new ones are subject to a chaos and confusion that is typical of a popular perception in a society, especially societies of sub-continent size and oceanic proportions. A ‘disorder’ is only natural and the system still working with some kind of a semblance of ‘order’

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