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to be the sole possessor of ‘intellect’ or has aligned the ‘intellectuals’ to their side. Most identity-based ethnic manipulations are rested on this hypocritical philosophy of archaic origin and obsolete worth, which presupposes ignorance and anarchic character of individual (ruled) and therefore automatically mandated to remain subservient to ‘higher intellect’ of oligarchic collectivity (rulers). The ‘White Man’s Burden’ for the so-called ‘welfare and uplift’ of ‘colored’ identities killed millions and annihilated the very semblance of individual human dignity for centuries. It still persists! It is like, one set of stupidities-hypocrisies getting mandate of legitimacy to rule over another set of stupidities-hypocrisies.

The state and its institutional authority draws its automatic mandate and legitimacy out of this ‘professed culpability’ of the instinctive stupidity of individual and not out of the much professed idealism of ‘delegation’ of power from the real sovereign of people to the state for welfare of the sovereign itself. Therefore, the state, governments and politics structures have always devised and designed ways to paint the common men and women (citizens) with one culpability or the other. The more people are in the jail or facing trials by different law and judicial agencies, more substantiated the legitimacy and mandate of the state, government and politics stand. The politics therefore makes the maneuvering and the governments respond by pushing more and more people on the wrong side of the law and authority. This is a 21st century global trend.

The so-called idealism behind the mighty authority and power of the state and its institution is the hypocritical welfare philosophy, which insists that as individual consciousness can never be objectively detached to his or her subjective preference for selfishness, it is always the Collective Consciousness of state and governance institutions, which can attain this objectivity for welfare of all; as if ‘collective’ is some entity bereft of ‘individuality’ of its constituents! Or, as if institutions automatically align individuals to sanity and rationality.

Surely enough, as we all know, this hypocritical idealism also prevailed for centuries, defining relationship between men and women as well as patriarch and children. The male world successfully persevered the dubious idealism of hypocritical welfare philosophy, akin to the infamous White Man’s Burden, where the males hypocritically claimed the intellectual and cognate superiorities, therefore the ordained burden to rule over the females and also children for their own welfare! A stupid man, just because he had the semen to become a father, automatically qualified and became eligible overnight to decide on everything of his child! As if, fatherhood automatically washes away all stupidities and makes a male automatically and instantly to qualify as the decider of everything of the family. Similarly, a bunch of stupid and hypocritical people, when becoming a politician, qualify automatically and instantly to preside over a government and decide everything for the nation!

Does this stupidity and hypocrisy survive in 21st century world? Does this insane logic of innate superiority of legitimacy of patriarchy and politics fit into the 21st century age of scientific reason? No; we all know that it has very definitely begun to change in many developed, educated and empowered societies, where the patriarchal order and male chauvinism is giving way to rational and equitable system. The logic and reason of objective science alone is the basis of any Reality in contemporary world. Stupidities and hypocrisies of all shades of philosophies and psychologies have to go and they must.

The perceptible and blatantly explicit question is; even if someone or something is superior or has the mandate for burden of supervision, how can and under what pretext, the inequality, suppression and violence by the so-called superior be justified and mandated? We live in the 21st century world, where even a child’s innate rights are being accepted vis-à-vis parents and teachers, who are growingly being evolved not to use force, authority, aggression and subjugation behavior and actions against them. The gender sensitivity is now at the top of societal as well as political-economic agenda. The new millennium is re-defining the role of power and authority in family and society, with specific insistence on empathy, equitability and dignity. Human Dignity is the sole benchmark of righteousness and appropriateness of familial-societal milieus. In 21st century, evolved and empowered cultures are emphatically orienting themselves towards compassion. How come state, governments and politics not change and fall in sync and symmetry with this new paradigm shift in human reality?

The history of humanity clearly shows that the state and its institutions, especially in modern day welfare states in larger economies are far more calamitous agency of wrongs, irrationality and brutality than an individual or group of people can ever be. The stupidities of an average individual are so miniscule, localized and un-nexus-ed. However, the stupidities and irrationality of those handfuls; the repository of Organized Hypocrisies, who virtually run the state’s institutional authority, have wreaked havoc on the mankind and they threaten the very existence of humans on Earth, let alone this ubiquitous question of Human Dignity. It happened just because humanity could not design and devise reasonably sound checks and balances on power and authority structures and functions and till date, had no effective wherewithal to implement it perfectly. Humanity and its overdependence on philosophical perspectives could never create a design to check the ingenuities of nexus of oligarchic manipulations. They didn’t have the wherewithal. Contemporary science and modern technologies have it and 21st century can do it, what humanity could not since centuries. The Rogue elements of legitimate state, governments and politics can now be tamed. We now have the scientific Reason and the Wherewithal.

