» Self-Help » Habitual Hero: The Art Of Winning, Santosh Jha [best books to read for success .TXT] 📗

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have to anticipate correctly and in time, if a driver ahead you does something silly. Accident happens not only when you do a wrong, but also when others do wrong with you. You are in trouble both ways.

Moreover, on the highway, you need to know, where those accident-prone zones are and where drivers usually make errors of judgment. There may be a signboards warning you but you must have this pre-knowledge, back in your subconscious. It means, you must be very aware of the entire stretch of the highway.

We can see, how a simple thing like driving a car is such a multi-dimensional skill, where we have to master the inter-play of so many factors. However, as we have become used to all this, we do not feel its burden as these skills have become part of our subconscious mind. The skill has become an auto-function of subconscious mind.

The fact remains that even when we all have been allowed licenses for driving, this does not mean we all are ‘Heroes’ of the highways. Many of us are only ‘Random Warriors’. Many of us are just ‘eligible’ drivers. To be a qualified driver, one needs to have long experiences of the highway driving. The finer skills, like coordination, anticipation, judgment of error, preemptive moves and precautionary measures, et al come to us only through practice and experience.

There is a very good metaphor of this skill in psychology. It is called ‘helicopter-view’ consciousness.

For example, you are standing mid-way a five-kilometer road, between point A and point C. As a car starts on the road from point A for point C, the spheres are defined for you at point B, where you stand mid-way. The car at point A is your ‘future’ as it shall take ten minutes to reach you. As it reaches you at point B, it is your ‘present’. The car shall take another ten minutes to move away to reach point C, which then shall become your ‘past’.

You can deal with the safety and wellbeing of its passenger only when it comes to the domain of your ‘present at point B, where you stand on the road. Before and after that, you have no control over the car and passengers’ destiny.

However, if you are given a helicopter at point B and you lift up to a certain point from where you can see the start of the car at point A, its entire journey down to point C, there shall be no future, no past. The entire stretch shall fall in the domain of your ‘present’ as you can see the car all along the road. As everything is in ‘present’, you have full control over the safety of both car and its passenger. You can see everything and therefore can put up a warning, before anything untoward is to happen.

Life and its problems are also like the journey from point A to point C. Usually, we are grounded in our consciousness and perspectives towards life and it is like restricting our views at one small point, between the two ends. If we can rise up our consciousness to this ‘helicopter-view’ perspective, we can have a view of our entire life-span as one clear long landscape. Everything shall be in the domain of ‘present’ and within our possible control.

Usually, the conscious-mind in we all is restrictively concerned and knowledgeable only about a ‘part’ of the entire complex mechanism of life and living. This consciousness is a restrictive positioning of a ‘Random Warrior’.

The all-weather and all-season true ‘Hero’ shall definitively be aware and responsible towards the ‘whole’. The holistic, assimilative and integrative perspective towards the ‘mechanism, it its entirety is the hallmark of a true Hero.

This facility of conscious mind, to extend the domain of our ‘present’ to past and even future is not something new to humanity. Somehow, this facility or faculty, which some people had in the past, was based entirely on intuitiveness of the mind consciousness. Modern humans can learn the art by simply understanding the mechanism of mind.

It was believed that some people were born with the quality of an ‘intuitive’ mind. There was a belief among masses that they could predict events from past and future. There was also a cult of ‘Tantricism’, an occult tradition as well as mainstream tradition of meditative powers to develop intuition, which was used to predict past and future.

The core idea behind all these was to have a mind consciousness, which could have the receptive brilliance of a ‘helicopter-view’ perspective. In my research, talking with many of them with intuitive power, I found that the ability to predict right about past and future, which masses called magic, the artistry was essentially that of a mind consciousness, which had special abilities of rising above the plane and be able to see things, as the person could see from a helicopter.

The aggrieved people would come to these ‘magicians’ and Tantric and tell them their problems. For example, a woman came and asked the Tantric to trace his son, who had gone missing for last one year. The Tantric listened to the woman and then closed his eyes. Minutes after, he said, he had the divine vision that her son is still alive and he left home on his own accord. Tantric asked the woman to search for the son in a place 500 kilometers east from the place he lived.

The woman found her son after a year in a city around the same vicinity the Tantric had said. I sat with a Tantric and talked about all this. My friendliness to him made him say things, which he would not reveal to others.

