» Self-Help » Decipher Destiny: Decode God’s Will, Santosh Jha [books to read romance TXT] 📗

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that I acquired all the goodness and qualities of a president. No god leaves us with empty hands. We just need to know our respective god and that will fill us with all goodness that we all need to be happy and satisfied. Therefore, even when I failed to be the president of USA, I stand at par with the benchmark. I am there within the threshold of excellence. I only missed the probability; however, the excellence falls in my lap.

Please do not wait for your external god to make things happen for you. You will get what god can give in seconds if you understand and accept that you, standing on the horizon of your true and ever-evolving potential is your god. God has created the mechanism of absolute excellence for all of us. We need to have our own evolution right to reach at the point, where our Gods and we stand side by side. We can make this happen, as it is our domain, not God’s.


Patterns Around Us

Everything around us, be it our little home or the colossal cosmos, has a mechanism and a process, which makes the mechanism work. As this mechanism and process works, perceptible and discernible patterns emerge, which we all can understand and accept. God is unraveled and His will is deciphered in the mechanism, processes and patterns around us. The wise have said it that ‘God is in details’. If we open ourselves to this consciousness, where we can understand and accept these mechanism, processes and patterns around us, we shall not need to delegate all happenings to God. Of course, still loads of probabilities shall be there for God to handle but we can make Him happy by picking up those for ourselves, which we can and should do.

As we do it, many of the probabilities of happenings, become replicable and doable by ourselves. There is no need to trouble God to make it happen. With our personal inputs and with some calculated design of destiny, we can make many of these probable events and things happen.

For example, an ocean is colossal mechanism. It has a process and patterns. There are trillions of living organisms and each one having its own destiny in the ocean. Each second, millions of organisms are killed and another millions are born and survive. There is a pattern of this killing and surviving in the oceanic food chain. God is not supervising all lives and each second of the lives of the trillions of organisms. We can say, God created a mechanism of oceans, infused Oxygen into it to energize the mechanism and created a process of working of the mechanism called ocean. This mechanism evolves and patterns are created, which we all can see. Scientists have now known the working of the oceanic life cycles up to its deepest bottom. They have given us a pattern of how life works in oceans.

Now, I can enter an ocean for fishing and someday I catch a big beautiful fish. I have a sumptuous dinner and I thank God for that. Another day at ocean, I catch a shark in my net and escape a certain death. I thank again the God for the escape, though with serious injuries. God is not interested either in my first thank nor in my second. He created a mechanism, which has all patterns and they stand in the ocean in neutral probability. It is destiny in my hand.

If I understand the pattern well, I shall go to ocean well prepared. I shall carefully select the fishing zones and timings. I shall first gather all possible information available to gear myself up for a safe and successful catch, avoiding probabilities of accidents. The mechanism of ocean has both probabilities of a good fish and a shark in equitable proportions. If I am not prepared, I shall meet with that destiny, which the mechanism’s own set of probabilities has there.

If I am prepared well, equipped with the knowledge of the mechanism of the oceans and its multidimensional probabilities, I shall have a destiny of happenings, very much skewed in my favor. This way, I shall have the larger input in the destiny, which God’s mechanism has in store for any person. God’s will has to be neutral and unbiased as His mechanism is also objective, neutral and equal for everyone.

The simple idea is; we have patterns all around us and these patterns, emerge out of the processes of working of a mechanism, which has been created. This mechanism works equitably for all of us. We need to have our personal inputs to manage our own destinies of probabilities of the mechanism’s possibilities on us. We have so many examples in our daily lives, where we see that if we have prepared ourselves well for multiple factors and have anticipated rightly the dynamic interplay of these factors, which are there in a mechanism, we are successful in having a smooth and safe go.

For example, I am driving a car on the busy highway. Highway has its own mechanism and driving too has its own mechanism. Now, whether I meet with an accident or reach my destination safely depends very much on my own personal input – the knowledge of both mechanisms. Of course, the precarious probabilities of highway driving shall always be there. However, whatever shall be my destiny; it shall have larger inputs of my own preparedness and less of the probabilities of the mechanism of highway driving.

Driving itself is a multi-tasking skill. Those, who have better coordination of their eyes, hands and legs, shall be driver with lesser chances of accidents. This is however only one part of successful driving. You also need to have intuitive anticipation towards possible mistakes of not only your own driving, but also of others, who shall be ahead and behind you on the highway. You have to anticipate correctly and in time, if a driver ahead you does something silly. Accident happens not only when you do a wrong, but also when others do wrong with you. You are in trouble both ways.

