» Short Story » Behind the lies and those eyes..., Lauren [book recommendations TXT] 📗

Book online «Behind the lies and those eyes..., Lauren [book recommendations TXT] 📗». Author Lauren

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too tacky for her daughters, if in her opinion they were nice she would have taken them along with a mass of mine and my mothers jewellery. I still have a cluster of jewellery, she took some fakes but some where real, my mother never trusted people so she only told me where she hid most of her real jewellery. I still keep the most precious items and I wear the most valuable at all times even though it isn't a "lady-like" piece of jewellery. I huddled close to the wardrobe and my eyes gently closed and I was asleep...

Deep shivers rocked through my body, my teeth slowly chattered, my body was frozen but I burried myself deeper and deeper to hide. I had wedged myself between the wall and the freezer, so they couldn't get me, I knew with deep sadness I would have to come out sooner or later. The vibrations rattled my bones, I was weak from starvation and exhastion, I couldn't keep this up much longer and I knew the only way I would leave was in a body bag. I heard loud footsteps coming down the basement, I peeked through the long gap and saw long shadows on the wall and then a face looked down the gap. He was smiling, showing his large fangs which glinted in the darkness, in his silky smooth voice he cooed," Come out little girl, we promise we won't hurt you," I didn't believe his sweet false words, as I could see a faint red mark of blood in the lower corner of his chin. I sqeezed further back away from him, keeping my teddy bear close to my chest. A horrible snapping sound was heard then the freezer was yanked from the wall, I was left unprotected and in the open. He was going to kill me like he killed my mother. I screamed clutching my teddy closer, then man came towards me with his sharp fangs and then...

My skin was lightly wet with sweat, I opened my eyes slowly but it was like trying to lift heavy weights, I tried to sit up but with the sense of the world falling on me, I collapsed.
  The big day

The young girls body was lightly damp, she was ill with fever, her yellow hair was in a large tangle spreaded across the bed. Her soft plump lips were parted, I felt a strong desire to kiss her but I knew what master minette had planned, he would proberly rip my lips off if I ever dared to kiss her. I stared at her inhuman beauty, maybe she was like us after all, she lightly shook and tremors racked her body and she whimpered in her fevered state. I could faintly see her dreams, they were long forgotten and what she believed to be real but told wasn't, blood thirsty fiends were attempting to kill her. I could get an odd vibe from her which was unlike the humans who were in the cells now, she was powerful but it all had to be unlocked.

I opened my eyes slowly, bright light blinded me and I covered my eyes, I was not use to the light. A light croak emerged from my mouth,"he-llo wha-aa-t dayy i-ss it," To my surprise a soldier came running to my aid. He had blonde curly hair, which shinned in the light and he had pale skin and reddy brown eyes. He held me gently around the waist, supporting me, he took me down the stairs then into the formal room. Sat at the gleaming table surround around soldiers was Brent, he was sipping tea and looking at a map. His dark mass of black hair shot right up as soon as I entered the room and in a sweet voice he said,"Come and sit down dear, are you feeling better?" The soldier supported me as I attempted to walk closer and I sat down on the chair. The soldier jumped straight away from me as if I was a repulsive bug, maybe that was all I was, a replusive ugly worthless piece of trash. My dry whispery voice replied," I still feel kind of ill but much better thank you, where is the king and the queen and princesses?"

I was slightly suprised at the fact she didn't call them her family but I guess she wasn't treated like family, I could see vauge memories which shinned off her like ripples in a pool, some were just terrifying to watch and it make me feel for this poor girl. Her "family" were locked downstairs in their own dungeon which was slightly ironic being a prisoner in their own home but it was time they had a taste of their own medicine. I just couldn't wait for my son to be wed, I wish it could be the beauty before me but I gave the father the choice and guessing from him he would pick one of his more obidient daughters. I sipped my bloody mary, which could have been mistaken for tea but it wasn't, arabelle sat their shivering madly and she was so pale and destroyed. I motioned for a soldier to take her back to bed, as she left she slumped into a heap on the floor and was carried upstairs. I pulled a photo of Faye from under the maps and wondered if this could be her long lost daughter but it could not be as well.