There is another element of government and politics, which has now become a huge scourge for average men and women. It is notoriously referred as the Deep State, which is essentially a ‘Personality’ or personalities, which the state power, government authority and politics often shapes into and orchestrates personalized agenda of ‘autocratic’ propensities within the façade of democratic structure of politics and governments. The modern manifestations of Deep State plexus are essentially ‘Illegitimate Progeny’ of legitimate and democratic authoritative structures, which politics fathers with well-marked intents. No Deep State insinuation can survive and flourish without tacit patronage of politics, even if they may get life sans politics. Some Deep State operators may be apolitical but it is for sure that all Deep State elements are essentially sourced and seeded out of legitimate authoritative structures; often Constitutional credentials; but have personal power-agenda, starkly different from avowed goal of people’s welfare. These Deep State operators are the worst culprits of assassination of Human Dignity. The Deep State essentially has transformed democracy and its idealisms only as paper reality; in turn enslaving the masses for their own ends. This Deep State reality needs to be understood in details later in this eBook as any semblance of restoration of sovereignty back to people shall have to deal with it and root out this modern menace, which has unleashed such crimes on humanity, which even devil and monster shall feel ashamed of. Tragically, most people even do not know anything about these.

In contemporary world realities, we can say with utmost conviction that an irrational and imbecile individual, or unorganized group of people, standing emaciated in contemporary world of powerful probabilities, is still a better choice than the powerful and instinctively autocratic and martial state, its governance institutions, politics and Deep State. The 21st century Reality, backed by empirical evidences as well as global data of facts, surely confirms this. Unorganized, randomly structured and powerless stupidities and hypocrisies are always preferable than organized, institutionalized and unlimited authoritative stupidities and hypocrisies!

This probably is the Question of Reason, which stands to plead that the Dignity of Human Being should now be assigned its original crown position. If the 21st century is the age of objective reason and scientific logic, then what better time to install the question and hoist it right on top of the Human Agenda. The contemporary age of excellence of human reason and potential for optimality of Human Dignity in all probable dimensions is definitely the right time when the individual, despite its historicity of ignorance, disempowerment, detachment and subjugation, can and should seek and ask, with support from all layers of reasoned intelligence in global human society – Give Me My Crown Back!

There is enough and categorically factual data of the historical evolution of the hypocrisies and stupidities of state and governments across the globe. The emerging reality of absolutist, irresponsive, oligarchic, clandestine and suppressive state and its institutions in the 21st century has enough substantive corroboration about politics and governance deviating far away from their professed roles, legitimacy and mandate. Given the contemporary oligarchic power structure of the politics-corporations nexus, with only a handful of billionaires owning majority of wealth, controlling international finances for profiteering at the rising cost of people’s dignity; even their lives, there is an evident and overt advocacy of a complete relook at politics, governance and economic mechanisms and processes. This advocacy however, is not philosophical or abstractly emotional – it is rather purely scientific. It is based on science of reality, which is the true 21st century wealth of humanity. It should be in public possession…

In 21st century world, the philosophy is definitely not the basis of this assertion of reaffirmation of individual and giving people the sovereignty back to restore their lost dignity. Rather, this is an expression of scientifically expansive and factual understanding of how people act and behave and how state and governance institutions organically evolve to become the demons of destruction of human dignity and human rights. It is the 21st century contemporary scientific understanding of Reality that slogans the call of ‘Give Me My Crown Back’ and not the abstract and utopian philosophies that coined and wasted the idealisms of humanism, jurisprudence and democratic rights of individuals.

The question of universal human dignity and reassertion of sovereignty of individual cannot anymore be the domain of social sciences and precarious thoughtfulness of intellectuals. It is rather a definitive territory of modern and contemporary science to prove it beyond any reasonable doubt that no contemporary model of state, politics and governance is appropriate and justified in contemporary world of Reality. Rather, they are archaic and obsolete and therefore brutal, clandestine and senseless. The very basis of contemporary models of representational democracy and even the classical idea of participative democracy are now obsolete and redundant, given the state of technologies in contemporary societies and the innate and embedded entropies in the very genetics of institutional and organizational power-authority structures and functionality.

There also seems no necessity of any global movement and rallying point for this assertion of the question of human dignity and restoration of sovereignty of individual. There is no need of any abstraction of semantics like ‘Re-Renaissance’, ‘Neo-Humanism’ and ‘Neo-Individualism’, etc as this 21st century question of human dignity and call for ‘Give Me My Crown Back’ has the logical, reasoned and rational basis, structured by the modern knowledge of extracting irreversible scientific evidences through measurable and verifiable mathematical methodology as well as technological feasibility. Also, the very mechanism and process of Giving The Crown Back is already provisioned in the contemporary political-constitutional structures acceptable globally. The 21st century just needs a collective conscious ‘shift’ towards the avowed goal.

The question of Human Dignity and its logical and consequential adjunct, the reassertion of sovereignty of individual now has everything suitable and right for its installation in human world. Contemporary human milieu has the physical as well as intellectual suitability, backed by objective science and high precision technologies to dethrone the contemporary politics, current stupidities of state and oligarchic governance and give people back their crown position as sovereign of their own management.

It has to be categorically emphasized that question of Human Dignity in 21st century shall also not be based on the abstract idealism of classical Humanism, which essentially stands as denial of the scientific factuality about innate human consciousness. It won’t bank on the fallacious hypothesis of an individual knowing what is good and right for him. Rather, it would accept that human

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