» Self-Help » The Father Within, Chris P [poetry books to read txt] 📗

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 He would have lit a fire with them and told them how much the Eternal loved them al.  He would have stayed with them until the storm was over and then would have led them out of the forest.  This is what I believe Luma would have done because he learned to love like the Father loves:  freely and unconditionally."

The Master got up and stroked the bark of the tree.  "Luma wrote his Laws in a tree to show how important Mother Nature is to human beings and to planet Earth.  She, too, gives freely for the service of humanity.  We, too, must learn to give freely back to Her because we receive freely from here.  This is what Luma wanted to teasch us.

Though his mind told Kai otherwise, is Master's words touched his heart.  What his Master said sounded like the Truth.  He knew it was the Truth.  He had studied Luma all his life and the story about the fire and the winter storm was the Luma he had forgotten.

"Luma wants you to write His Laws in your heart not in a tree that can be cut down and burnt for warmth.  All Great Prophets from all religions want their respective followers to write their Laws in the hearts of the people and not on a stone, mountain, book, or any place that can wither with time.  I know what you are hearing disturbs you, but you must hear it if you truly want to spread love in the world."

The teacher know nothing more need to be said for this moment.  He was a Master at the Art of Silence.

The clouds dispersed since they first sat by the lake.  The sky was a crisp blue.  The Master saw a flock of birds fly by and smiled.  He was teaching a young man who had the courage to look inward and increase his concept of God.

"Master," said Kai as his red, teary eyes looked into the eyes of his teacher.  "I feel like a lost child since your words have shaken up my world and belief system.  I do not like this feeling but it is how I feel Great Master."

 "Wonderful, for what it not Luma himself that said, 'Any man seeking the Eternal shall be born into a child and love the Eternal with all his heart and soul.'"

Kai's tears turned to happiness.  His Great Master had taught him wel, indeed.

After a few more minites of silence, Kai splashed some cold water on his face and said, "Master, how is one unknowingly spreading fear in the world if one does not give freely as the Father does?"

"That, my wonderful, inquisitive Kai, is a wonderfuly inquisitive question," smiled the Master.

The Master also saw a hint of a smile on Kai's face.

"All things come from the Father.  If we give to the world so we might receive, then we are not giving as the Father gives.  If you go into the world to teach what you carry in your heart, then teach because you love teaching and enjoy opening the minds of others.  Teach to learn; dont teach to teach.  If this is your reason to teach, then teach.  This is giving like Father gives and you will be spreading love since you love teaching.  You will be freely giving to others what you have freely received from others.  If, instead, you go into the world expecting to receive something in return for your teaching, like currency, approval, recognition, or things of this nature then you are spreading fear."

"But how would one be spreading fear?  Is it wrong to expect to be paid for one's services?  Is it wrong to gain recognition or approval for a job well done?"  asked Kai.

"It is not wrong to expect money, approval, or recognition for your teaching but these should be the results of your teachings and not your reasons to teach.  During the studies of the Mind, do you not remember the great theorist discussing the concept of Ego?"

 "Yes, I remember your wonderful lectures about her fascinating theories.  If i remember correctly, she stated  one filled with Ego is filled with an immature and narcissitic type of love.  One only loves himself and no one else in the world, but what does Ego have to do with fear?"

"Ego has everything to do with fear," stated the Master.  "According to this great theorist, one's Ego becomes developed throughout life to overcome various fears.  Many of these fears are needed for people to survive.  These innate fears are buried within all of us and help us run when we are presented with danger.  This is normal activlity for all people.  As one's Ego becomes too larger or overgrown, one thinks he knows more than he really does.  This is very common among teachers," joked the Master as Kai began laughing.

"And of students wanting to become teachers," added Kai.

"Of course, of course," smiled the Master.  "One's Ego allows one to cover up various fears.  Perhaps as a teacher, you have a fear of being wrong or not knowing the answer to all of your student's questions.  This is how I was when I first began teaching many, many years ago before you were even born.  I was so fearful of not knowing the answers to all the questions that I would give my students false information.  I was afraid to say I dont now when i truly did not know.  I am not proud of this but I am being sincere with you on this matter.  I would encounter brighter students than I asking very difficult questions.  Since i feared being wrong, I did not encourage any questions during my teachings.  I was teaching them how to fear teaching and learning.  These were the lessons they received from me.  I was not teaching them love but fear."

