» Short Story » Behind the lies and those eyes..., Lauren [book recommendations TXT] 📗

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hair whilst admiring it then murmered," Come on love, it's Aohdam Minnette," He gripped my maincured hand then lead me up towards the aisle; nervously I shook.

I don't even want to think of that horrible event, the words were long and torturous, I didn't even have to answer because I never had any choice in it, he kissed me, hungrily and wanting more. I could almost see lust wavering off him, I worridly thought of our honeymoon, his father wanted grandchildren and very soon but that meant...

I hurt from last night, each time I slightly moved it felt like I was being ripped and burnt, I whimpered then slowly attempted to get out of bed, I didn't want Aohdam to wake as he might try it again, I shuddered at the memory. I felt strange at the same time, I walked past the mirror then slowly backed up to get a look, my eyes were red. Red like blood, not my usual amber, a scream built up in my throat then I fell to the ground, my bones popped out of their sockets. Yet I did not scream again, the cracking and pops sounded so loud to my ears but everything did, everything seemed more focused and brighter. My bones shattered and broke, the scream built and built till I collapsed completely then I screamed. Instantly Aohdam jumped out of bed but he didn't look at me with fear, anger or pity but then again it was more of a look like a love sick puppy. I was a monster, why would he look at me like this? I slowly returned to my human form and aohdam just hugged me then put a dressing gown on me, he kissed my head. I shoved him to the floor then hurled into the bathroom toliet.

A few months later...

I knew what I was, a  horrible monster and the name of this horrible curse is Riouse. Turns out I was found in the garden and kept, these people were never my family and I sometimes wonder why I never suspected it. My mothers baby died during childbirth, to help with her sorrow she starting taking long midnight walks and on one night, the hole in her heart was filled. She found me, wrapped in a blanket and hidden under the bushes. All left with me was the necklace I treasure dearly. She took me and hoped no one would tell the difference, after all not many people knew her child was stillborn. I still felt sick, It has been the third time I have thrown up, but this time it was on Aohdam's shoes so that wiped the smirk off his face. I nibbled at the plain crackers and sipped the weak tea and I heard aohdam talking to his dad...

"I'm really worried about her" I heard Aohdam whisper.
"why whats the matter?" Brent replied.

"For the past few months all she has done is thrown up, eat, and well... get on the large size, she constantly has ankle pain, back pain, she is moody and vicous. Today she threw up on my shoes then started crying then started shouting at me and her eyes went red." I scowled at the comment about the LITTLE bit of weight I have put on.

Brent chuckled, I peeked into his thoughts hoping he didn't notice.... He thought I was pregnant?

Bad events

I sighed, all my days had been boring since they found out I was pregnant, I was confined to my bed most of the time because the fact I was huge like a whale. Some days I wanted to weep because I was so so fat!  Being put on bedrest didn't help at all but I know it's only because  they don't want anything to happen to the baby and they believed I was in a "delicate" state; but I wasn't.
Aohdam walked into the room smiling but I just frowned at him and he gave a questioning look. He sat on the plump bed then said," Whats wrong baby, is the bed too uncomfortable? I will get the servants to replump it if you want, or do you need help getting a bath, do you want me to get you something to eat? Should I-"

I cut him off," Enough, I am only three months in, I am sick of all this, I can do things myself, I want to get out!" I saw a flash of hurt flitter across his face he really looked shocked and kind of upset. I know he was just caring for me and was just worried for me but he didn't understand that I was fine.

He muttered," Okay, I'll get the servants to sort the carriage out and you can go shopping, I'll go get you some money," And with that he left, I climbed out of bed, my back clicked and I laughed. It had been a while since I had got out of bed. I picked a blue dress and slipped it on and I was glad I didn't have to wear a corset anymore.  I went slowly waddled down the stairs when Brent saw me he smiled kindly and his eyes rested on my rounded stomach. He was nice once I had gotten to know him but he was like my husband and in his eyes I could see the concern and how worried he was. He then guided me out the door, Aohdam gave me some money then he gave me a soft kiss on the cheek and I went into the black carriage. It was nice to be out,I starred out the window staring at the passing fields and  then the carriage turned into the woods.  It was dark, gloomy and the howling make me slightly frightened; the twisted black trees scratched at the carriage and I heard a loud dripping sound. The carriage had stopped, fear and dread overwhelmed me so I locked the doors and wondered why we had we stopped? There was an awful wet tearing sound then the carriage was knocked the side, I unlocked the door and struggled to climb out the top. I ran, my feet getting trapped in the sticky thick black mud and I tried running some more but I tripped. My head bashed against the log on the floor, I felt my head gently whilst moaning from the pain, there was blood running down my face it was bittery and coppery. It ached but my stomach hurt  even more, I craddled my stomach some how hoping to stop the pain. The front of my dress was filthy, the woods started to spin round, all I remember was a throaty chuckle and then somebody picking me up...


My eyes felt heavy, like lead weights, the world was swirling and it felt like my body was a flame alight. The humidity was choking me; I felt like I was going to throw up and my throat was sore and burning almost like it had been rubbed raw. The room was dark all I could see was  the blood red satin sheets covering me and a dancing flickering candle which slightly lit up the room. I breathed a sigh, the room was unnusally chilly as frost touched what seemed to be windows and a delicate pattern had ettched its self into the glass. My curled hair was spread across the satin sheets, I had been changed into a flimsy nightgown which illuminated my already growing bump which  was out of proportion to my body as it was much larger than my small size and it dully ached because of its growing size. How big was my baby going to be? Would it be a monster like me? I prayed deeply that it wouldn't.

The door slowly creaked, I heard the light breath of a person, the floorboard groaned as their weight shifted and the door swung open.

HIs hair was curled and short, a deep chocolate brown that was glossy and bright and he had a wicked grin on but his eyes were an icy cold blue, so cold I thought I would freeze in his gaze.

I started to tremble but not from the coldness of the room, who was this strange man? His smirk vanished and a cold grimance replaced it and he flashed his fangs.


I screamed as that horrible nightmare from my childhood filled my mind.


Publication Date: 11-12-2011

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