» Self-Help » Decipher Destiny: Decode God’s Will, Santosh Jha [books to read romance TXT] 📗

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which at a particular linearity of time and space fetches optimum utility. Deciphering and then replicating the pattern is success code.

We all do our mathematical patterning. In common parlance, everyone and everything seems to be toying up with the idea of useful and redundant (profit/loss) computation. Nothing seems to rise above the inevitability and universality of ‘calculations’ and, it actually fuels the energy of life and living ingenuities.

There seems a quintessential trend, which lands math in the core of cosmic endeavors. The world around us is a constant and infinite interaction between ‘nature’ and ‘nurture’; the former is a randomized energy whereas, the later is a calculated and planned one. In nature, things are usually highly randomized and very hard to calculate a pattern. In nurture, humanity has always looked for establishing some pattern.

As, much about evolution has been known now, nature always presented all living creatures with challenges, which were unpredictably randomized. The genius of humanity has been that it unraveled and established a calculative pattern in almost all such randomized eventualities; finally making these patterns, part of its cultural mechanisms. This creative skill seems like basic mathematics, the calculative mechanism of pattern building.

The road for humanity on mathematical path is long and tedious. The randomized nature within human body and mind, as well as the world around still has lot more that needs understanding and, a measurable pattern building is the real challenge. The biggest challenge being the revelation of the mathematical pattern of the human mind whose randomization still opens up more questions than answers.

However, we all have this genius and ingenuity to see and read carefully and sincerely some ‘pattern’ in all ‘randomized’ issues and questions, life and living situations throw upon us. If we accept that all randomization are beautiful and ultimately ‘patterned’ and they look puzzling and beyond us only till we do not decipher the inherent and in-built pattern. Once we unravel the calculative and measurable rule of this pattern, we have the mathematics of order and success.

We all do our math and calculations, we all can do it, we know the basics and we all are intuitively good at it. We just have to be open, aware, respectful and sensitive towards mind’s own randomization energy and use our ‘higher consciousness’ as smart tool for calculative success in an objective way.

We have done it since millions of years, shall do it all the more well in decades to come as we all are on the threshold of unraveling the randomized mind’s calculative mathematical genius. Trust your mind; tell your dear ‘heart’ that ‘mind’ is a true friend, it would never let you down, never ever, as this mind has the calculative brilliance to decipher all intangible patterns of life and living, which can make us successful and masters of our own destiny. As they say, “God helps those, who help themselves”, we shall be helped more by God, when we shall do, whatever is in our part and not unnecessarily delegate everything to God.

We have not done it before, naturally, we have a trust-deficit. It is because we have not truly known and understood this ‘friend’ called ‘higher mind consciousness’. Since long, it has been part of all popular culture to blame all human troubles on the ‘devilish machinations’ of mind. We all are culturally trained to accept the mind as the source of all human conflicts.

This is because we never ever understood the mechanism of the mind and as we did not understand this ‘mind’, we never accepted it as our true friend. We are now in the millennium of new thinking where we have the facilities to understand our mind consciousness and its multidimensional potentials, through holistic, assimilative and integrative perspectives. A completely new knowledge is knocking at our doors. We all need to understand the ‘new friend’ and as we do it, we would know, how this mind mechanism opens up the doors of the myriad shades of consciousness, which were so far bracketed as mysticism.

This new friend shall reveal to you the new thinking and techniques in calculative genius of consciousness. We have been in this mathematics of life and living for long but this new technique shall land us all in a state of empowerment, which shall clearly distinguish the psychic from rationality and logic.

The cosmic realism shall never change as it is what it is but we all shall now have a worldview that would be based on the knowledge of the mechanism and the more as against a worldview based on the guesswork and mysticism of psychic realisms. The popular perception needs to go away. The devil is not in the mind, it is in the preoccupation of the culturally trained consciousness that mind is the troublemaker rather than a trusted friend. The devil is in ignorance of calculations. It is time for a new thinking over all human calculations.


Obscure Joys of Entangled Communication

Obscure is beautiful. Well, this was a common refrain decades ago when we were not living in a society fashioned by extremities of openness and transparency. The liberal world of ‘bare-all’ preferences may not adhere to this clichéd but, still, obscurity is a turn on, a definite curiosity call and still, a staple feedstock for artistes, mystics and also scientists.

What we know and is revealed to us is a boring proposition. Obscurity keeps the curiosity and interest alive and kicking. That is probably why, men find wives as boring and girlfriends interesting as later is still on the other side of the threshold of known and an idea muffled in obscurity! Sorry, no offence meant! Just an innocuous metaphor.

Dabbling in obscurity is truly mesmerizing. It gives you the leeway for expanding the horizon of your imaginations and often, illusionist interpretation of hypothesis in the realm of obscurity. In addition, if this obscurity is what science extends you as palette to paint your imagination, nothing better; it gives you a reasonably confident basis.