He said, “When a person is in trouble, especially for long period, his or her natural abilities for rational thinking is eclipsed. People who generally come to us have little education or unsound reasoning faculties. They tell us everything. We then ask for some specific information about their trouble and about the environment, where the trouble started. We then close our eyes, sit in a meditative consciousness of complete reception. All these information we leave with this meditative unconscious mind for churning. We have evolved this facility to switch off our conscious mind. The intuitive unconscious mind has a strange facility of doing its own strange mathematics. It does its own interpolation and even extrapolation. It may take some minutes or few hours but the unconscious mind finally puts all these information into a template of sorts, where we can see pictures of past and future arranged in a particular order. We then use the faculty of the conscious mind to create a pattern or sequence of events. On this basis, we predict and it usually comes true.”

There were great similarities between what the Tantric did and what doctors used to do 50 years back. Then, there were little specialist diagnostic tests of modern times available to the doctors. For diagnosis, they had to depend largely on the symptoms the patients described of his troubles or any external symptoms visible. The most popular doctor was one, who could diagnose the disease correctly.

Many of the doctors of old school used the power of ‘intuitive mind’ to diagnose the diseases correctly. Many of them practiced the art of meditation, worships and even playing musical instruments to attune and align the mind towards a state of high reception. They depended heavily on details and then used the intuitive minds to work out a pattern, which would then help them in predicting the right diagnosis.

Somehow, we all do it in one form of the other. Just visit a casino to see how the master gambler is the one who is sharp and prompt enough to predict a pattern in all games and make the right choices. It is our mind, which is constantly doing the calculations of the permutations and combinations, scattered all around us. The interpolative and extrapolative mind consciousness is a random facility of mind, which we all can master to be the ‘Hero’ of winning habits.


The Answer And The Right Process

The magic of the mind consciousnesses, in deciphering the hidden patterns around us and then successfully diagnosing the winning ‘prescription’ for solution of all troubles is not easy. It is an art that needs to be perfected with practice. The ‘helicopter-view’ consciousness does not come natural and instinctive to us.

Once we understand the dynamics of the mind consciousness, with the resource of objective knowledge, which modern and contemporary ‘new thinking’ has endowed us with, we shall be in a better position to master the art. Let us talk about the mechanism of mind consciousness.

Conflict is the energy, for evolution of all forms, including the human brain, the seemingly most important theatre of conflict, but just a microcosmic model of cosmic conflicts. Stating this is nothing new. Taking a step ahead towards ‘new thinking’ is to understand the mechanism and processes. It is the lack of proper understanding of conflict, which creates a ‘random warrior’ in all of us.

Humanity always had some evolved minds, who rose above the conflict and to whom ‘the singular answers’ of critical questions of humanity as well as the cosmos were revealed. Important it is that the revelations to a handful get eventually transformed into a logical and patterned knowledge for all of humanity. This has always been missing till now, presenting the real challenge for humanity. The new thinking enlists this as ‘doable’.

It is like; in an exam, you know the answer of a mathematical question and you write that in the answer sheet but the examiner would not give you any marks for that. This is a ‘random warrior’ situation. You need to write down the entire process of how you arrived at the right answers. Just knowing the right answers fetches no marks. Even in life, we think we have the answers but as we miss the right process, results are disappointing.

This has always happened to a few great minds in human civilization; they knew right ‘answers’ but not the right ‘process’, none of their fault! The mechanism could not be known to them.

That is why; there came the trilogy of ‘known-unknown-unknowable’ premise. Those who truly arrived at the right answers could not detail the right process and that is why they said, ‘real wisdom is only revealed to individuals and cannot be converted into a collective knowledge for all’. It is unknowable but can only be ‘revealed’. This proposition still holds good for larger humanity. But we now have the knowledge of mechanism, to lay down the right processes for the right answers.

The larger humanity accepts this ‘known-unknown-unknowable’ premise as truth – be it religion, spiritualism, philosophy or psychology. It resulted into a very beautiful but also very dangerous proposition for humanity. Those who arrived at the wisdom and when right answers were revealed to them, it was only very natural and instinctive that their minds were filled with compassion as they could see the larger humanity suffering partly from lack of resource but largely because of widespread and deep ignorance.

They felt so full of compassion to see that ignorance is making the very potent and positive ‘energy’ of conflict into a potent weapon of mass destruction and resultant pain and misery. They chose a way out which, like conflict, created more chaos and confusion than order and peace, which was intended.

Many of those, who arrived at right answers but did not know the process, chose not to speak. First, they never were sure of what was revealed to them were actually right or not as they could not establish its procedural veracity. As they say, ‘the wise is never sure and a stupid is always’. The wise is always responsible.

Many of them were also fearful of the social backlash, as even now, larger humanity is full of vengeance and violence for non-conformists. Still, a few chose to speak, mostly out of compassion for the larger ignorance of wider humanity. However, it was impossible even for them to

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