» Self-Help » Habitual Hero: The Art Of Winning, Santosh Jha [best books to read for success .TXT] 📗

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not in the object or subject of our desires, rather it is within us. If we are looking for something, we are split and conflicted. Suppose, in a crowd, you get separated from your friend. You start searching him or her, looking out everywhere. You might see so many people and hundreds of faces. Finally, among those thousands of people, you find your friend and become happy.

If we ask you to tell about those people you saw while looking for your friend among the crowd; you shall be troubled. It is because, while you searched, your primary energy was to ‘reject’ those thousands, who did not look like your friend. Your mind was fixed on searching something, which your mind already had fixed.

However, when you are searching for something, which you do not know or do not have an image of in your conscious mind, like your friend’s face; think what trouble and dualism you shall face. You are then searching something but how can you. It is neither tangible nor known to you. You can only search when you have an image in your mind. This is our mechanism, this is our limitation as human.

So, what your mind unconsciously does is create an imaginary or virtual ‘face and body’ of something you are searching for. Interestingly, your conscious self shall be unaware of this unconscious ‘choice’ made by your mind.

When we search for God and love; or larger wellness and goodness ideas, we do not have a firsthand info or face of God, love and goodness. What our mystical mind does is create unconsciously a virtual imagery of them. So, when we search for God, love and goodness, we are actually not looking for the ‘real’ ones, rather searching this ‘virtual’ or ‘imagined’ ones.

The wise tell us, this creates a dualism and conflict within. Love, God, goodness are what they are and not what your ‘virtual imagery’ wants to see them as. That is why, we all remain searching for them in the crowd of life and they remain ‘missing’ and we remain ‘lost’.

The lover and faithful must understand where and what love and divinity is. If he or she thinks that a true love is only that which his or her ‘virtual imagery’ says and accepts, then she is actually denying and drifting away from love and divinity. Love is not in seeing and searching what you think is there for you. It is where it is irrespective of you and your love. Stop doing it and you get love. Same with faith.

Of course, the blame is not on the lovers. The cultured mind and the mechanism of brain have to do with it. Things become very difficult for a mind after the age of 25 to attune and align itself towards a completely new and alien value and belief system, against the populist benchmarks. The imagery already in mind, prompts us to create a ‘virtual imagery’ of all goodness and this virtual thing is the product of what cultural and subjective elements we have stored in our minds. That is why; goodness has to be ingrained in early childhood and adolescent.

Stop ‘doing’ it to get ‘love’ is not easy. This comes from riyaaz; painful and persevered practice. In almost all aspects of your pursuit and endeavors, this dualism would attract you to make you adrift. You shall have to practice hard to understand the undercurrent of dualism and then use the energy of this dualism in arriving at the non-dualism.

This discerning artistry is enacted by our higher consciousness. This consciousness never rejects dualism and conflicts. Rather, it accepts the dualism in its entirety and multidimensionality. It can see both the conscious and subconscious layers of mind presenting the conflict. It understands the nuances of the same mind ‘projecting’ a virtual imagery and that of the conscious mind wanting the real one. This however needs practice, like all arts.

Sadly enough, people do not have either the mental willingness or strength to accept the utility and fruition of this painful and prolong process of practice. That is why the non-dualism is so rare. Dualism triumphs in this world as it is easy and amenable to average brain and resolve. There have always been greats who have told ‘right’ things to humanity. However, it is always met with disbelieve and distrust.

The non-dualistic wisdom often gets the label of it being debauch and hypocritical as most people cannot understand the semantic and mental conflation of the dualism. Secondly, even if they get close to it, they would seldom go beyond a lover’s ‘preference’ for ‘virtual imagery’ of subjective goodness.

Usually, the lover would be happy that he or she has a lover who accepts him or her blindly and then, she happily ‘stops’ there. The growth and evolution in love stops too as there is a stubbornness to stick to their preferred ‘virtual imagery’. Moreover, as his or her ingenuity would prompt, he or she would use all the wisdom in the defense of his or her ‘preferred’ action.

It is very crucial here to understand and accept that it is not the ‘ignorance’, which is the worst enemy of humanity. As we deal with it next, there is nothing called ‘ignorance’ in this world full of humans. What we have everywhere and loads of it is ‘subjective intelligence’. ‘Nothing’ is not such a bad proposition at all. What is calamitous for humanity is ‘subjective something’; the personalized ‘wisdom’, and the artistry of ingenuity to prove it as the cosmic and global wisdom for all.

This has been the most damaging thing for humanity. Love and Godliness are fast becoming extinct. What we all have now is the ‘search’ and ‘seeing’ of Love and God. Everyone is in the lookout for Love and God. They are everywhere but seldom within us.


The Somethingness In Nothingness

Talking of ‘ignorance’, can we say there is nothing called ‘ignorance’! The word looks like, at best, an accusation by one for another. Somehow, tragically enough, people often use the word for one-upmanship against competing persons.