We have a word that we use very cheekily in common parlance called ‘entanglement’. Science gives this word to us in somehow very interesting and also obscure domain. Quantum physicists use the term entanglement in a rather interesting connotation. It says, when two atoms are closely associated, they are in a state of ‘entanglement’. They say, “Take the two hydrogen atoms for example and take them to the opposite ends of the universe (about 42 billion light years apart). Now, change and observe the state of one of those electron’s spin, and the electron of the ‘entangled’ atom on the other side of the universe is changed at that same Planck Interval. This means, light speed does not regulate everything after all as information from one entangled atom to another one reached in almost fractions of a second whereas the fastest thing in the universe, the light would have taken at least 42 billion years to reach the same distance!”

In common language, we would say, it was like the speed of consciousness, our mind, which only has this speed to attain that! Scientists say, “This exactly shows, in quantum realism that information, distinctly describable bits of information, can be communicated without needing to adhere to Einstein’s rule about light speed.”

Do not get puzzled and troubled. This energy is not always required to deny you the right to play with this energy and use it as a feedstock of mysticism, artistry as well as philosophizing. This is the real joy of it. Science and philosophy has this beautiful symbiotic relationship. Philosophy often feeds scientific quests and scientific quests often are subject-line of philosophizing.

What we have as raw stock for philosophizing are two words – ‘entanglement’ and ‘communication’. What we can think of entanglement and communication can take infinite meanings. What we are attempting to philosophize about is an aspect of life and living that somehow suits to both the terms in a single framework. We are taking about the two ‘entangled’ entities of our ‘consciousness and intuitiveness’.

The two identities of ‘consciousness’ and ‘intuitiveness’ are almost like two sides of a coin. If a tail comes, you have a situation but there always remains a potential of head and its resultant situationalism in one’s life and both are inextricably ‘entangled’. The toss of tail always affects the untapped potential of heads and vice-versa. Similarly, the call of ‘consciousness’ in a particular life and living situation always affects the potential and probabilities of the ‘entangled’ call of ‘intuitiveness’.

In our lives, we are usually intuitive. Therefore, we also somehow unconsciously decide the eventualities of what could have been, had we listened to and acted according to a ‘conscious’ choice. One choice instantly shapes the eventualities of other choice and for this to happen, you do not need any medium of communication as both are entangled such a way that both in finality are in total singularity of mind-mechanism.

There is a famous quote of a very great man, which reflects this entanglement. He said, “there is virtually no doing that you would not consider undoing and the vice-versa; and even regret doing or undoing after it is past you but still, the momentary pride and utility of the doing and undoing almost always makes it happen or unhappen… and this is the obscure joy of life and living choices…”

What we are attempting to bring about, through this illustration of entanglement of intuitive and conscious minds is something related with our destinies, which unfolds to us and we call it God’s will. What we wish to point out is, at any point of time and space, we are only half of our actual potential as the other half is always in the realm of obscurity with a feeling of still being at the door of it? It is because, a choice we make in our life, is entangled with another choice, which we could have made but did not make. However, unconsciously, we still remain entangled to this another probability, which may sometime later present us with another possibility.

What ‘intuitive’ self does or undoes, opens up the dimensions of what ‘consciousness’ could do or undo and the vice-versa. Life and living choices always seem to be half opportunity and half potential or half success half failure or half joy half regret. When we make a choice, we attain something, which essentially is blocking the probabilities to take any other shape. However, it is like opting a tail of the coin. The alternative entangled option of heads still remains open and its probabilities shall unleash its energies sometime later, when we shall not even be aware. It has to affect our destiny as this open option is entangled part of our being.

What usually happens is – we opt for or get either a head or a tail in life. Nobody can get both at the same time. If we get tail, this opens up the gates of set of probabilities, which we ourselves have energized and are prepared for. However, the head was an entangled probability. As tail probabilities take off and we get focused on its manifestation, the entangled probabilities of heads remain hidden and dormant. But these probabilities are not dead, as they are entangled realisms of the other option. They shall surface up later and as we have forgot or ignored these probabilities, they would seem to us like God’s will, when they shall surface.

Almost all things we consider important for us, are in varying degrees of ‘entanglement’ with each other and each one dimension automatically affects other. Secondly, most entanglements have ‘communication linkages’ and they speak in a language we either do not understand or happily ignore. There is a systemic causality, which surrounds as and communicates with a purpose. We often fail to pick them up.

Blaming it on the fast speed of life and innumerous pressures on us is no solution. We all have to develop the art of understanding this ‘entanglement’ in all walks of our live and living, especially that between ‘consciousness’ and ‘intuitiveness’. In addition, we have to

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