» Short Story » Collection, TheRoost [read this if .TXT] 📗

Book online «Collection, TheRoost [read this if .TXT] 📗». Author TheRoost

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Something More Than This

The moonlight was paving the desolate streets, casting everything in it's milky glow. It was just beginning to wane, leaving a small fraction of the moon in darkness. This was a time where evil began to lose it's strength until the quarter moon; then it shall grow once more.

This particular street had only two street lamps working, each casting a warm circle of light on the grey, dreary sidewalk, and each on opposite sides. On the right, this was clean, orderly. Everything was in it's place and roses were bursting from their bushes. The fragrance added a romantic mood to this night, creating a time for lovers. On the left, weeds invaded the sidewalk cracks, worn down houses lining the block. If you listened close enough, you could hear the screams of a new victim to the local gang, or smell the fire dance with the gasoline.

On this route was a young girl. Her bright red hair was straight down her back, her eyes a malignant grey. On her ruby red lips, a shade that complimented her oily black dress, was a evil smirk, her beauty giving her a power over others. She walked with confidence, knowing that no one could harm her. As she approached the pool of golden light, she paused; her head was being turned to the east, to the other side of the street. She seemed to be listening for someone. She nodded and glanced at a silver watch on her pale, thin wrist; it looked expensive, and out of her budget. She retreated into the shadows, her eyes focused on the light on that street.

A cluster of people came into the light; a man, in his forties, with graying thick black hair and kind brown eyes. On his arm was a young woman, probably in her twenties, leaning into him as she smiled at the circle of light. She had curly dirty-blond hair and bright violet eyes that seemed to sparkle as she gazed at the man. A step behind them was a girl, who seemed to get the best traits of both of them, and probably 16, 17 at the most. Her pitch black hair curled down her back, her bright violet eyes gazing lovingly at the couple in front of her.

The woman in the black dress sneered at her. So, this is the girl Will is so infatuated with now.

She thought to herself, following the girl with her gaze as she walked into the light. She paused their, smiling and basking in it. The couple turned and laughed, beckoning her to join them. She smiled and ran to them, linking her arm in theirs. The woman in black gave a low chuckle as they walked into the night. She followed them, her walk silent as they continued to laugh. I am surprised he isn't following his little pet now.

They led her to a small, one story house on the right side of the street. The sides were laced with Ivy and their door was of oak; lower middle class. The girl glided in, holding the door open for what must be her parents. They each pecked her cheek and walked in. Even from across the street, the woman could hear the click of the lock and the sound of bodies hitting the beds. The lights went out one by one, leaving the street quiet and empty.

The woman smiled and began to walk forward, eager for her task. She knew what she must do to keep him, and she relished it. She licked her lips; all of that beautiful blood, and all for-

"Kayla," a masculine, musical, furious voice whispered by her ear, a strong hand grabbing her arm. The girl's savior come at last, "leave them be."

"Will, you know how I am," She whispered, turning to face him. Even basked in moonlight he was beautiful. His piercing blue eyes were like stormy waves, crashing against the paleness of her skin. He radiated power, from his golden locks to his midnight black shoes. He wore a black tee shirt with black skinny jeans. He was so perfect for her.

"I do, Kayla. That's why I'm here. Please, for me," Will pleaded with his eyes, calming the storm, just for her.

She smiled as she leaned into him, pressing her chest against his, closing her eyes as she inhaled his intoxicating scent. "I can't, Will. Her's so strong."

"You will learn to fight it. You have only just begun to learn."

Kayla looked up at him. His long eyelashes patted softly against each other as his eyes stared down at her, a small crease in-between his eyebrows. "It's difficult to fight this urge, Will, when there are so many around. One little, puny girl will make no difference..."

"But it does, Kayla, it does! It's what separates those of us who are good, who want peace with man, from the demons that haunt their nightmares. Once you taste the blood of an un-willing donor, you turn dark. You lose everything."

Kayla backed away from him, her eyes cold. "I already have, Will. What more is there to lose?"

He stepped towards her, his hands out-stretched. "Your soul, Kay, your immortal soul."

"I'm already damned! Why should it matter?" She gave a sinister smile. "I have wanted her blood for a long time, Will. And I know if she is not taken out of the picture, I will lose you too."

