» Self-Help » Give Me My Crown Back, Santosh Jha [best romance ebooks .txt] 📗

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Mortality is deeply wired in subconscious, which innately creates the antithesis of survivalist collective instincts; leading to the synthesis of compassion. That is why God and all faith processes come natural to all humans as they are common expression of the probabilistic subconscious and compassion needs. All religions are core expressions of compassion. This also ensured that average human was compassionate, accommodative with ‘Others’, as his or her own deep sense of vulnerability installed it.

The conscious mind states however, have the evolutionary design of antithesis – hence conscious mind state is broadly deterministic; heuristic in expressions, at least in constant competitiveness to challenge the probabilistic subconscious. It is also a dimension of compassion needs of humanity. It is here the politics and economics enter as ‘catalyst of chaos’, for the institutionalization of profitability plexus.

A compassionate familial-societal order is a domain that essentially ensures a self-regulated milieu. As the elements of system and order are internal, there is no need and utility of external mechanism and process of ‘control’ and ‘authority’. This is the killer for politics and economics. Naturally, politics and economics play their crafts with conscious mind states of humans. They devise all ingenious symbolisms and processes, which essentially embolden the deterministic propensities of the conscious mind. Like, an average man or woman today is more concerned about his or her life and health insurances, rather than changing the ‘wrong’ lifestyle and food habit. They also focus more on more money and not good family-friend bonding for safety and surety of future life-living. The innate and embedded compassion need has entered the dubious domain of commerce and institutionalized trade off. This conscious insistence on deterministic life-living choices engenders a subconscious, which is more brutally competitive and exclusivist; more aligned to ‘individualistic empowerment’ than collective strength. This dualistic and chaotic subconscious mind humanity is ideal situation for politics and economy. They happily, even criminally schematize to embolden it.

This deterministic insinuation is the mother of all exhortations for elements of control and authority in myriad shades. Politics and economics are always upfront in nourishing the elements of control and authority like a pampering father, by kindling the dormant yet monstrous instinct of ‘Identity’, ‘Egoism’ and ‘exclusivism’. Consumerism is the most effective tool of personal power to individual, standing in powerful and authoritative competition with ‘others’ and collectivity. The growing demand of ‘power’ and ‘authority’ in consumerized individual is happy news for politics and economics. It validates the autocratic and oppressive power and authority of the state, government and politics over people in subconscious mind states of common people.

Therefore, individual men and women alone can make an enterprise to restore compassion, allow liberties the less competitively conflicted milieus to enhance possibility of personal sanity, even as collective space has lost it. It is for the aware and empowered men and women to strike a golden poise and equanimity between the dualistic urges of probabilistic and deterministic consciousness. This restoration process of individual as well as collective compassion may begin by every individual consciously attempting to align more of his or her individual aspirations with collective ones and side by side become less intensely attached with polity and economy. The family and society must get back their due and innate superior situation and position in human life-living, compared to polity and economy. It has to be accepted that because of our very body-mind design, family and society is internal to us and polity and economy is external. We therefore have to align ourselves more with what is internal and innate to us rather than what is external and synthetic to our design.

Every individual has to question the very utility and fruition of contemporary politics, governments and economics. The polity and economy induced competitive individualism with exclusivist propensities must accommodate compassionate community life-living elements to make them breathe easy and fine. It is a call of the millennium. We are not living in old and archaic stupid and hypocritical world of philosophies and faith mysticisms. The new and contemporary age is the Age of Scientific Reason, based on objective, logical, measurable, replicable and irrevocable knowledge of Reality. We all need to be in perfect linearity with Reality.

If we look at journey of humanity so far, we may say that probably, the worst mistake humanity has done is not that it has not understood the Reality or the core trouble humanity has because of this innate nature of Reality. Rather, the single largest trouble for humanity is that even while it had and still has rather sound and singular knowledge and wisdom about its core trouble and possible solution, humanity has always failed in inducting this wisdom into the mainstream of life-living practices and functions. Not to have something is bad but have it, squander it and not utilize it for any worthwhile purpose is worst. Humanity seems to have excelled in squandering all precious wealth of knowledge and wisdom of the past and even present. This has to change or we get extinct!

Even in contemporary human world, the modern science has acquired indisputable knowledge that somehow reiterates the transcendental wisdom humanity could decipher many millenniums back. Yet, humanity seems oblivious of them and it still seems, this scientific knowledge is meant only for labs and handful of researchers. Moreover, the contemporary Media goes a long way to ensure that when they reach science to common men and women, they get reduced to ‘Pseudo Science’, causing more confusion. Politics just loves it!

If we look at the contemporary world situation and attempt a correction of everything that have gone wrong and in reverse direction of sanity and system, we can easily see and accept how impossible the task is. The magnitude of human population that shall require upside-down change by a new mindset training and persistent education, a hugely powerful, corrupted and mindless lobby of politicians, corporations and money-lords who profiteer out of the contemporary insanity of the system and overall, the deeply ingrained and embedded sensitivity of ethnicity, religious dogmatism and nationalism along with many other small factors make it impossible for even start of any step towards sanity.

