» Self-Help » Give Me My Crown Back, Santosh Jha [best romance ebooks .txt] 📗

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traditions of ‘Aham Brahmasmi’ (I Am God).

The consciousness has the continuity and it is the element, which Reality always has. Reality is deciphered because it engenders Causalities. Causalities find expression and intent through Consciousnesses. The ‘Media’ of ‘I’, ‘You’ and ‘They’ might come and go; extend a subjective feel to continuity of consciousness for a Time as irrelevant as zero but ‘it’, in its objective expression, was, is and shall always be there, if Reality has any meaning and purpose. In the famous Indian holy book Geeta, Krishna awakens Arjuna about cosmic consciousness and says, “When was the time when ‘I’ was not there and, when shall be the time when ‘I’ shall not be.” The continuity of ‘You’ is immortal; only the ‘Media’ of ‘You’ changes and takes subjective expressions.

It must be reiterated with all possible humility and sincerity of consciousness that contemporary humanity must see, understand, accept and internalize that in our civilizational and cultural march to modernity of institutional and organizational life-living, we have almost dumped the primary reality of human life-living. This primary reality, which thinking minds and philosophers of early humanity listed out with strong conviction, is that the individual, the person, an average man or woman is the everythingness of all somethingness that social and collective living can design and execute for sanity of system.

It is tragic and decisively the biggest and worst hypocrisy of humanity that now this individual or person is nowhere in picture in scheme of things of society, culture, economy, markets, politics, religion and even scientific and technological advancements. Rather, personal sanity and personal dignity gets more degraded and emaciated as collective efforts for so-called ‘betterment’ of life-living of common men and women go up. The most glaring example of this worst hypocrisy is how globally, human education system is being majorly shaped, designed and devised to generate ‘Efficient Workers’ for economic activities, which in turn create handful of billionaires and reduce the majority of average men and women as ‘machines’ and slaves. This machine is also growingly being replaced by ‘artificial intelligence’ (robots). Human education is no more designed for enhancing and improving personal sanity and system of individual because, it shall create men and women with a strong sense of liberty, purpose and direction. This shall be trouble for politics, governments and businesses!

If an individual is the sole ‘Media’ of all Reality; if ‘I Is God’, none and nothing else can and should take away the ‘Crown Position’ from ‘You’; the individuality and Your Liberty to be ‘You’. This acceptance is option-less! The mounting and huge hypocrisies of contemporary human world and culture, by which state, governments, politics, economy, commerce, religion et all are reducing ‘You’ and personal spaces as slave to their nefarious agenda, must end. They must bow down to the Real and True Sovereign – ‘You’. For this to happen, the ‘You’, the individual must rise and insist – Give Me My Crown Back…!



Humanity has always had an instinctive liking for the mighty and powerful. Majority of humanity still worships heroism of forceful individuals who wield the might, to control everything, by any means. That is probably why, human history never ever had shortage of individuals who showed brazen will to conquer the world, rule it by might, had the strength of force to annihilate anything, which resisted their diktat. Rather, the golden prerogative of history writing and history monopolizing were restricted in the hands of the mighty.

However, even the mightiest of human colossal, in the long history of humanity, feared only one thing – The Question; even simple, innocuous and straight question; the Question of Ultimate Reason!

As a matter of universal rule, mightier an individual gets, more he fears questioning; the logic and reason behind realism. This fear emanates out of the universal causality of reality that power and authority comes out of series of successes one has and every success is a complex conglomeration of hypocrisies, often forceful, which an individual piles up to be successful. The mighty and great is usually sitting on top of a Mountain of Hypocrisies with a glittering but slippery Crown on his head. Almost every mighty individual knows; sometimes not, that he owes it to hypocrisies; well mounted and authoritatively persevered. People, in general, even though in acknowledgment of the hypocrisies, somehow feel elated to extend their mandate to the mighty, to lend solace to their own entrenched yet unfulfilled greed for power.

There is a science behind this and we are talking about all these here. Knowledge of Reality and its theatre of expression – the Human Consciousness, is science and we have it all here…

The mighty and great fears nothing but the Question of Reason, as it has the mightier potential of exposing his hypocrisies and thus shaking the high platform of Legitimacy of his might and the dubious Mandate for it. Questions have the scary potential to Unseat the Crown from the head of the mighty and his legitimacy reign. And therefore, the mighty individual has no choice but to kill the question; ultimately the questioner, at the first instance! Wisdom, the Knowledge of Reality, is intimidating for those, who profiteer from the empire of ignorance. And usually, therefore, the weapon of annihilation is nothing else but Hypocrisy. Ultimately comes, the sword or the barrel of the gun! It has to; supremacy of organized violence is mandate unto itself! Calamitously enough, even this gets the Mandate of what is proverbially accepted as People! We know how the predator of humanity rules over the prey!

As humanity evolved and progressed into institutionalized and organized life-living, the transcendental role and mantle of killing the question of reason as well as the questioner itself shifted to authoritative institutions and big organizations in 21st century. The biggest and mightiest of all institutions and organizations is now the state power, the authority of governments, its agencies and politics, in collusion and nexus with big corporations; often ‘legitimately mandated’ by people. The state and governments are the mightiest aggregators of the conglomeration of hypocrisies and therefore they now dread the question of logic and reason the most. They are the mightiest annihilators of questions and questioners in 21st century world of humans.

