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Genre Short Story. Page - 57

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Two stories and two different hearts. One of love and one of heartache.

Two young lads arrive at a doctor's surgery, the younger with a serious injury, requiring an operation. The doctor is annoyed when the lad insists on assisting him, but become astounded when he discovers what the boy has in mind.

Miley and James have been friends since preschool. After James over hears Miley talking to one of her friends in the hall about her liking James. Will James be able to ask her out or does he want to ruin a good friendship? Or will something happen before he has the chance?

Three drabbles for the Bookrix Drabble competition. First competition entry I've ever done, do enjoy. One is horror, one is fiction and the final one is fantasy.

On a dark and stormy October night, a poor, unsuspecting individual is stumbling along the side walks of New York City. They're clueless, weak, unknowing of the horrors that reside inside the locked up, abandoned butchers shop... ...Until now.

Blackened eyes, broken wrist. Charges dismissed.