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route and he will fail. Faith never tells you to be blindfolded without knowing the route. However, once you know the route well, it hardly makes a difference whether you are blindfolded or not.

No wisdom ever on earth prescribed blindness, no wisdom ever asks for darkness, none wish people to be like animals with no mind. No wisdom ever prohibited followers not to question as core principal of faith. No wisdom stopped evolution of mind and knowledge.

It is the cunning creation of the ingenious minds of those, who had the dubious desire of utilizing religion for perpetuity of power and pelf. The wisdom, which continuously allows evolving of consciousness, is the only true wisdom and that happens when it challenges itself from within.

The neo-physics has completely overturned the classical physics. Science now openly accepts multidisciplinary approach and that is why all wings of science and advancements are collaborating and cooperating to find the ‘whys’ and ‘hows’ of humanity’s every question.

There is no discarding of traditional wisdom. There is rather an endeavor to assimilate and integrate all wisdoms into one singular perspective, which could be the basis of one answer to all questions.

Assimilation and integration of human dualism and plural consciousness into a non-dualist mind and consciousness is one huge process that all rational and evolving minds are going through.

Those who have the humility, the courage and willingness to evolve before they die are joining in into this trend globally. Those who are in the inertia of comfort with their hypocritical minds and narcissistic consciousness would never ever shed their dualism and would be least interested. Rationality has never been pop culture.


Between Unviable Yes And Viable No

It is eccentrically fascinating, extremely bizarre, stupidly enjoyable yet, probably the most critical and grim reality of humanity and its living experiences on this planet. We all are into something, which has no parallel in the history of living being, probably anywhere in the universe or must we say in the multiverse!

We had questions, which originated few thousands of years back for we humans but the questions actually had their origins billions of years back. From about ten thousand years, we humans started attempting their answers. Answers first came with religion, then with philosophy and finally, early science stepped in.

Now, the modern humans have the wherewithal of modern science and technology to understand all transcendental questions in a new light and present novel set of answers. Still, the troubles are the same. Even thousands years back, the data which were available for testing the validity of facts and separate fiction from objective fact were very negligible as all facts were billions or millions of years old, negligibly and erratically available.

It is a strange situation. Incidents happened billions and millions of years back but the consciousness and wisdom of humanity to be able to fathom all these happened merely a few thousands of years back.

And as it happened, humans could formulate questions which had their origin way back in time which humans today can hardly visualize even in its best of consciousness as the links, the requisite factual data to all these incidents are missing and can never ever be recreated and re-imaged to perfection either in human mind or in a human-created lab. It is a sad thing to say but the fact looks like; the distant past is beyond replication in its finest details.

It is only natural that despite best of scientific advances today and more finesse coming in coming decades, humanity probably cannot find the actual, objective, singular and the right answers. We do not have the requisite data now and cannot ever have, even if we have the consciousness and logistics.

Then, the billion-dollar question is, are the answers to all these questions really important and necessary for successful life and living of humanity in coming centuries? Do we really need these answers for creating a world where all humans have a peaceful, prosperous and enjoyable life and which next generations could inherit from us?

No doubt, if we have a singular answer for all these questions of humanity, we naturally shall be better off. But, as it is apparent that this is just an idealism which shall always remain confined to the realm of ‘should’ and ‘prescriptions’, we all need to move ahead for something practically possible which could be actually achieved, despite the above limitations of human consciousness and mind.

The idea is, it shall take another hundreds of years before, science could evolve itself to such a capability where it creates a singular, objective and integrative platform for assimilation of all human wisdom so far to explain all realism, be it physical and cognitive consciousness or pre-cognitive and non-physical consciousness. On the other hand, it may never happen. The later has larger probability!

So, can it happen that humanity drops these contentious and conflicting issues for a while and concentrate on building an integrative, holistic and globally workable and acceptable paradigm, which could be the singular basis of developing a worldview that works commonly for all humans? Accepted, any procrastination is not a welcome thing to do. Especially; when the issue at hand; is of such paramount importance to larger humanity! Still, procrastination is better than confused and chaotic continuity.