There may not be even a handful, who would accept this tag for themselves, even when almost every human being faces this label so many times in his or her life. Actually, more knowledgeable one accepts himself or herself, more ignorant he or she stands to be labeled. This is the way our cultural mind consciousness works!

Nothingness is never a reality as it seems, there is always a ‘somethingness’ called ‘knowledge’, tiny bit or colossal but always relative and subjective. In this subjectivity and relativity is the genesis of the accusation, called ‘ignorance’.

Often, ‘ignorance’ at one time presents itself as the ultimate ‘wisdom’ in a particular linearity of time and space for the same person. In addition, one’s wisdom invariably seems ‘ignorance’ for other. The objectivity of the realism apart, the subjectivity and relativity of situation and position makes it happen.

Sunset in one part of the world is sunrise for another in extreme other part of the globe, even when sun actually never rises or sets. Most of ‘realisms’ of life present knowledge this way in our popular culture. It is the convenient way to look at reality around us. Goodness of life is like the Sun, which never ever rises or sets but we in our subjective and relative mind consciousness accept this ‘virtual imagery’ of the goodness of Sun.

The wise and arrived also call it a cyclic realism. Relativity and subjectivism wraps in its warm embrace almost all realism, in one time or other. The trouble is; both sunrise and sunset are realisms at one particular frame of reference. This ‘superposition’ (ever-presence) of realisms is also an intricate but interesting realism. This however is tough for individuals to accept in normal walks of live.

So, can we say, there is never a ‘nothingness’, always a ‘somethingness’ and this something is always subjective and relative, enabling the engendering of the term ‘nothing’.

A something, or a knowledge is the ‘right’ and ‘best’ thing for an individual but at the same time, it is the source of accusation for other that it is ‘nothing’ and sheer ‘ignorance’. In absolute reality, even nothing is something and even ignorance is some knowledge. There is seldom a vacuum… it is not a natural state of things…!

There always is a truth; subjective and relative it may be. This is the energy, which creates and celebrates the ‘label’ of ‘false’. One’s subjective truth is other’s ‘false’; one’s subjective ‘good’ is other’s ‘bad’. Sunrise in USA is sunset in India but from the space, a person would say both are ‘ignorant’ as the two terms are only ‘virtual imagery’ of the absolute reality of the Sun. Objectivity seems in superposition but never a vacuum.

There may be one truth or good that may truly stand as everybody’s truth and good but it cannot stay as one ‘objective’ truth or good for all for another second as it shall fall prey to the subjectivism of energy of human consciousness. It seems, vacuum cannot stay for long, or probably, it does not even exist. It does not seem like a natural state of things for conscious subjectivism.

Is it that we live in a world that has no singular and objective realism? It is there as it must be there. It is altogether different matter that either we have not yet found it or not yet establish it. Nevertheless, what human consciousness sees and accepts as ‘real’ is not the objective and singular one, but the subjective one and that is why, the world we live in is seen, observed, accepted and retained as subjective multiplicity. The pluralism of consciousness of humanity makes it happen.

Consciousness is almost always subjective and truths and goodness for each individual has to be in line with this pluralistic subjectivism. This subjectivism ensures relativist words and terms like ‘ignorance’, ‘false’ and ‘bad’ etc. As truth and false, good and bad are in essential nature of conflict and competition, there shall always be strife and battle for one-upmanship and supremacy of subjective truths and goodness.

The world we live in has therefore truly turned into a theatre of insurmountable conflicts and chaos. Be sure, there is no looking back for humanity… it shall always continue its journey ahead.

The key question is, ‘Is pluralism and subjective consciousness bad?’As we said earlier, it seems, there is nothing called ‘bad’. It is just a relative positioning. So, what is objectively and singularly bad?

It is a tough question; need to be understood. If bad is taken as something which stands against larger wellness of humanity (and not only personal wellness), then it can be safely said that the intrinsic and instinctive energy of ‘narcissism’ within an individual subjectivism of consciousness is what we can refer to as objective and singular bad.

The simple and understandable to all realism for humanity is – we all live in a world that is a ‘totality of multiplicity’ of ‘subjectivism’ and ‘pluralism’. This presents to all, one singular, objective wisdom, that is – “Subjectivism is the core creed, therefore, every individual must be very respectful, compassionate and affectionate towards other’s subjectivism and never allow narcissism about one’s subjective truths to label other’s truths as ‘false’ and ‘bad’.”

Is it this simple! No. If it were, there would have been no ignorant on earth. We all can always know only a part of the truth or wisdom. So is every entity and individual’s position and situation in the cosmos.

Real intelligence is in accepting this relativity and subjectivity allowing the part truth to evolve through holism, integration and assimilation. Narcissism is definitive ignorance. The world has loads of it and this energy ensures, we have many losers, few winners.

The habitual hero within us is one who understands and accepts this life positioning. He has the holistic, assimilative and integrative perspective of realisms. He is bereft of the narcissism of subjective consciousness. His real intelligence is his humble and sincere acceptance of the utility and fruition of every little idea and part truth, which

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