"Kayla, come back to me. You will never lose me if you stay in my arms, if you listen-"

"No! I will not do that anymore! I refuse to, William, and I will win you back!

" She jumped, heading towards the window she saw the parents enter. She turned to face Will again, smiling as he looked at her with horror. "But first, I think, you shall sleep."

She threw at him a single clove of Garlic, which he caught on instinct. Immediately he fell asleep, crumpling into the street. Kayla smashed through the window, jumping into the barely-awake parents room, listening to the cry of a small child. Oh, sweet blood! She bit onto the woman first, as the man screamed for someone called Janet to run. The woman was soon drained, and the man followed quickly after. Kayla ran at top speed, following the scent of the girl.

It led her into the dark, twisted street. Kayla could still hear her heart beat racing.

Kayla smiled to herself. Let the hunt begin.

Little Michael Took Her Hand

"Dammit, Kayla," Will muttered, the wind blowing in his face as he tried to desperately race time. He didn't know how long he was unconscious, but all he knew was that something had happened, something bad. He smelt Kayla and the girl, whose name he did not remember. To be honest, he didn't care. She was unimportant, a pawn in a great big game; Kayla was important. She was all he knew. "Why tonight? Why couldn't you control yourself this one damn time?"

Kayla was a huntress, a true night-walker. He didn't know why he stayed with her all these centuries. It could be because she saved him during the 2nd vampire-scare in Europe. Even though they would have let him go, the garlic he ate sent him into a demonic fit. It's what happens if a vampire eats sage or garlic; they completely lose themselves to their animal side. If they are full, if they keep up with their blood, it's not as bad, but he was hungry; he nearly killed them all. He didn't even know he ate it; that hunter was a clever one. He grinned to himself as Kayla's scent became stronger, the memory of the Hunter's death flashing before his eyes. Will was perfectly lucid for that hunt: and the revenge helped make Kayla. At least he was insane when those killings happened, and he prayed heavily, went to confession, cleansed his soul as much as possible: he didn't want to go dark, and perhaps that's why he didn't. But Kayla was a slave to every passionate feeling, and right now, it was hatred and jealousy.

Maybe that was why she was so...evil. Will frowned. I did create her from sin,

Will thought as he turned into an abandoned factory. Were the Elders right?

He shook his head. He had to concentrate now; a life was at stake.

"Help!" A voice screamed. Will froze, bending and twisting his body into a hunting crouch. His eyes scanned the hall, listened once more. The voice was human, and female. The girl. Oh, dear god, don't let me be too late! Will desperately thought as he scaled the walls, easily climbing to the ceiling. He crawled, eagerly smelling the air. One thing was for sure, Kayla had good taste. No drugs, no alcohol, virgin, under twenty; her blood was oddly appealing, even to Will. Will paused for half an instant, then continued on. Kayla had smelt something like that, but it wasn't nearly as strong. This girl...she was something special alright. Something...rare, unusual.

Will crawled faster, now two things making him hurry; this girl, this curiosity, and Kayla.

"Oh, god, please not him, not him!" The girl screamed again, desperate now, pleading; Kayla was going to make her suffer. All he was doing was following them to their clinic; the family ran a blood clinic for the Red Cross. All that donated blood could sustain them for months, if they were careful. It was going to be a surprise, but, as usual, Kayla completely over-reacted. "Please, kill me instead, don't hurt him!"

Will was in the room now, the shadows of the lamps hiding him. He saw Kayla, beautiful Kayla, hold a small toddler in her arms. She was rocking him while he wailed, and on the floor, heavily beaten, was the girl. That's why her scent was so strong; she had at least 5 deep open cuts, none of which were deadly, and all were painful. He could feel the blood oozing into her bandages she tore from her dress to stop the bleeding. He smiled; this one was smart, maybe even defiant. She tried to stand, but instead was leaning against the wall, her breathing deep and haggard. She was losing strength: he would have to intervene soon. Her eyes were on the child, intent and focus, incredibly clear for someone in such a weak state. And they had an odd shade, a very dark blue; no, not blue, violet

. Very, very odd.

Kayla laughed, turning so the baby was in full view of the girl. The child had curly blond hair and it's eyes were shut tight and it was wailing weakly, struggling against the cold, hard arms that held it. The girl raised her eyes to meet Kayla, a cold,

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