» Short Story » Fears, Gabby Kay [always you kirsty moseley txt] 📗

Book online «Fears, Gabby Kay [always you kirsty moseley txt] 📗». Author Gabby Kay

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My experience from sexual harrassment.

After five years of being unemployed, I was so excited to be starting my first job. It was with this private lawyer; all i knew is that he was an old man. I had no knowledge of law or anything that entailed the law business but i was so desperate for a job, at this point I would settle for just about anything.


The interview was very awkward. I was nervous because this has been one of my many job interviews and this time I was determined to work a bit harder because I really wanted to get this job. I was by no means qualified because i had no experience with working and ofcourse I knew nothing about law. When this man interviewed me, he asked a couple of weird questions but I took nothing of it. He asked if I had kids or ever had an abortion, details of my family life but tried to say that it was important to determine my salary. At that point I was very much concerned and questioned why he was asking all these questions that had nothing to do with work. He insisted that it was to determine my salary and went on to say that I was qualified and I got the job. This was a Thursday and I would be starting on Monday of the coming week.

Monday morning, bright and early I was waiting outside of the office anxiously anticipating to begin my first day of work. Two hours later that morning, I was standing outside waiting on him and he was no where near the office. I worked 3 days of that week and that was the last time i heard from this man. Thinking about it now makes me realize how much i blocked all the red flags because I was so desperate for a job. It wasn't so much of my desperation for a job but it was the situation behind me wanting a job so badly. At that point in my life, the demand for taking care of my family issues became the highest and I had much more responsibility on my shoulders and it now seemed like i was the sole breadwinner in my household.

A month later, i received a call from this man asking to have a meeting with me to explain why I hadnt heard from him. He was igoring my calls and now all of a sudden wanted to sit and talk. I agreed to meet with him. That Wednesday, he was in my neighbourhood because he is also my uncle's Attorney so he recommended that I take a ride with him down to the office to have the meeting. The drive down was so uncomfortable. This is where the fear and harrassment began. While driving he expressed to me his feelings of like toward me. In my mind I took it innocently and thought he liked me as a person so when he asked if that would be an issue with me and I said no no. I totally misunderstood him. I continued work the next day.

Being very new to the field, it was very difficult for me to adjust. It was really hard for me and I kept making mistakes and he was so impatient with me. He was always quarelling and using obscene language till i put a stop to it. I refused to work under that condition and I let him know that he can't and won't ever speak to me in that manner. He was shocked. Never had anyone ever spoken to him that way. It first started with "you look beautiful today" and then it was " I think your skirts are too tight, I don't want men watching you. I ignored his slick remarks and would often have an attitude whenever he said something that made me feel uncomfortable.

One morning he demanded me to get in his office as usual and started lecturing me. As usual he would threaten me into thinking that he would fire me because he felt like i was not doing what he wanted me to do. I was ofcourse afraid because I know i really needed that money. I had my family to take care of and I couldn't mess up. It was then that he informed me that he felt like i was playing with his emotions because he had expressed to me that he liked me. He went on to say that he gave me the job because he felt like i was capable of working and also being his woman. I looked at him with digust, speechless and with utter disbelief. I couldn't believe that he had said that to me. He started telling me about his past secretaries and what he had done with him, sharing all the juicy details and how he expected me to be more like them. I sat on a chair facing him and everything went through one ear and out the other. I kept rolling my eyes at him and interrupting the conversation because all i wanted to focus on was my job. He made my growing process in the work place so difficult and to top it off my mental stability was disarrayed. I had so much dealing with already at home and to come at work. I literally left work with a headache every day. I was constantly asked to do things that had nothing to do with my work and the more I rejected him, it's like I was asking him to keep on asking for sex. One month in, all the talk turned into action. It started with a smack on the butt as i walked past him one afternoon. I told him don't ever do that again. Every thing i said to him was like a joke to him.

The first time he touched me, I went home and cried like a baby. I'm not sure what about this man made me fear him; maybe it was just his harsh demina or the way he spoke, how ugly his teeth looked in his mouth, how perverted he seemed to me or just digusted by the fact that he could be my father. He had called me in that morning furious because he had then started calling me after work late night. He asked me what color panty I had on and i responded by saying that wasn't his business. He insisted that I told him and he refused to answer him. As i was about to walk out of the office he rushed past me and pushed the door. I asked him to get out from infront of the door and he wouldnt. He pinned me against the wall and asked me to pull down my skirt. I told him no and pushed him off me. He grabbed my hand and pulled me toward him and kissed me. I don't know what was more disgusting; the fact that he kissed me or that he was disgusting to me. i spat and wiped my mouth and pushed him harder than the first time and rushed out of the office.

This continued for days; he would call me in thinking it was related to work and then he would make a move on me. He touched my private part many times with me pinned against the wall and even if i wrestled with him to get him off, he is way bigger than me in height and weight so it was impossible for me to fight him off. He would beg and beg me to have sex with him and then offered to increase my salary and stated how he thought I would benefit from being in a relationship with him. I will not lie and say that I did not consider doing it just because of the sitution i was in at home but I just couldnt let myself go there because I have always been a woman with morals and values. I could never stoop so low.

I felt like I was working in a prison and I was the prisoner. The week leading to me leaving the job, like many occassions he called me into the office. When i went in, i found this man fully erected sitting on his office chair stroking his Penis. I literally wanted to throw up. I blocked my eyes and ran out of the office. He called me back in and i didn't go instantly. He called out for me again and I went back in the office and he was still half naked asking me to have sex with him. I walked out and slammed the door on my way out and left to go for my lunch. When i came back from lunch he was furious and say that I humilated him. Once again he threatened to fire me. I was so afraid. Deep down I know i had let this man do me enough and nothing was worth me staying there. The next day after that event his son had visited him from overseas and they had a long chat in office. After his son had left he called me into his office and i went. I let him know on arrival that if it wasnt work related I didn't want to hear. He got really angry and started cussing me. I walked out and went back to my desk. He rushed out of his office and came next to me. His phone rang and he answered a call standing next to me while I typing up some documents. He pushed his hand down my jacket to grab on my breast. I grabbed his hand and pushed and yelled at him asking him to go away. I didn't care about his call or who heard me but at that point I had enough of the torture. He then sat next to me sliding his hand up and down my lap as again i pushed his hand off and asked him to get away from me. He was persistant and didn't stop. I stood up and went to the bathroom thinking he would have left but when I came back he was still seated at my desk.

We shared the office space with another business but for some reason that day they did not come in. He started questioning me making it seem as if i was going crazy and acting up for no apparent reason. He reached for my lap again as I grabbed his hand but he reached out for my hand and now holding onto both of my hands. I asked him to drop me and he wouldnt so i stood up and so did he. He was leaning forward trying to kiss me but I was pushing my head down so he wouldn't get in contact with my lips. I now realized how serious things were getting and so I began to struggle with him so he can drop me. I asked him if he wanted me to scream and he said go ahead. I yelled out "HELP!" but it was kind of pointless. He now had me wrapped around him and I can feel this man eroused against my body. He and I are now pulling and pushing back and forth because he refused to drop me still trying to reach down for my panty. My hands began to feel so sore and my yelling became louder. My voice deepened and ask me where the strength came from I have no idea but i was so fearless in that moment; his hand already down my panty as he was reaching down to touch i shoved him against the wall. I could tell he took a hard blow by the look on

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