Moreover, on the highway, you need to know, where those accident-prone zones are and where drivers usually make errors of judgment. There may be a signboards warning you but you must have this pre-knowledge, back in your subconscious. It means; you must be very aware of the entire stretch of the highway.

We can see, how a simple thing like driving a car opens up so many probabilities for us, which are always there for anyone driving. While driving, we have to master the inter-play of so many factors, which the mechanism has. Somehow, accidents can happen to anyone, even when he or she is best prepared. Still, for a driver, who understands the mechanism of highway driving better and is well aware of the patterns of highways as well as driving, has lesser probabilities of accidents. Knowing the mechanism and discerning its inherent patterns can mould the destiny in our favor. God’s probabilities for accidents or safety are neutral as it is part of the mechanism.

It is believed that some people are born with the quality of an ‘intuitive’ mind. There is a belief that they could predict events from past and future. There is a cult of ‘Tantricism’, an occult tradition as well as mainstream tradition of meditative powers to develop intuition, which was used to predict past and future.

The core idea behind all these was to have a mind consciousness, which could have the receptive brilliance of discerning the ambient patterns of life-living mechanisms. It is clear that the ability to predict right about past and future, which masses called magic, the artistry is essentially that of a mind consciousness, which has special abilities of deciphering the patterns, which are intangible but can be unraveled.

The aggrieved people would come to these ‘magicians’ and ‘tantric’ and tell them their problems. For example, a woman came and asked a tantric to trace his son, who had gone missing for last one year. The tantric listened to the woman and then closed his eyes. Minutes after, he said, he had the divine vision that her son is still alive and he left home on his own accord. Tantric asked the woman to search for the son in a place 500 kilometers east from the place he lived.

The woman found her son after a year in a city around the same vicinity the tantric had said. I sat with a tantric and talked about all this. My friendliness to him made him say things, which he would not reveal to others.

He said, “when a person is in trouble, especially for long period, his or her natural abilities for rational thinking is eclipsed. People who generally come to us have little education or unsound reasoning faculties. They tell us everything. We then ask for some specific information about their trouble and about the environment, where the trouble started. We then close our eyes, sit in a meditative consciousness of complete reception. All these information we leave with this meditative unconscious mind for churning. We have evolved this facility to switch off our conscious mind. The intuitive unconscious mind has a strange facility of doing its own strange mathematics and pattern building. It does its own interpolation and even extrapolation. It may take some minutes or few hours but the unconscious mind finally puts all these information into a template of sorts, where we can see pictures of past and future arranged in a particular order. We then use the faculty of the conscious mind to create a pattern or sequence of events. On this basis, we predict and it usually comes true.”

There are great similarities between what the tantric did and what doctors used to do 50 years back. Then, there were little specialist diagnostic tests of modern times available to the doctors. For diagnosis, they had to depend largely on the symptoms the patients described of his troubles or any external symptoms visible. The most popular doctor was one, who could diagnose the disease correctly.

Many of the doctors of old school used the power of ‘intuitive mind’ to diagnose the diseases correctly. Many of them practiced the art of meditation, worships and even playing musical instruments to attune and align the mind towards a state of high reception. They depended heavily on details and then used the intuitive minds to work out a pattern, which would then help them in predicting the right diagnosis.

Somehow, we all do it in one form of the other. Just visit a casino to see how the master gambler is the one who is sharp and prompt enough to predict a pattern in all games and make the right choices. It is our mind, which is constantly doing the calculations of the permutations and combinations, scattered all around us. The interpolative and extrapolative mind consciousness is a random facility of mind, which we all can master.

The mechanism and its pattern works on its own accord. The probabilities, which emerge out of the processes of the mechanism is what we can say as ‘common destiny’ for all, who are part of this mechanism. God is neutral as His mechanism is neutral. What falls in our laps as destiny of probability is a function of how much personalized input we can assign to the working processes of the mechanism. We cannot avoid the destiny, as we are part of it. However, we can alter the probabilities of destiny by adding our personalized input.


It Will Never Let You Down

There always is a lurking realization that mathematics is at the core of understanding what all human endeavors are all about. Why only human, everything in this universe has a calculative brilliance about it. The unconscious mind has this well placed and ever willing to assist the conscious mind with it.

Success also is nothing but a calculative arrangements and juxtaposition of some random elements of life-living situations, in a particular pattern,

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