» Self-Help » Bridge Of Writing (Domination #1), DeYtH Banger [free biff chip and kipper ebooks txt] 📗

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psychiatrist and all, and got lectured about being more responsible with my actions around my child, I love my mom and all, but sometimes she can piss me off. I had a security system installed today, so hopefully I can catch anyone if they decide to break in this time.

July 9th 2008:
Last night the alarm went off at 3, when I went out to check everything, nothing was open, I don’t know what’s going on but I really don’t like it.

July 10th 2008:
When I came downstairs this morning there was one of Cheyenne’s drawings on the front door, I don’t know how it got there, I know I didn’t put it there, and my wife didn’t either…I am starting to think we may need to move.

July 12th 2008:
Cheyenne came home today, she seems even worse than before, Mom said she didn’t want to do anything the entire time, and just sat on the couch mumbling about the Tree Man. I don’t know what to do, and I’m starting to get a bit freaked out myself.

July 13th 2008:
Last night I stayed in Cheyenne’s room to wait for this Tree Man she talks about. But something fucked up happened. I was nodding off, when I heard this loud static like sound, It was coming from Cheyenne’s toy walkie talkies. I took out the batteries and set them back in her toy chest. About 20 minutes later I heard it again, but there was a voice this time…I couldn’t hear it clearly through the static, I looked out the window and saw this…thing standing there, it was unnatural looking, it’s long spindly arms…like spider legs, I couldn’t see its face, it looked almost like it didn’t have one…I woke up this morning on the couch, was it all a dream? It didn’t feel like it… I think I need to lay off the curry.

July 15th 2008:
Cheyenne wouldn’t wake up this morning, she was breathing, but she wouldn’t wake up, we took her to the hospital, they said she was in a coma…Why is this happening to us? What have we ever done to deserve this!? The Doctor says that she should be fine, but I don’t like this one bit…I don’t know what to do

July 16th 2008:
I got fired today, boss said I was too unreliable…My wife said she could go and work with her dad until I can get another job…I don’t know what to do with myself.

July 17th 2008:
The Doctors called today, they said Cheyenne was doing OK, but they still don’t know what was wrong with her…I saw the thing again last night too…It was starting through her bedroom door, Looking at me, just standing there, My wife doesn’t believe me, she says I’m being over reactive. I know what I saw, and I know it wasn’t a dream.

July 18th 2008:
My first day home alone in years… I don’t like it, every time I see a shadow or small bit of movement, I freak out. I don’t know what that thing is, but I don’t want to see it again. I spent most the day sitting on the couch I don’t know what to do with myself.

July 20th 2008:
These past two days have been awful. I saw the thing again, and this time it moved…oh god it fucking moved, it didn’t move like anything I’d ever seen, it snapped and cracked with each step, it’s face…it’s fucking face! It didn’t have one! Just a blank head…I think I pissed the bed when I saw it…The wife doesn’t want me talking about it…she won’t listen…

July 21st 2008:
My wife left this morning, said she’d have to work overtime because no one could cover the other shift…I don’t want to be here alone…

July 22nd 2008:
Cheyenne woke up today. She seemed better, at least there was something good! I don’t want her in the house though, that thing is in there…The wife says she need to come home…

July 23rd 2008:
I woke up screaming, I dreamt about that thing…It was trying to take Cheyenne, I cried like a baby for hours…My wife thinks I need anti-depressants, I don’t need anything! I’m not crazy! I am not imagining things! I won’t let that thing take her!

July 24th 2008:
I woke up this morning and didn’t see Cheyenne in bed with us. I lost my mind, and ran around the house looking for her. I found her in the bathroom, she had blood coming out of her mouth, she didn’t seem hurt, but she wouldn’t say a word, not even mumble… Oh god what’s going on!?

July 25th 2008:
It lives in the woods behind our house…I saw it looking at me through the trees. I know it’s there, I see it every time I look out the window no one believes me…No one understands!

July 26th 2008:
It came again last night, but I didn’t let it get her, I hit it right in its blank face! The bat broke and I tried stabbing it with the broken edge, but it didn’t bleed. I got its head, but the cut was dry, nothing but black below it, no blood…This thing isn’t possible, It left us alone, My wife still doesn’t believe me, IT WAS RIGHT THERE! HOW COULD SHE NOT SEE IT!? She thinks I’m crazy, she thinks I’m going insane…

July 28th 2008:
It took her! It fucking took her! I tried to stop it, but it I couldn’t, it fucking took her…I have to go into the woods… There is no other choice! I won’t let that thing have my daughter!

