» Self-Help » The Father Within, Chris P [poetry books to read txt] 📗

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Lessons at Sunrise














Lessons at Sunrise

The student followed the teacher into the higher parts of the mountain. It was dawn but it very well could have been dusk.

The mountains in this part of the world exploded with colors of green and were very lush indeed. There was a cold mist lingering in the morning air as the two walked along the lost and forgotten path that flowed and drifted through the cliffs.

The student was about to embark on a long journey into the world. His teacher, whom he had not seen in many years, wanted to share the most important lesson of all.

The teacher was one of the wisest men in this part of the world. He had written many books about the ways of the Universe and had lived a long life. He had taught thousands about the ways of love and light and was an inspiration to many. Even though he was getting on in years, he still spread love into the world with his kind thoughts, words, and actions. His eyes glowed with compassion and love while his lips spoke only the Truth. In looking at this simple man, one could not possibly think he had affected the lives of so many.

“Where are we going?” the student asked as the teacher led him deeper into the misty and dew-filled trail.

This question was absorbed within the cold mist and did not receive an answer-the teacher continued walking as if nothing was said. The student, avoiding the puddles of water that had formed along the path from last night’s rain, thought his teacher did not hear the question because he was growing old.

The student replied in a much louder voice, “Where are we going?”

“Does asking the same question twice in a louder voice make it heard?” the teacher instantly replied.

The student, quite surprised, was about to explain why he repeated the question.

The teacher quickly followed by saying, “Why is it so important to know where you are going?”

“I just want to know where we are going, that’s all,” the student replied quite pleased with his response to the question.

“Allow the Path to unfold as you walk for when you know the destination, you tend to set your eyes on it and do not appreciate all the steps along the journey. The journey is key; always remember this. The destination is merely a resting place-a place in between journeys.”

The student was not surprised by his teacher’s answer. However, he felt compelled to retort with a clever comment because he wanted to show his teacher how much he really had learned since they had been together.

“You speak wisely Great Master, but a life without a goal is like a life in the wind. It drifts aimlessly and is filled with coincidence. Surely knowing the destination is as important as the journey for without knowing where one is going or having a set plan, one’s life is random.”

“I did not say a life should be without a goal. One should not neglect the daily steps in between the journey for a destination in a distant tomorrow,” said the teacher as he sat on a large boulder just off the side of the path.

The student could barely see his teacher sitting on the boulder because there was very little to the mist-filling morning. The student wanted to take this trek into higher parts of the mountain when it was lighter, but the teacher insisted upon this time.

‘It is good to see you again after so many years,” said his Master with a soft smile. “I am honored that you have come to me for advice on the eve before you set off into the world.”

“Of all the teachers along my journey, you have been my favorite,” said Kai. “This is why I have come to you for counsel to learn the most important lesson of all.”

“You were always a good student, Kai. You have learned many of my lessons well. Though I am sure there is much you still do not know, your sincerity and passion for learning still burns within your essence and on this day, you will learn the most important lesson of all. This you will need to be successful with as you journey into the world and travel to distant lands.”

Kai sat on a boulder next to his teacher. How he loved this man who had been so instrumental in his own life. Even though he had not seen his teacher in some time, the old man’s eyes still burned with fire and a simple smile always seem to adorn his face.

“Today, I take you into the higher parts of the mountain to teach you the most important lesson of all because you have asked me to,” the Master repeated as he placed his hand on Kai’s shoulder.

“Today, I will share with you a place where you can look to gain knowledge, wisdom, insight, truth, and answers to all of your questions no matter what you choose to do with your life or what part of the world you are in. This place…”

“Is this why you wanted to take me into the higher parts of the mountains today?” interrupted Kai as his eyes lit with curiosity.

“Are you going to show me a special temple or shrine that exists in this part of the mountain where I can visit when I am feeling tired and my heart aches for comfort? Is this why you picked this time of day, so you could share with me, in secret, what has been your haven?”

The Master smiled.

He saw himself in the eyes of his student. He did not mind the interruption because Kai had always been filled with so many questions. How lucky he had been to meet such a young man filled with passion and a willingness to learn. Though Kai had grown into a man, his inquisitiveness was that still of a child.

“No,” replied the Master. His face was warm and a soft light filled his eyes.

“This place I share with you is a place that cannot fade with time. The hot sun cannot melt it nor can the wind blow it away. This place is timeless and endless. It is a place you will take with you on all your journeys. You can visit it in a simple thought.”

The Master leaned closer to Kai and said, “This place I speak of is inside you. It is the garden with your essence. It is within all of us. Attending to it daily allows us to enjoy its splendor. No matter what the circumstances of life might be, always look within yourself to find answers to all your questions. This is the place I want to share with you on this last day before you travel into the world.

Kai felt puzzled because he knew his teacher had already shared with this lesson with him. It was the first lesson he shared with him many years ago. He thought, perhaps, his teacher had forgotten they had discussed looking within for answers since he was getting on with his years.

‘You already have told me this lesson,” said Kai with a glint of disappointment in his eyes. “I already know I should look within for all my answers. I have studied under you for six years a time ago and have studied under other great teachers ever since. I have read countless books on wisdom, truth, and knowledge. I have visited the best universities and libraries in this part of the world and now I am going out into the world to teach others what I have learned. Help me to understand why your last lesson to me on this day is similar to your first.”

The teacher smiled again. He arose and started walking back on the path to continue his journey. The student followed.

“Come, I will show you why my last lesson to you is similar to my first. Let us go to the higher parts of the mountain on this glorious day.”




Lessons by the Cliff














Lessons by the Cliff

They walked for another hour in silence.  They could see the sun just over the mountains.  The teacher sat next to an old chestnut tree.  The student stood just a few feet from one of the more treacherous cliffs.

The mountains from this vantage point were stunning.  The village lay below and other lands stretched out endlessly.  There were still higher mountains, but the teacher decided this place would be perfect to begin their lessons.

“My last lesson to you is similar to my first because that which lives within us is both the First and the Last.  If you only remember one thought from me after all these years, then I ask you to remember my first and last lessons.  Forget every other lesson if you must, but remember my first and last.  This is why you must to look with for answers to all questions; the Father of the Universe lives within us all.”

The student was not really surprised by his teacher’s lesson.  Indeed, it was a beautiful lesson.

“Yes, I know.  I love God.  You know this.  I have studied Him for years and know all about Him.  I pray to God and know He created everything.  I worship Him in the Temple and abide by all the rules of my religion.  This you also know.  As long as I live a good life, God will not punish me.  He will keep me from the dark one who tempts me daily.  I also know I should keep my distance from others that sin, so I do not become tainted with the dark one’s touch.  My house is an honorable house and others in it revere God.  When they do not conform to the teachings of our religion they are punished accordingly because God is just and wants us to be good as He is good.”

The student was finished.  He felt comfortable and strong in his belief and loved his religion.  There were other topics in which his teacher was superior but he knew when it came to the concept of God, they were equals.

The Master walked by the edge of the cliff and said, “Come here my wonderful young student.”

The student rose and stood next to his teacher.  There was a time when his teacher was taller but the years had robbed the old teacher of his height and now Kai was much taller.

“Yes, Master, what is it you wish to tell me?”

“Look at the sun and tell me if it is rising or setting,” said the Master as he lifted his walking stick in the direction of the sun and smiled at his student.

There was a time the student had been stumped by many of his Master’s questions but he could not believe the simplicity of this latest query.  He thought his Master might be joking, but then his teacher asked him again, “Look at the sun and tell me if it is rising or setting.”

The student did not know how to respond to

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