» Self-Help » The Father Within, Chris P [poetry books to read txt] 📗

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can become a Path to the Father by keeping an open heart and mind and connecting to His Eternal Essence.  I can also see how we can connect to the Father by living humbly and silently spreading love to the world.  This is the Reality at the core of Luma's teaching but Master, what about Eternal Life?  If I do not believe in Luma, I will not live Life Eternal.  This is about the only thing left I think I know."

His teacher arose from beneath the shady tree.

"Come, let us take a brisk walk into the higher parts of the mountain to digest our food and our thoughts."

The sun was directly above their heads.  It had already been several hours since they made their journey into the mountains yet it seemed like a moment ago.  Some clouds were forming off to the east and the breeze became a bit stiffer.

There was a new wind in the air as they ascended to the cliffs above.

Lessons in the Hut














Lessons by the Hut

Kai had never been to this part of the mountain.

He felt a bit light-headed as they climbed-they were quite high indeed.  They have to move slowly because one false step would prove fatal.  The path was very narrow with either side falling into the cliffs below.  Kai could not believe the agility of his Master beccause this part of the path was treacherous.  Every step this old man took looked so precise and calculated.  He have been been to these heights many times during his loving prayers and meditations for himself and the world below.

Kai could barely make out the village.  At these heights, it was difficult to make out the detail.  All things seemed of equal importance and significance from this perspective.

Clouds that have gathered off to the east looked ominous and it began to smell like rain.  The sun kept disappearing behind layers of clouds.  Kai felt some cold drops of water on his arm as they journeyed upward.

"Come," said the Master.  "There is an old hut behind this bend that will provide shelter from the rain.  Let us go there to continue our lessons."

After a few more minutes of walking, an old hut appeared out of the misty air behind some of the taller trees.  It was a rather simple hut with a barrel just to the right of the door.  Both student and teacher entered the hut and were greeted with a damp and moist smell.  It reminded Kai of his father's old wine cellars where he and his cousin used to play as children.

A candle sat on top of a wooden bookcase and was already lit.  This surprised Kai since it seemed as if the candle was expecting their arrival.  The Master took the white column of wax, placed it upon the small table, and sat in one of the oak chairs.  Kai could see some of the Master's books lying in the bookcase.  He had read all of his Master's orginal works many years ago.  He also saw a set of green books with golden titles the likes of which Kai had never seen before; yet they looked vaguely familar.  He wondered what Mighty Wisdom was contained in the Discourses of these Volumes.

"Close the door, Kai,' said the Master, "so we might continue our lesson inside this simple hut."

Kai closed the door.  The old piece of wood moaned while he moved it.  A soft, yellow light glowed from the table as Kai sat on the other chair facing his Master.  Kai felt a bit cold.

How quickly the weather changed in the last hour.

"Are you cold?" asked Kai's master.

"Yes, a little."

The Master smiled.  Kai would follow him to the ends of the Earth and beyond.  He started across the the wooden, dusty table at his young student.  He knew Kai would be successful no matter what endeavor he chose in life.  He was a good man with a great heart who yearned to learn the mysteries of the Universe.  He knew they were about to immortalize yet another moment in time.

"Kai," said his Master in a soft but loving voice.

"Kai, tell me about Eternal Life."

Kai come closer to the candle-lit table.  He moved his wet hair from his forehead and looked intently at his Master.

The candle flickered wildly as Kai approached the table.

Kai begin speaking.  "Our Great Book speaks about Eternal Life in many places.  Eternal life is living in Paradise because God has considered you worthy of this place..  Eternal Life is achieved based on the path of goodness one chooses to live during his earthly travels.  It is a reward for resisting the temptations of the dark one and his sinister ways.  Only the Eternal decides who is worthy of Eternal Life.  I learned this lesson very early in my life and consider the entire subject of Eternal Life sacred."

 Kai's sat back in his chair and placed his hands close to the flame to steal any warmth from the tiny source of light.  He could not help thinking what his Master told him earlier about how the Father of the Universe gives freely to all His Creations.

He was truly confused.

His heart accepted everything his Master was revealing to him, but his mind refused to hear such things.  He apppreciated his religion even more when perceived from this new way of thinking, from this new Light.  It just felt right, but he still felt confused.