The human world has now sort of institutionalized insanity to such powerful and impregnable structural excellence that any voice of sanity and change shall be eliminated at very inception. The profit empires of a handful of only five percent of humans are so massive and deep rooted and they have acquired so much clout and control over most structures of power-authority in contemporary world that it is almost impossible to even initiate any change that essentially has to be against the status quo. More importantly, the contemporary politics and governments have become so autocratic and corrupt that it simply does not allow a narrative, which could harm their empire. The entire 20th century has so successfully worked out and strengthened such symbiotic structures of greed between politics and economy, that in 21st century, as the realism seems to stand today, the human world is a theatre where only five percent humans are controlling the lives of rest of 95 percent humans, relegating them to the status of slaves and puppets in their hands.

… may be; it is this hopelessness and impossibility, which seems to install this expression – Give Me My Crown Back. The people, the common men and women, who are supposed to be the true and real sovereign, has this last chance before it is too late. The inevitability of human extinction has many probabilities. Politics and governments are probably the only probability, which together all 7.5 billion people can resist. Give Me My Crown Back is optionless and unputdownable…!

The agenda is clear, singular and common to all. Knowledge of Reality alone can Give Us The Crown Back. As an author, I am unashamed to beg all to read it, share it and extend mass and energy to the crusade for a knowledgeable society and culture. This alone can save all of us from the predator of ignorance. The monster of politics and government shall automatically be tamed and made to be accountable and just. It is your crown, our crown and together we can and we do Get The Crown Back…!


Reality Is, What It May, As ‘You’ Are…

‘You’ are alive and in good knowledge of everything that happened to this universe and all lives on Earth, in the past 14 billion years. So, ‘You’ are aware of Reality of everything but, it happened because ‘You’ were born and ‘You’ happened to have a body and mind. Billions of lives and deaths happened, trillions of things happened and infinite events happened but ‘You’ didn’t see, experience and remember anything. ‘You’ saw and experienced everything only in the last few years of Your life, as ‘You’ happened, Your body-mind happened. Also, billions of lives and deaths shall happen, trillions of things shall happen and infinite events shall take place after Your death and ‘You’ shall not see, experience and know them. Reality, whatever it may be, is continuous and non-contextual in its holism; only ‘You’ happen in between at some tiny ‘dot’ in the infinite continuation as some ‘Media’ and ‘contextualize’ the reality, as per the design of Your body-mind media.

Reality had and shall play out infinite shades of things but ‘You’ as a temporary ‘Media’ come and go, without having any substantial role in past and future of the cosmic Reality. Almost infinite aspects of the Reality of universe and lives in it are now available for ‘You’ and they exist as ‘You’ exist. As they exist now, ‘You’ are aware of the past 14 billion years and can also imagine about next 14 billion years. However, as ‘You’ die, all realities disappear. Nothing ‘exists’ anymore. Realities end! It is because the ‘Media’ of ‘You’, which was the ‘context’ of the Reality to play out and express itself, is dead, disappears and is not there.

Realities are infinite as ‘You’ as media is alive. Realities are zero as ‘You’ as media is dead! Realities as it is or as it might be, exists and still plays out in infinite shades but only through different ‘Media’ of individual ‘YOUs’, presenting ‘context’ to Reality. Therefore, for all practical purposes, only the ‘individualistic’ and ‘personal’ reality exists and even the collective reality stands as the summation of assimilation of all personal realities. This also is the primary basis and validation of the hypothesis that sanity of collectivity is actually a misnomer; it does not exist as some entity on its own. Only the possibility of sanity of individual and personal exists. Therefore, nothing in this universe is more important than an individual and its consciousness as it is the primary constituent element of all Realities. Nothing has meaning, purpose and realism without ‘You’. Universe has no meaning-purpose of its own; infinite shades of meaning-purpose happen, as ‘You’ happen…

Reality may look like a continuous and singular entity, irrespective of whether ‘You’ are or other ‘YOUs’ are alive or dead but, this seems so only because of the continuity in ‘Media’ and ‘context’ of ‘YOUs’, which have a common body-mind mechanism. Therefore, if Reality is ever a singular and continuous realism, it is not because what it is but because of what ‘You’ are and because the commonality of mechanisms and processes of all ‘YOUs’. This is the singular secular Reality and everything else is variegated mix of hypocrisies.

The universe has no meaning and destined purpose. Lives on Earth or if elsewhere too have no purpose and meaning. Reality itself is nothing and unworthy of any utility. All meanings, all purposes, all realities start and end with ‘You’, or Self. The universe, the Earth, the lives have only those meanings, purposes, utility and worth what ‘You’ or self assigns and accepts. Therefore, if ‘You’ are in Sanity, System, Order, Righteousness, Goodness and Wellness, then only the universe, the Earth, the lives are. It is ‘You’, the Self that matters and has any utility. This is the singular notion installed and elaborated 3000 years back in ancient Indian philosophical

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