 "Fascinating," said Kai.  "So Ego hides one's fears from others, does it not?"

"Worse, it hides one's fears from oneself.  Remember, Kai, the world reflects back to us that which we give to it.  This is why we see in others what we cannot see in ourselves at times."

"Master, do you see any Ego in me?"

"All free-thinking beings have Ego.  All of the Great Prophets of the religions lived their life through humility.  They gave their EGO to the Father and He provided for their every need.  We will talk more about this later.  In you Kai, I know you seek my approval; you always have.  You cherish when I confirm or validate what you are thinking.  You seek my compliments.  This is normal.  All of us seek approval from others we respect, but to give to the world because one expects approval is giving because one's Ego is covering up a fear of not being approved.  One gives only so one can receive; in this case approval.  This is what I see in you, Kai.  What I want to make sure is that you go into the world because you truly, genuinely want to share with others knowledge you have learned about God and not attempt to convince anyone of anything so you might feel better about your own belief system.  I want to make sure that if you do it, you do it for love and not to cover up any fears that your Ego is hiding from you whether you even realize it or not."

"I never thought about it quite like this before. I am intriqued by this new perspective you present to me Master."

"I am glad to hear you use the word perspective again.  All things in the Universe are a matter of perspective.  So you see, we can either spread love into the world or we can spread fear. The choice is ours.  The secret is to ask the Father Within to help us realize the difference."

"But how will I know for sure if I am spreading love instead of fear." asked Kai.

"Kai, give your Ego to the Father and He will help you spread love in the world instead of fear.  In fact, give your whole life over to the Father and ask Him to teach you in ways of love, light, and Truth."

The Master continued, "If you do go out into the world to teach what lives in your heart and mind, so it because you love it.  Remember also, that the world is your immediate family, friends, and the simple daily occurrences that happens in your life.  Right now, I am your world.  When you return back to the village, the world will be the people that you see, think, and dream about.  This is how I want you to think when you think of the word world.  In this way, every thought, word, and action you create will pour love onto all you touch, regardless of where you are in the Universe.  The world starts now and is here not out there.  Spread love not fear, Kai; it is very elusive and only with the Father's help will you know for sure what you are spreading.  Our Ego covers and masks our fears quite neatly: appearances are deceivig and the more we grow in Mind the more adept we become at hiding our fears."

Kai sensed the Truth within his Master's words.  He somehow had always known and on this day his Master simply reminded him again about the simple ways of the Universe.  After several moments of thought, Kai finally said, "If the Father of the Universe lives in us all and He loves us freely and equally, then why are there so many different religions in the Universe?  Why does He not simply tell us which religion to follow?"

"Excellent, excellent question my dear Kai.  I am happy to hear tou ask questions of this nature.  Come, let us go into the higher parts of the mountain to continue our lesson."


Lessons by the Fallen Tree














Lessons by the Fallen Tree

Kai and his Master climbed higher into the mountain.  The sun began to get hot during this time of the morning. Kai felt a bit hungry but was hungrier for what his Master had to say.  His mind did not agree with everything his Master saidbut his heart burned with love and sensed there was much Truth in this words.

As they walked, Kai saw a bird's next high above one of the pine trees just to his left.  He saw the mother bird feeding three or four of her hatchlings and could not help thinking how God provides even for the smallest of creatures.  Perhaps this is what his Master meant by the Father of the Universe giving freely to all His Creations.

"Master, are you hungry?" asked Kai.

"Let us climb by the fallen tree and we can eat as we watch the world," said the Master.

There was an enormous tree once struck by lightning many months ago.  Part of the tree hung over the edge of the dangerous precipice whilst most of it lay in the middle of the path.  No one had ever removed it from the trail; the area took a magical quality.

Kai was happy they would be spending some time by the fallen tree.

After a few minutes of walking, they arrived at the fallen tree area.  Kai immediately junped on the huge bark and walked across until

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