Unknown date: (Frantically scribbled)
I love you Charlotte…I’m going to get our daughter, I won’t let it have her! It watches us always (illegible)! It sees us! (Illegible) forever!





Note: The problem is the style... Each Word puts near to #Everyone Place

Driver's License


Getting your driver’s license is often one of the biggest days in a teenager’s life. It’s the day where you can finally get some freedom from the parents who have been breathing down your neck for the past sixteen years. The parents, who grounded you, never let you go out with your friends, and wouldn't take you to your favorite band’s concert.

But now you don’t need them to drive you places. You have the power to just pick up the keys and go wherever your unrestricted heart desires. The road is yours and the only thing holding you back is the price of gas. And, well, your parents. But, hey, all they have now is empty words. They can’t really control you, can they?

Anyway, you were not so unlike every teenager getting their first taste of freedom. Your understanding mom let you have the car for the night and you picked up some of your close friends. You spend the night at a not too expensive, but not too cheap restaurant. It was a little outside your town simply because your town didn't have any good restaurants. Or maybe that’s just what you told yourself so you could get a little more time away.

You and your friends spent more time laughing and talking about the latest episode of your favorite show than actually eating. You had a lot of fun while you were there; and probably ticked a few people off with your loud conversations and giggling. It was all in fun and you weren't being too rude.

You took all of your friends home, being the only one with a license. You waited to drop your date off last even though their house wasn't really the farthest nor the closest, but you didn't care. They congratulated you again on getting your license as you walked them to their front door. They gave you a long kiss goodnight and goodbye before slipping into the dimly lit house.

The smile lasted on you face as you walked down the long path back to where you had parked the car in the street. Your date’s driveway was already full of cars and didn't have any room to park. You walked around and opened the driver’s door when you noticed the back seat door was hanging open slightly. You frowned and stared at it a moment wondering if it was like that the whole time. The sensors on the doors weren't new so maybe they didn't pick up that the door wasn't closed. You bumped the door shut and didn't give it a second thought.

You pulled off the side of the road and onto the quiet neighborhood street as you bumped up the heat in the car. The road was lit by street lamps; throwing orange light onto the black pavement and quickly being run over by the grey SUV.

You pulled out onto the main street hardly wanting to head home. You decide to take the long way and venture down the foreboding road. During the day this road would've been no problem but you were inexperienced with driving at night.

The silence didn't bother you too much but it always felt better when there was some sort of noise so, without even thinking about it, you start mumbling to yourself. You gave yourself advice as you drove along. With the combination of the dark and your insecurity about the road; you were lost before you knew it, driving down a long dark street.

You laughed nervously and comment to yourself that you feel like you’re in a horror movie. You pull off in the driveway of one of the small farms scattered around the otherwise abandoned path. You put the car in park and turn to rummage through the middle compartment and prayed that the GPS would be there.

It wasn't.

You let out a sigh and looked up from the console in time to hear a voice.

“I think you’re lost…”

You’re heart stopped.

You kept your eyes closed trying to convince yourself that what you just heard was part of your imagination. That it was just your fears manifesting themselves in your subconscious. But you knew better.

You slowly turned your head and opened your eyes to look in the back seat. A person, if you want to call it that, was sitting there with its hairless head lolling around like a lifeless body. Everything about it was disproportional. Its arms and neck were too long and its face looked more like a Picasso painting. But it didn't move at all. It had its eyes closed. It didn't seem to be breathing and as far as you could tell it didn't seem to have a heartbeat.

Most people would've gotten out of the car and ran. But you moved ever so slowly like you were trying to get out without its knowledge, but that didn't happen.

“Go get help. You’ll need it…”

It talked without moving its mouth. The thing was as still as a statue and you gave up on the calm façade. You ran as fast as you could to the nearest house and pounded on the door. Someone answered and you simply told them to call the police as you stared at the car as though you were waiting for that statue to climb out.

“Biggest day of my life,” you mutter, almost sarcastically, staring at the car where your driver’s license still rested.

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