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remembering the existence of SCP-055 to each critical site. Document #087-I


Document #087-I: Exploration I

D-8432 is a 43-year old Caucasian male of average build and appearance and unremarkable psychological background. Class-D designation is a result of demotion due to mishandling SCP-███. D-8432 is equipped with a 75 watt flood lamp with battery power capable of lasting 24 hours, a handheld camcorder fitted with a transmission stream, and an audio headset for communication with Dr. ██████ at Control.

D-8432 steps through doorway onto initial platform. Despite the wattage, the flood lamp only illuminates the first 9 steps. The second platform is not visible.

D-8432: It's fucking dark.
Dr. ██████: Is your flood lamp functioning properly?

D-8432 shines the light out the door and into the academic building's hallway. The light reaches significantly further.

D-8432: Yeah, it's working, it just won't light these stairs all the way down.
Dr. ██████: Thank you. Please continue.

D-8432 descends for 13 steps before reaching the second platform. The platform is in the shape of a semicircle with an apparently concrete surface and walls. There are no distinct markings, aside from nondescript patches of dust, dirt, or wear consistent with that which is found in a typical concrete stairwell. D-8432 rotates 180 degrees to begin descent down the second flight, then pauses.

Dr. ██████: Reason for stopping?
D-8432: You hear that? There's a fucking kid down there. Sounds like one.

None of the described audio is feeding through the camera or mic at this time.

Dr. ██████: Could you please describe the sound?
D-8432: It's young. Either female or a very young boy. It's crying and sobbing and saying [pause] please [pause] help [pause] please [pause] Yeah, it keeps repeating that and crying.
Dr. ██████: Can you estimate its distance from your current location?
D-8432: Uh, fuck, I don't know, maybe 200 meters down?
Dr. ██████: Please continue down the next flight.

The subject descends another 13 steps. As he reaches the landing, audio of the child as described is picked up. The child alternates between sobbing, wailing, and the words "please," "help," and "down here." The level of audio is consistent with D-8432's report of it being approximately 200 meters below.

Dr. ██████: Can you still hear the crying?
D-8432: Yeah.
Dr. ██████: We're picking it up as well. Please continue down. Stop if you notice any changes in the audio or environment.

The subject descends another 3 flights of stairs before stopping.

D-8432: Keep going?
Dr. ██████: Please.

D-8432 continues another 17 flights (total of 22 flights) before stopping. There are no visual changes in the environment, and each flight has been a consistent 13 steps.

D-8432: I'm not getting any fucking closer to the kid.

Stereo audio confirms that the crying noise has not increased in volume and remains approximately 200 meters below the subject.

Dr. ██████: Noted. Please continue.

The subject continues another 28 flights before stopping. (50 flights total.) D-8432 is standing on the 51st landing, counting the initial ground level landing. D-8432 is estimated to be 200 meters below the initial platform. 34 minutes have elapsed. The volume of the crying has not increased.

D-8432: I feel a little uneasy.
Dr. ██████: You've spent a long time in a dark, unknown stairwell. It's natural. Please continue.

The subject hesitates before stepping down on the next stair. As the subject moves forward, the flood lamp illuminates a face located approximately at the bottom of the flight (SCP-087-1). It appears to be the same size and shape as a human head, except it is lacking a mouth, nostrils, and pupils. The face is completely motionless, but is making direct eye contact, indicating its awareness of D-8432.

D-8432: [Yelling] Fuck! What the fuck is that? Shit! Holy fucking shit. What the fuck!
Dr. ██████: Can you please describe what you see?
D-8432: It's some sort of fucking person face thing and it's fucking looking right at me fuck fuck fuck it's looking right at me —
Dr. ██████: Is it moving?
D-8432: [pause, heavy breathing] No, it's just staring at me. Fuck fuck fuck it's creepy.
Dr. ██████: Please approach and further illuminate the entity.
D-8432: Fuck fuck fuck I don't want to fucking —

The face jerks forward about 50 centimeters directly toward D-8432.

D-8432: [yelling] Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck [REDACTED]

D-8432 enters a panicked state and rapidly ascends SCP-087. D-8432 reaches the ground floor in 18 minutes, at which time he collapses and passes out. There is no sign of SCP-087-1. Review of the footage indicates an equal number of flights and steps ascending as descending. Audio of the crying and pleading remains at the same volume until the last flight, at which point it ceases. Medical reports indicate collapse was a result of the rapid ascension of the stairs, causing fatigue.



Figure A: Still frame taken from video footage of Exploration I



Item #: SCP-087

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures:SCP-087 is located on the campus of [REDACTED]. The doorway leading to SCP-087 is constructed of reinforced steel with an electro-release lock mechanism. It has been disguised to resemble a janitorial closet consistent with the design of the building. The lock mechanism on the doorknob will not release unless ██ volts are applied in conjunction with counter-clockwise rotation of the key. The inside of the door is lined with 6 centimeters of industrial foam padding.

Due to the results of the final exploration (see Document 087-IV), no personnel are permitted access to SCP-087.

Description: SCP-087 is an unlit platform staircase. Stairs descend on a 38 degree angle for 13 steps before reaching a semicircular platform of approximately 3 meters in diameter. Descent direction rotates 180 degrees at each platform. The design of SCP-087 limits subjects to a visual range of approximately 1.5 flights. A light source is required for any subjects exploring SCP-087, as there are no lighting fixtures or windows present. Lighting sources brighter than 75 watts have shown to be ineffective, as SCP-087 seems to absorb excess light.

Subjects report and audio recordings confirm the distressed vocalizations from what is to be a child between the ages of █ and ██. The source of the distress calls is estimated to be located approximately 200 meters below the initial platform. However, any attempts to descend the staircase have failed to bring subjects closer to the source. The depth of descent calculated from Exploration IV, the longest exploration, is shown to be far beyond both the possible structure of both the building and geological surroundings. At this time, it is unknown if SCP-087 has an endpoint.


Figure B: SCP-087-1; Enhanced image from still taken from Exploration I.

SCP-087 has undergone four video recorded explorations by Class-D personnel. Each subject conducting an exploration has encountered SCP-087-1, which appears as a face with no visible pupils, nostrils, or mouth. The nature of SCP-087-1 is entirely unclear, but it has been determined that it is not the source of the pleading. Subjects exhibit feelings of intense paranoia and fear when faced with SCP-087-1, but it is undetermined whether said feelings are abnormal or simply natural reactions.

Over a period of 2 weeks following Exploration IV, several members of the staff and students from the [REDACTED] campus reported knocking at a variable rate of 1-2 seconds per knock coming from the interior of SCP-087. The door leading to SCP-087 has been fitted with 6 centimeter thick industrial padding. All reports of knocking have ceased.

Authorized personnel may refer to documents 087-I through 087-IV for transcripts of Explorations I - IV.

Chapter 4

 More From DeYtH Banger

Writer 3


by DeYtH Banger



Which is that there beautie, of couRse not you. I even don't know ya, but look my following up lines. I am talking to you in the same manner as I talk to my friends.

P.S.: Sadly I do not have any friends….

By declining now you gonna decline and later…









Never put it for later

Do it now and that's all


Impeerior and Varietity… Vigmurity and kid yanks.

Life is terrible material nothing is for RL. YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT DON'T TRY TO PUT YOURSELF NEXT TO ME.

You are not like me.

- I am special

- I am different

Let's got give you the chance to have hope in me and my own actions. I don't think that I am the best human choice, now is the time and the moment in which the internet is slow and the best way to make from such a "Zero Day" is by writting.



 Nothing strange all about my name... name like a name.

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