» Study Aids » Palmistry for All, Cheiro [carter reed .txt] 📗

Book online «Palmistry for All, Cheiro [carter reed .txt] 📗». Author Cheiro

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be taken up. It was from this standpoint that I interested such men as Gladstone, Professor Max Muller, of Oxford, Lord Russell, when he was Lord Chief Justice, King Edward VII., and many others too numerous to mention; and lastly, it is from the same standpoint that I have now written this book, which under the title of Palmistry for All, will, I hope, appeal to all classes, and cause such an interest in the Study of Character that, instead of such an art being left in the hands of a few, it will, on the contrary, become universally used for the benefit of all.


Note.—Cheiro retired from all professional work some time ago, and the public is therefore warned against persons pretending that they are the real "Cheiro," and endeavouring to pass themselves off as the author of his well-known works.

PAGE Preface iii Introduction xv PART I PALMISTRY OR CHEIROMANCY CHAPTER I. A Brief Résumé of the History of the Study of Hands Through the Centuries To The Present Day 1 II. The Line of Head or the Indications of Mentality 8 The Line of Head and its Variations 10 The Line of Head joined to the Line of Life 16 The Line of Head separated from the Line of Life 19 The Line of Head and its Secondary Signs 22 Changes in the Line of Head 26 Crosses and Squares in connection with the Line of Head 30 Double Lines of Head 31 The Line of Head on the Seven Types of Hands 33 III. The Line of Life and Its Variations 36 IV. The Line of Mars Or Inner Life Line 44 V. The Line of Destiny Or Fate 47 From the Line of Life 50 From the Wrist 50 From the Mount of the Moon 51 From the Middle of the Palm 55 Influence Lines to the Line of Fate 57 Double Lines of Fate 57 VI. The Line of the Sun or Success 61 From the Line of Life 63 From the Line of Fate 63 From the Plain of Mars 63 From the Mount of the Moon 63 From the Line of Head 63 From the Line of Heart 63 VII. The Line of Heart as indicating the Affectionate and Emotional Nature 67 VIII. Signs Relating to Marriage 73 The Line of Marriage: At the Base of the Fourth Finger 73 Influence Lines to the Fate Line 77 Influence Lines on Venus 79 IX. Lines denoting Children, their Sex, and Other Matters concerning Them 81 X. The Line of Health or Hepatica 83 XI. The Girdle of Venus 88 The Ring of Saturn 90 The Bracelets 91 XII. The Line of Intuition 92 The Via Lasciva 93 XIII. La Croix Mystique 95 The Ring of Solomon 96 XIV. Travels, Voyages and Accidents 97 XV. The Island, the Circle, the Spot and the Grille 101 XVI. The Star, the Cross, the Square 104 XVII. Different Classes of Lines and Right and Left Hands 107 XVIII. The Great Triangle and the Quadrangle 110 XIX. How to tell Time and Dates of the Principal Events in the Life 112 PART II CHEIROGNOMY—OR THE SHAPES OF THE HANDS AND FINGERS I. The Study of the Shape of the Hands 117 The Seven Types of Hands: The Elementary 119 The Square 119 The Spatulate 121 The Philosophic 122 The Conic 124 The Psychic 125 The Mixed 126 II. The Thumb 127 The Supple Jointed 128 The Firm Jointed 128 The First, Second and Third Phalange 131 III. The Fingers 133 Length of Fingers to one another 133 Smooth Jointed 135 Knotty Jointed 135 IV. The Nails 136 Long Nails 136 Short Nails 137 Flat Nails 138 Their Indications of Disease 139 V. The Mounts of the Hand 140 VI. The Mount of Mars 144 VII. The Mount of Jupiter 150 VIII. The Mount of Saturn 154 IX. The Mount of the Sun 158 X. The Mount of Mercury 162 XI. The Mount of The Moon 168 XII. The Mount of Venus 173 XIII. Advice to The Student: the Best Means to make Casts or take Impressions of the Hands 178

PAGE Cheiro Frontispiece The Lines of the Hand 1 Lord Kitchener's Hand 2 PLATE I. The Three Principal Positions for the Commencement of the Line of Head 11 II. The Line of Head joined to the Line of Life and its Terminations 18 III. The Line of Head separated from the Line of Life 20 IV. Islands on the Line of Head 24 V. More Variations of the Line of Head 27 VI. The Line of Head and Line of Heart running together 29 VII. Double Lines of Head, also Crosses and Squares 32 VIII. The Line of Life and Sections of Influences from the Mounts 37 IX. The Line of Life and its Variations 40 X. The Line of Life and Line of Mars 45 XI. The Line of Destiny and its Modifications 51 XII. The Line of Destiny and its Variations 53 XIII. The Line of Destiny and its Modifications 56 XIV. The Line of Destiny, Islands, and other Signs 59 XV. The Line of Sun and its Modifications 62 XVI. The Line of Heart and its Variations 68 XVII. The Line of Marriage 74 XVIII. Marriage Lines and Influence Lines which further help in denoting Marriage 78 XIX. The Line of Health 84 XX. The Girdle of Venus. The Ring of Saturn. The Bracelets. The Line of Intuition. The Via Lasciva 89 XXI. Travels, Voyages, Accidents, and Descending Lines from the Mounts 99 XXII. The Island, the Circle, the Spot, the Grille, the Star, and the Square 102 XXIII. Minor Marks and Signs 105 XXIV. Minor Marks and Signs 108 XXV. The Great Triangle and the Quadrangle 111 XXVI. Times and Dates of Principal Events 113 CHEIROGNOMY ILLUSTRATIONS I. The Elementary Hand 120 The Square or Useful Hand 120 The Spatulate Hand 120 The Philosophic Hand 120 II. The Conic or Artistic Hand 123 The Psychic Hand 123 The Mixed Hand 123 III. Thumbs: The Clubbed Thumb 129 The Supple Jointed Thumb 129 The Firm Jointed Thumb 129 The Waist-Like Thumb 129 The Straight Thumb 129 The Elementary Thumb 129 IV. The Fingers: The Smooth 134 The Square 134 The Knotty 134 V. The Nails: Delicacy of Throat 137 Chest and Bronchial 137 Spinal Weakness 137 Weak Action of the Heart 137 Paralysis 137 VI. The Mounts of the Hand: The Mount of Venus 141 The Mount of Mars 141 The Mount of Jupiter 141 The Mount of Saturn 141 The Mount of the Sun 141 The Mount of Mercury 141 The Mount of the Moon 141


The success I had during the twenty-five years in which I was connected with this study was, I believe, chiefly owing to the fact that although my principal study was the lines and formation of hands, yet I did not confine myself alone to that particular page in the book of Nature. I endeavoured to study every phase of thought that can throw light on human life; consequently the very ridges of the skin, the hair found on the hands, all were used as a detective would use a clue to accumulate evidence. I found people were sceptical of such a study only because they had not the subject presented to them in a logical manner.

There are hundreds of facts connected with the hand that people have rarely, if ever, heard of, and I think it will not be out of place if I touch on them here. For instance, in regard to what are known as the corpuscles, Meissner, in 1853, proved that these little molecular substances were distributed in a peculiar manner in the hand itself. He found that in the tips of the fingers they were 108 to the square line, with 400 papillæ; that they gave forth certain distinct crepitations, or vibrations, and that in the red lines of the hand they were most numerous and, strange to say, were found in straight individual rows in the lines of the palm. Experiments were made as to these vibrations, and it was proved that, after a little study, one could distinctly detect and recognise the crepitations in

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