This Is No More A Secret, Wrapped In Silvery Drape Of Golden Hypocrisies. There are sufficient and categorically factual data and written texts now available in public domain for anyone to check and be sure; as if the empirical evidences all around us are not enough!

And, what is this single, simple and straight-forward question that every mighty individual or even the mightiest state and governments are terribly scared of and out to kill? The simple question; the parentage of all questions, since thousands of years is – ‘What Happened To Human Dignity?’

The simple yet transcendental question is – why every organization at successive stages of human evolution up to civilized life-living, eventually meant annihilation of individual dignity? Why every success of humanity effectually compromised the primary need of Human Dignity? Why individual delegation of authority to organized collectivity, for his or her welfare, finally turned out to be the assassins of individual dignity itself? Why the actual and real sovereign, the common people, who ‘contracted’ and ‘delegated’ the collectivity to protect him or her and lead to security of life, eventually got robbed and eliminated by the same collectivity? Why the average man and woman now stand at the mercy of state and governments to pray against his or her ‘culpability’, which is essentially a gift of the collectivity itself? It shall be unfair if the question is not added as why the crony group of people, who benefitted from the power-patronage, pulled their mass and energy behind the mighty in suppressing average people?

The questions have always been there, since humans started to lead a settled life and primary elements of leadership and institution began to take shape. This basic, minimal and elemental question of Human Dignity is seeded with so many subsidiary questions that it potentials a major threat to all power and authoritative structures, as they have the embedded potential to challenge and overthrow the hypocritical legitimacy they enjoy. It happens because the very nature of success of power enterprise stands antithetical to the situation of grassroots practicality of Human Dignity. The success of authority cultivation and harvesting cannot happen without seeding, planting and maturing of hypocrisies. As hypocrisies thrive and energize power structures, logic and reason stand hugely compromised. As reason is compromised, question of Human Dignity is the first thing that stands to get brutally slaughtered at the feet of the mighty and great. For the mighty and crowned, this is the ultimate joy they cannot resist!

In the 21st century, as the third decade unfolds, these questions stand valid and have strong ground and need for real and true answers as they are no more shrouded in abstractions and dualism of philosophies and social sciences. Rather, they now have the rooted basis in the science, the Modern Contemporary Science of Reality, which thankfully includes the Reality of Humanity – the Human Consciousness, Cognition and Causalities; leaving nothing much to abstractions of past centuries that engendered, persevered and thrived the hypocrisies. Moreover, contemporary science and critical technologies have empowered common men and women enough to challenge the structured and institutionalized hypocrisies, stupidities and mediocrities of politics and governments. Nothing should now exist and prolong as a probability, which stands in contravention to scientifically proven Reality-Test. Stupidities and hypocrisies of the past must pass the eligibility-test of the contemporary benchmarks of objective and holistic science of Reality. We are doing it right here.

Interestingly, all roads to power and authority branch off from the very question of the welfare and empowerment of the individual human being. From the petty tribal leader or head priest of a small group ten thousand years back to the 21st century democratic welfare state, every power and authority structure derived its legitimacy from the people it presided over and ruled. The biggest human hypocrisy has been this situation that the individual was and still is hailed as the real and true sovereign and yet, never ever any power and authority structure ensured the universal bare basics of Human Dignity. It is because by very nature and instinctive positioning, power is a deviant characteristic, in not only human mechanism of consciousness, rather in all higher organisms. It is always positioned to annihilate liberty, equality and fraternity, which are essential elements for Human Dignity. Power and authority engenders a ‘Mutual-Profitability-Plexus’, which finally corrodes and eats away all checks and balances that are put in place in modern governances to keep power rationalized and responsible. The nexus, which human ingenuity creates for survival-sustenance that the human brain is innately designed for, has no parallel in living world.

There have been numerous philosophical hypotheses, which have been advanced and installed to back the stupidities and hypocrisies behind the initiation and continuation of power and authority over masses, in the name of their betterment. We shall peripherally deal with all such stupid philosophies in this eBook but, shall essentially detail how contemporary modern science of Reality and Human Consciousness makes them archaic, obsolete and even dangerous.

For example, there is a deep philosophy to legitimize subjugation of individuals by authority structures of state and its institutions, which says, human intelligence of ingenuity for selfish personal righteousness can never be trusted as objectively rational. The hypocritical logic is – the shrewdness of maneuverability of individual for selfish means and ends for personal profitability is always the instinctive populist intelligence of an individual and therefore, the individual human consciousness is always suspect, always required to be reined in. Moreover, the old and tested hypocrisy of ‘I Am Intelligent As All Others Are Ignorant’, has always backed the stupid and hypocritical logic for mandate to legitimacy of collective power-authority. This philosophy in its generic manifestation is ancient and was successfully installed to justify the huge hypocrisies of slavery and colonialism.

It is not entirely coincidental that power and authority has always either claimed

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