» Short Story » Behind the lies and those eyes..., Lauren [book recommendations TXT] 📗

Book online «Behind the lies and those eyes..., Lauren [book recommendations TXT] 📗». Author Lauren

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I looked at the little girl who had just taken off her cloak, her hair was in beautiful curls, hair colour like sunlight, and the most magnificant eyes I had ever seen. They were a beautiful amber, swirling and like melting gold. Her skin was a creamy pale colour, she was lightly rosey cheeked coloured like light pink roses. She had a strange aura of inocence and then need for protecting. The dress may be simple compaired to the two other sister but it complimented her. I now knew she was perfect for my son. I may have heard things about the secret daughter of the king and this must be her. I had heard many things, that she had never been seen much at any occasions, that she was different and stood up for what she believed in.

Yet the 'king' had lied to me, saying there were only maids upstairs and the girl couldn't be a maid since the fabrics she was dressed in were rich. She might be a tutor to the other princesses, I released a sigh, if she wasn't noble then she couldn't be wed to my son.


I looked at the man dressed in black, his hair was black as well but he had golden brown eyes similar to mine but not amber but still similar. In those deep eyes, there were slight flecks of blood red, even his eyes are stained with the blood of the innocent and only one word came to my mind. Monster. It was hard to break eye contact but I  didn't want those monterous eyes staring at me a moment longer. I looked at my sister lilith, her hair looked a firey red in the sunlight and I laughed. She returned a glare that could kill and sweetly said" oh dear sister, what may be funny?" she battered her eyelashes and pulled an innocent face. I narrowed my eyes at her and smirked. I copied her expression and said in a sweet sugery voice" oh sister dearest, I find you flaming bright red hair amusing because it reveals you fiery temper," She didn't stay sat down for long, she struggled to get up but her white dress adorned with pearls and diamands moved, she got right in my face. I cowarded away then pulled my hands to my face, fake sobbing and frightenedly said," oh sister don't hit me again, why do you hate me so?" She looked shocked then looked at her hand which was slightly raised in the air giving the wrong impression. 
The young girl whose name I did not yet know looked at me, her eyes widening a bit with what I guessed as curiosity. She looked towards the princess dressed in white, she laughed. Her laugh sounded like ringing bells, it was high vocally and was childlike. The princess returned a glare which was sharp and bitter. The sweetly and fakely said "oh dear sister, what may be funny?" then pulled a inocent face. The girl copied her expression and mimicing said"oh sister dearest, I find you flaming bright red hair amusing because it reveals you fiery temper," The princess struggled to get out of her chair since her dress had got stuck which was slightly amusing, she got right into the girls face but then the girl cowarded away frightened. Sobbing she said"oh sister don't hit me again, why do you hate me so?" The princess looked shocked but it seemed fake, her hand was raised in the air as if she was going to hit her. My son could never marry this girl after all she had red hair and wasn't as beautiful as the other girl.

I stood still, my sister sat down again but smoothed out her dress, she looked away from my direction. As if I wasn't worthy to be looked upon, my father gestured to sit, so I did. The seat wasn't plump or adorned with lace and silk but I knew I wasn't even meant to be downstairs so I sat on one of the chairs which wasn't for guests. I noticed the man was staring at me.
He held his gloved hand out and gestured for me to shake it, well thats what I thought but I didn't know much about greeting guest since I've never been introduced to the so called habbit.

My stepmother, step sisters and father rose out of their seats and slightly confused I copied them, the man gestured for me to come forward so I did and shook his hand. A high shrilly laugh was heard coming from my sisters and a quiet laugh from my step mother but my father just look ashamed of me. The man smirked, then shook my hand. " my name is Brent Minette, and your name is?"
I looked down at my shoes, then looked up," my name is Arabelle Farosa OrWell," I backed away as my sisters pushed me out the way, lilith held his hand then curtsied and bowed her head.

Her fake red curls bounced around and she said " my name is Lilith Rosabecatrine Desteoni Emaiile OrWell and It's a great pleasure to meet you," After that she walked away backwards and did not turn around. I almost laughed at her mouthful of a name, it reflects her dress sense; over the top.
Then followed her sister who copied the same actions then spoke," my name is Rudith Malindvonne Desteoni Emaiile OrWell and it is the greatest pleasure to meet you," she mimiced her sisters actions and speech.

Their mother copied the actions and said her name," My name is Elisabell Desteoni Emaiile OrWell," Her dark brown curls danced around and I looked simple and plain compared to my step mother and sisters in every way from my name, what I said, how I said it and the way I acted.

Father shook Brent's hand then said in a very low voice," thank you for giving us a chance," then in a louder voice" my name is George Walter OrWell and it is a pleasure to meet you,"

I felt rather ashamed of my self for the way I presented myself but I didn't know what to do and now I've ruined my chances and made myself look like a fool. I could hear the guards laughter, was what I did the reason for their laughs. I was bored now, I had no idea who Brent was well I know that he is something to do with the Breakers but I simply turned away and began to walk towards the door when father blurted out, " Arabelle you get here this instant," Then I felt a strong rough hand grab my wrist and yank me back to were Brent was sat. Father's face was disfigured with anger and a mix of disgust. " WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!" Father shouted in my face, I showed no emotion and looked him straight in the eye and honestly said.

"I was bored and thirsty so I went for a drink and to go to my room because I know you never let me downstairs when guests are here because you are ashamed of me and I do not want to embarrass you any further," I looked away until he let go of my wrist and once he had turned to face Brent I looked at the red marks on my wrist, I gave it a rub and continued to walk towards the door.
My father motioned for me to come and to kneel at Brent's feet but I had no idea why, the words they had spoken whilst I was lost in thought were a blur.

I sighed then twirled around, but I stood my ground, I was not going to kneel at this man's feet and grovel for mercy. I may not have been taught how I am supposed to act but I was taught to stand my ground. I looked him straight in the eyes and just stood there like a fool, but I didn't feel like a fool, I wasn't the one that groveled at his feet and begged for mercy. I may do what I am told but I wasn't going to obey orders this time. Brent's eyes widdened slightly but a slightly shocked expression was replaced by some type of acceptance.
I was bored with this so I left the room, as I walked I noticed soldiers were staring but then I noticed the colour of their eyes, deep browns to redish ambers. I had never seen colours like that, they all had a secret and I had a deep need to find out what it was. Step after step, I walked but I was tired after all my room was at the 8TH floor which was all mine because I spent my whole time up here and above me was the servants quarters but I never saw them unless they were doing jobs on my floor, my mother and father own the second and third floor, my sisters own the fourth and fifth. Their rooms are as far away from me as possible mainly because they don't really like me but they have to put up with me until I'm a suitable age and they will marry me off to some stranger in a far foregin land never to be seen again unless it's called for.
But I just have to accept this, sometimes I wish I could be normal, get married to someone I love and just live a normal happy life. But no, I had to be born a princess and to have the most unusual looks. I opened my door then flopped onto my bed, from downstairs I heard a few screams and my fathers crys for help. No one is going to help us, our soldiers are dead and all we have are staff and screeching maids. I gently climbed off my bed, only a faint swish of my dress was heard, I opened my brown oak wardrobe, carefully I sat down and closed the door. The smell was of srong perfume, dresses that I never had chance to wear, my mother had bought them. Which were once a happy hope for the future but now an unhappy reminder, they were too fancy to wear and my step- mother disaproved of them, she thought they were

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