A simple and innocent query is; can we drop the larger questions of life and living for a while to focus on so-called smaller questions of humanity? The smaller yet very crucial issues at hand are world peace, sustainable development, an alternative global economy based on larger wellness of humanity rather than pure profit, a compassionate framework for family and social living based on collective wellness rather than individualistic instant self-gratification, etc.

As it seems, humanity has been very well ensconced and in perpetual pursuit of the larger questions and it is actually the smaller questions mentioned above that are being procrastinated for ages.

If compared, we can see that humanity has made larger advancement in understanding and even answering the larger questions but has made very little headway in settling the smaller questions. Many of these issues have rather regressed in the march of civilization and we all are easy victims of this procrastination and regression.

Well, it looks like another presupposition for ‘shoulds’ and idealistic ‘prescriptions’ but then, is there a better option? It is as open to unending debate as anything is.

People may say that crucial and cardinal questions, such as what is ‘consciousness’, what is actual realism, what is life and how things came to be, etc must first be truly answered. Only then there could be a basis for a singular paradigm for a singular worldview, which then could be true basis for building a new and lasting worldview for a rational and lasting world order.

The only rejoinder to these debates is an idea that cardinal questions may never be resolved as the requisite empirical data for this is not available and may never be as they are somewhere billions and millions of years away with so many missing links.

Even if they get resolved in next few hundred years from now, it would take another thousands of years for all humanity to accept them. This is too long a period for all smaller questions of humanity to wait.

It seems only practical that as humanity grapples with larger questions, in the meantime, let us take all smaller questions in all sincerity and urgency as humanity is in such a stage where these questions have put a question mark on the very survival of human species on the earth.

No doubt, we all need our answers right and first but we all actually first need to survive and be rationally empowered to reach up to such a stage in human evolution where we actually remain there to enjoy the answers.

The way our smaller questions have made this world a virtual calamity, it seems improbable that humanity can survive such long till the answers are found and even if it survives that long, will the humanity be in such state of consciousness to even accept and appreciate that?

One may say, it is a Hobson’s choice. Finding answers for smaller questions of humanity are far more challenging and impossible than answering the larger question and no amount of answer of larger question can settle the smaller ones.

Then, what we should do? A section of objective people say, humans do not become what they think they should or they would but they become what the randomized and probabilistic energy of stupid engineering of evolution thinks humanity should and would.

However, some great minds of contemporary wisdom appeal, “Let this evolution cease to be as randomized and probabilistic as it had been thus far, let conscious and rational humanity be the new and controlled energy of a new evolution which is well directed and well planned”. Is that another presupposition for ‘shoulds’ and idealistic ‘prescriptions’? You decide!


Accept My Gratitude

Writing something is a daunting task as there is always a lurking apprehension of it not being of utility for some readers. I however feel at ease, because of my faith in magnanimity of readers. I am happily sure; you shall forgive if my efforts could not be up to your expectations. Thank you so much for being with me and allowing me to share with you. Wish you an empowered life; with the prosperity of the consciousness.


About The Author

People say, what conspire to make you what you finally become are always behind the veil of intangibility. Someone called it ‘Intangible-Affectors’. Inquisitiveness was the soil, I was born with and the seeds, these intangible-affectors planted in me made me somewhat analytical. My long stint in media, in different capacities as journalist, as brand professional and strategic planning, conspired too! However, I must say it with all innocence at my behest that the chief conspirators of my making have been the loads of beautiful and multi-dimensional people, who traversed along me, in my life journey so far. The mutuality and innocence of love and compassion always prevailed and magically worked as the catalyst in my learning and most importantly, unlearning from these people. Unconsciously, these amazing people also worked out to be the live theatres of my experiments with my life’s scripts. I, sharing with you as a writer, is essentially my very modest way to express my gratitude for all of them. In my stupidities is my innocence of love for all my beautifully worthy conspirators!


Other Titles By Santosh Jha





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Publication Date: 08-28-2021

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