His Master sat back in the old chair.  Kai could barely make out his face since the candle cast little light.  Kai heard his Master's chair creak as the old man came forward into the yellow, flickering light.  A crack of thunder reminded both of them that this part of the world was drinking from the waters above.

"Kai," whispered his Master, as the soft light from the flame danced off his old, wrinkled face.

"Kai, the Father of the Universe gives all His Gifts freely.  All his Children are worthy.  The mountain we have been walking upon has been alive for centuries.  All we have seen today as been alive since the beginning of time.  The tree we sat upon  was struck by lightning and now lies dead.  Death is not the end of life, but merely the beginning of another journey.  The leaves will fall from its branches while its bark will be blown away by the wind, but its seeds will fill the Earth below with life.  In its death, other trees will burst with life and provide shade for many creatures in the future.  With the Father, there is no death, only life."

"I know this Master, but Eternal Life is only for those who are worthy of the Eternal's Love.  Only those who have lived a life without sin have earned this right.  This was Luma's whole mission while on Earth.  He served as the living example and believing in him would set us on the Path of Eternal Life.  You are saying the Father has already given us Eternal Life; that it is a Gift He has already given to us freely.  I do not agree with this because then the murderer, the thief, and the good man free from sin have Eternal Life.  If I already have Eternal Life, then why should I even attempt to live a good life as Luma wanted all of us to do.  Why should I even bother to live my life free from sin?"

The Master appreciated this student's question.  It was an excellent question.  That old man sat back in his chair.

Kai could hear the rhythmic sound of the rain as it slapped against the roof of the hut.  He was beginning to dry off.  If he could only start feeling confortable about the conversation, he would truly cherish this moment.

"Keep an open heart and mind for what I am about to share with you," emphasized the Master.
"You know I will," said Kai as he, too, sat back in his chair.

"There is either love or there is fear," started the Master.  "The Father lives withiin us all.  What I share with you is merely a perspective.  Please keep this in mind.

"Think of the flowers in the field, the lake in the mountains, and the rain as it falls from the sky.  All are reminders the Father is creating; the Father is Life.  He is the energy that animates all things in the Universe.  He is as much in this room as He is in the farthest corner of the Universe.  He is the Universal Constant; there is not one space in the entire Universe that does not contain His Essence.  Every cell in our Bodies in in the Universe contains God.

"The Father is neither male nor female yet He is both.  I use the word Father too help us with our conversation about the Pure Energy of the Universe.  If you prefer the word Mother to help you understand according to your perspective, then do so.  The One God of the Universe has many names.  He is the energy giving life to all things seen and unseen, heard and unheard.  He is the Source.  He is all these things and so much more."

The candle flickered as the old Master spoke.

"Many men live their lives based on fear.  With this fear, men build walls from other men.  Men also create religions.  These religions, too, often build walls from other religions.  Many religions teach its followers to fear God.  They teach that Gold will punish the sinners and reward the saints.  They teach of a dark one who waits in the dark corners, much like a thief, and attempts to tempt the hearts and minds of men.  This, too, is fear."

The Master continued.  "Many religions have set a trap based on fear.  They teach of a punishing Father, a set of rules and requirements, and an evil one torturing the sinners in hell.  They teach fear when they teach from this perspective.  Because of this fear, they teach that all should follow the prescribed rules and regulations-any that deviate from this path are sinner, or lost ones, as your religion teaches, and tained by the dark one's touch.  They have created islands between either other because of this fear.  Any attempt one makes to increase his respesctive concept of God is often shunned because he is considered to be walking in the shadows of darkness.  The Truth is that he sincerely wants to increase and expand his concept of God.  He might even be considered satanic by many and shunned.

"Many religions do not often encourage the growth and expansion of one's concept of God.  Kai, the Father is love, growth, and expansion.  God created man and man created islands because of fear.  Fear causes walls to be erected from others and from oneself."

"What you say is true," added Kai.  "This is why the Eternal has given us the right Path.  We shall follow Luma to gain Eternal Life."

"Yes, your Great Prophet Luma was a Path but he was only a path.  The Path to the Father of the Universe is within.  Do you think for a moment that Father would have placed a price or condition on Eternal Life?  Allow yourself to imagine the Father as more marvelous than we can ever know.  Allow your heart to dance in your chest when it hears that the

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