» Self-Help » Brain on Porn (Social #2), DeYtH Banger [good books to read for 12 year olds .txt] 📗

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thing is male and you are female... the same goes and here



You could see a hight status male... I am talking about the males which you see in the playboy magazines




ANd you could talk to them if you see them on the street... but what happens?




That's the group... you are in it... but you don't walk with anybody... people know you in this group some of them are

your friends... but you don 't talk with them... they don't talk with you.



HOw fucked up is that?


Why you don't go out and start doing stuff... go and say


"I" and your opinion... stop being and acting like a biatch... stopping to persuing your goals because somebody said "That" and somebody "FUCK YOU UP"...



This guy over there comes always with excuses...


Don't ask life why doesn't help you anymore and you are so fucked up


Life will kill you slowly and say "EXCUSE ME" ... 


the same thing now you are doing "Excuse me... life... but I won't do that."

Chapter 14 - Social Is Addiction

 Being social is an addiction... but people take it as healty thing... if they do... should I go for it?

But here is the thing the moment in your life when you start spending time more in home and being lazy...



It creates procrastination... by that you stop time and you start living in your head... do you want such life?


If "NO"... then let's continue... shall we?

Chapter 14.1 - Insight

 "In other words, instead of the instinctive response stopping at a ‘sweet spot’ where it doesn't lure the animal out of the mating game entirely, this innate programming continues to trigger enthusiastic responses to unrealistic, synthetic stimuli. Tinbergen dubbed such deceptions ‘supranormal stimuli,’ although they are now often referred to simply as 'supernormal stimuli'."

"When we make an artificial supernormal stimulus our top priority it's because it has triggered a bigger blast of dopamine in our brain's reward circuit than its natural counterpart. For most users, yesteryear's porn magazines couldn't compete with real partners. A Playboy centrefold did not duplicate the other cues earlier porn users had learned to associate with real potential or actual partners: eye contact, touch, scent, the thrill of flirting and dancing, foreplay, sex and so forth."

"Second, internet porn offers countless artificially enhanced breasts and Viagra-sustained gargantuan penises, exaggerated grunts of desire, pile-driving thrusts, double or triple penetration, gang-bangs and other unrealistic scenarios. 
Third, for most people, static images cannot compare with today's hi-def 3-minute videos of people engaged in intense sex. With stills of naked bunnies all you had was your own imagination. You always knew what was going to happen next, which wasn't much in the case of a pre-internet 13-year old. In contrast, with an endless stream of ‘I can't believe what I just saw’ videos, your expectations are constantly violated (which the brain finds more stimulating).[64] Keep in mind also, that humans evolved to learn by watching others doing things, so videos are more powerful ‘how to’ lessons than stills."

"Cheap, plentiful junk food fits this model and is universally recognized as a supernormal stimulus. You can slam down a 32-ounce soft drink and a bag of salty nibbles without much thought, but just try to consume their caloric equivalent in dried venison and boiled roots! 
Similarly, viewers routinely spend hours surfing galleries of porn videos searching for the right video to finish, keeping dopamine elevated for abnormally long periods."




"Finally, there are limits on food consumption: stomach capacity and the natural aversion that kicks in when we can't face one more bite of something. In contrast, there are no
physical limits on internet porn consumption, other than the need for sleep and bathroom breaks. A user can edge (masturbate without climaxing) to porn for hours without triggering feelings of satiation, or aversion. 
Bingeing on porn feels
like a promise of pleasure, but recall that the message

of dopamine isn't ‘satisfaction’. It's, ‘keep going, satisfaction is j-u-s-t around the corner’."

"Sexual Conditioning 
One possible outcome is unanticipated sexual conditioning – which didn't happen to your father when he used Playboy. Perhaps you wire your sexual excitement to a screen, constant novelty, voyeurism or bizarre acts. Worst case, you eventually need both porn's content and delivery-at-a-click to sustain arousal

Before I quit I had the utmost trouble getting off. I actually had to close my eyes and imagine a CONSTANT stream of porn to climax. I was more or less using my girlfriends' bodies to help me jerk off. After a long streak without porn, I could climax easily, without thinking about it. It was a miracle. It was the best feeling ever."



Via Brain on Porn by Garry Wilson

Part 3

 You can be free!






“I was petrified of making a mistake—head-banging to the wrong song or not hard enough, or thinking a guitar solo was over when it wasn't. A rule of thumb is that if the guitar solo is by Led Zep or Lynyrd Skynyrd then it's not over. Ever.” 
― Mark Barrowcliffe, The Elfish Gene: Dungeons, Dragons And Growing Up Strange



“It's people with obsessions who do the real harm in the world.” 
― Dick Francis, 10 lb Penalty








Chapter 1 - Truth

 Mental Fallout: Dealing With Depression After Porn Use



Numb All Over


Why is this happening? Things are going good. I’m doing better. I’m more focused and motivated, school is finally manageable again, I feel calm around my friends and my family. I know this is working… but I still just feel empty. I should be ecstatic about all the changes I’m making, and sometimes I am, but just for a moment. It’s like I’m numb all over.

Does this sound at all familiar?

We can get caught up in an addiction for many reasons but at some point it becomes about escaping. We stop trying, working, or worrying. When negativity and stress come our way we try to sweep it aside with the wave of pleasure that come from porn use.

Three things come as a result of this constant venting of our feelings and problems. First, we stop learning how to deal with anything that puts pressure on us, even if it’s good pressure. Second, we don’t just numb out the bad but we numb out the good. We are so used to the huge flood of chemicals in our brains from porn that anything normal that should make us feel great, just feels like another small drop in the bucket. Third, because the simple pleasures in life no longer cut it, our brains and bodies freak out. This is known as withdrawal. This lovely combination of emotional and mental fallout from porn addiction is usually manifested in things like depression and anxiety.




When it comes to porn addiction, the first thing to remember about depression and anxiety is that they are symptoms of a bigger issue. That isn’t to say that these imbalances aren’t a very real issue for tons of Fortifiers. We know that a lot of people struggle. But the surest solution is in recovery. The problem with depression and other negative feelings is that they can be a double edged sword. When we mess up, they drag us down even further and can lead us to wallow in our mistakes. Then, even when we are doing well, they linger and keep us from getting back up. There is a silver lining though. A lot of the same strategies you are learning as a Fortifier can be applied to dealing with depression and anxiety.


Step by Step


It is important to start small when approaching these feelings. Remember to be very patient with yourself. We know how much you want to get into the problem and just fix it. The trick is that no matter what, depression isn’t going anywhere overnight; it is something fades away gradually. You have to be ready to live your life so that every day and every choice moves you one step closer to being and feeling better. When that fog settles into our lives, we can’t let ourselves get lost. You need to move in the right direction to find your way out. But how do you do that? And where do you start? A lot of these tips will sound familiar if you know anything about the Fortify program but they are really important.

Regular Exercise (30 mins of intense movement at least 3 times a week.) Regular sleep patterns (8 hours of sleep and going to bed around the same time every night.) Getting more sun. (Vitamin D is your friend.) Practicing relaxation and meditation. Healthy eating habits. Taking care of a pet.

The trick with these activities is that they help activate dopamine, but more importantly they also activate oxytocin. Both of these compounds are linked to how happy we feel. Dopamine provides a rush that is more fleeting, while oxytocin is referred to as the “bonding” chemical. The reason it is called this is because one of the most critical ways to increase oxytocin levels is quality time with important people. Healthy, positive and supportive relationships are critical when dealing with extreme emotions and it comes down to the difference between these two chemicals.

Think of dopamine as sugar: it tastes

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