I woke feeling refreshed and as bright as sun shine, I had no idea what they had given me but it had made me feel much better, I climbed out of bed and as soon as I did that a bunch of women came running my way. In a cluster of words all I managed to pick out was," It's your big day,","Get the dress,","Put her in the bath,","We don't even need to curl her hair," and much more but it was just a blur, what had they meant by "my big day" ?

I found my self stripped then rushed into the bath, the warm soaps popped on my skin and it was like laying in a tub of warm bubbles, the bath was pink and smelt delicious, I saw several women working on me, some washing my hair and scrubbing my skin but then some sorting out my eyebrows and nails. I was dragged out of the bath then smothered by a fluffy warm bathrobe, sat on a chair I sat for hours whilst I had my makeup, nails and hair done, I was curious about they had meant and accidently blurted it out. They all happily cried," Its your wedding of course," They all seemed more excited then I was, but they weren't the clueless one. I closed my eyes, then felt the tightening of lace and the soft slippery feel of the material run over my body. I opened my eyes then looked in the mirror...

My wild mass of curls had been tamed into glittery golden curls, they bounced along, they had been half gripped up and that meant it showed my face, my eyelashes looked elegant and long and not like the child like stubs I remembered. My eyes looked brighter than ever, gold eyeshadow and thick black eyeliner made me look exotic which reminded me of egyptions, the dress was amazing. How I had always imagined it, it was so like my mother, It was armless and shapped like a heart at the top and then went down but tightly fitted at the waist and then slimmed out into a long train but what made it special was the shape of flowers which had amber and diamands sewn on. I wanted to cry from the beauty of it. The servants could see I was getting emotional and left me alone. Once there was no sight of anybody, I ran and ran till I lost my way.  I found my self in mothers cherry blossum yard and set up was hundreds of chairs. Yes, I do believe it's a beautiful sight but who wouldn't? The cherry blossum scent drafted in the slight breeze, the breeze gave relief from the warm sunshine and the light hit everything giving it a magical glow. This couldn't be real, an arch of flowers sat at the end of the long wedding aisle, every white chair was set out in perfect rows and this was all going to happen today.I breathed in deeply, this dress felt suffocating and the very thought of marrying this stanger worried me behond belief.


                                                                                                                                                             I tightly gribbed my sharp raggard black rock then tied the necklace around my neck, I always wore it because I had it from birth and it was special. I hung on a gold chain but the chain links were eyes and crecents.


                                                                                                                                                                 There by the aisle was him.

                                                                                                                                                              I looked at the man I was about to marry and from one look I knew it was Brents son. He had the midnight black hair but his was slightly curly, then the heart stopping golden brown eyes but they looked like melting gold. He was tall, very tall and dressed smartly in an expensive black suit which was the exact colour of his beautiful raven coloured hair. Thoughts ran through my head, question after question which left me with a dull headache. Why was he marring me? My sisters look better, they would be perfect arm candy and me, well I was useless.


                                                                                                                                                               I saw him starting to come closer, I began to panic so I ran. 


I sat under the blossum tree just glad to be away from the man, the scent of blossums drifting left me feeling calmer and relaxed. In the corner of my eye I could see him, my pulse began to race faster with each step he took towards me. Within moments he was sat beside me, I could hear him softly breathing and then I felt soft lips kiss my face.
I looked up at Brent's son then cried," Go away, I don't even know who you are!" I twisted away from him, my cheek felt warm from where he had kissed me, my first kiss was from a stranger who I did not know the name of and who I was soon to marry.   

He appeared suprised at my outburst and seemed upset for some reason, he came closer and stroked my

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