» Study Aids » English Synonyms and Antonyms, James Champlin Fernald [each kindness read aloud .TXT] 📗

Book online «English Synonyms and Antonyms, James Champlin Fernald [each kindness read aloud .TXT] 📗». Author James Champlin Fernald

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capital than he could command at that time. Others combining with him enabled him to succeed with it.

After a few spasmodic ——, he abandoned all —— at improvement.


1. What is the meaning of bear as applied to care, pain, grief, and the like? 2. What does endure add to the meaning of bear? 3. How do allow and permit compare with the words just mentioned? 4. How do put up with and tolerate[425] compare with allow and permit? 5. What is the special sense of afford? How does it come into connection with the words of this group? 6. What is the sense of brook? 7. Of what words does abide combine the meanings?


Charity —— long and is kind; charity —— all things.

I follow thee, safe guide, the path
Thou lead'st me, and to the hand of heav'n ——.
For there was never yet philosopher
That could —— the toothache patiently.
ENEMY (page 151). QUESTIONS.

1. What is an enemy? an adversary? 2. What distinction is there between the two words as to the purpose implied? 3. What is an antagonist? an opponent? a competitor? a rival? 4. How does foe compare with enemy?


He makes no friend who never made a ——.

This friendship that possesses the whole soul,
... can admit of no ——.
Mountains interposed
Make —— of nations who had else,
Like kindred drops been molded into one.

He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skill. Our —— is our helper.


1. What is enmity? 2. How does animosity differ from enmity? 3. What is hostility? What is meant by hostilities between nations? 4. What is bitterness? acrimony? 5. How does antagonism compare with the words above mentioned?


Let all ——, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice.

But their ——, tho smothered for a while, burnt with redoubled violence.

The carnal mind is —— against God, for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.


1. What is it to entertain mentally? to amuse? 2. What is the distinctive sense of divert? 3. Can one be amused or entertained who is not diverted? 4. What is it to recreate? to beguile?

Books can not always ——, however good;
Minds are not ever craving for their food.
Who God doth late and early pray
More of his grace than gifts to lend;
And —— the harmless day
With a religious book or friend.



1. What do entertainment and recreation imply? How, accordingly, do they rank among the lighter matters of life? 2. How do amusement and pastime differ? 3. On what plane are sports? How do they compare with entertainment and recreation? 4. How do amusement and enjoyment compare?

At Christmas play, and make good ——,
For Christmas comes but once a year.

It is as —— to fools to do mischief.

No true heart can find —— in another's pain or grief.

The Puritans hated bear-baiting, not because it gave pain to the bear, but because it gave —— to the spectators.

As Tammie glowered, amazed and curious,
The mirth and —— grew fast and furious.

And so, if I might be judge, God never did make a more calm, quiet, innocent —— than angling.


1. In what sense was enthusiasm formerly used? 2. What is now its prevalent and controlling meaning? 3. How does zeal differ from enthusiasm?


An ardent —— leads to great results in exposing certain evils.

His —— was contagious and they rushed into battle.

The precept had its use; it could make men feel it right to be humane, and desire to be so, but it could never inspire them with an —— of humanity.


1. To what does entrance refer? 2. What do admittance and admission add to the meaning of entrance? 3. To what does admittance refer? To what additional matters does admission refer? Illustrate. 4. What is the figurative use of entrance?


—— was obtained by a side-door, and a good position secured to the crowded hall.

No —— except on business.

He was never so engrossed with cares of state that the needy could not have —— to him.

However carefully church-membership may be guarded, unworthy members will sometimes gain ——.


1. What do we mean when we say that a person is envious? 2. What is the difference between envious and jealous? 3. Is an envious spirit ever good? 4.[427] Is jealous capable of being used in a good sense? 5. In what sense is suspicious used?


Neither be thou —— against the workers of iniquity.

—— in honor, sudden and quick in quarrel.


1. What is the derivation and the original signification of equivocal? of ambiguous? How do the two words compare in present use? 2. What is the meaning of enigmatical? 3. How do doubtful and dubious compare? 4. In what sense is questionable used? suspicious?

These sentences, to sugar or to gall,
Being strong on both sides, are ——.

An —— statement may result from the thoughtless use of a single word that is capable of more than one meaning.

ESTEEM, n. (page 157). QUESTIONS.

1. What is the difference between esteem and estimate? 2. Is esteem now used of concrete valuation? 3. What is its chief present use? 4. What is its meaning in popular use as said of persons?

They please, are pleas'd; they give to get ——,
Till seeming blest, they grow to what they seem.

The loss of conscience or honor is one that can not be ——.


1. What is the meaning of eternal in the fullest sense? 2. To what being, in that sense, may it be applied? 3. In what does everlasting fall short of the meaning of eternal? 4. How does endless agree with and differ from everlasting? 5. In what inferior senses are everlasting and interminable used? 6. Is eternal, in good speech or writing, ever brought down to such inferior use?

Truth crushed to earth shall rise again,
The —— years of God are hers.

Whatever may befall thee, it was preordained for thee from ——.

It were better to be eaten to death with a rust than to be scoured to nothing with —— motion.

Here comes the lady! Oh, so light a foot
Will ne'er wear out the —— flint.
EVENT (page 158). QUESTIONS.

1. How do event and incident differ etymologically? 2. Which is the greater and[428] more important? Give examples. 3. How does circumstance compare with incident? 4. What is the primary meaning of occurrence? 5. What is an episode? 6. How does event differ from end? 7. What meaning does event often have when applied to the future?

Fate shall yield
To fickle ——, and Chaos judge the strife.
Men are the sport of —— when
The —— seem the sport of men.

Coming —— cast their shadows before.

Where an equal poise of hope and fear
Does arbitrate the ——, my nature is
That I incline to hope rather than fear,
And gladly banish squint suspicion.
EVERY (page 158). QUESTIONS.

1. In what are all and both alike? any, each, and every? 2. How does any differ from each and every? 3. How do each and every differ from all? 4. How does each compare with every? with both? 5. What does either properly denote? In what other sense is it often used? What is the objection to the latter use?


—— person in the room arose to his feet.

A free pardon was offered to —— who should instantly lay down their arms.

As the garrison marched out, the victorious troops stood in arms on —— side of the way.

In order to keep his secret inviolate, he revealed it privately to —— of his most intimate friends.

—— person giving such information shall be duly rewarded.


1. How do apparent and evident compare? 2. What is the special sense of manifest? How does it compare in strength with evident? 3. What is the sense of obvious? 4. How wide is the range of visible? 5. How does discernible compare with visible? What does it imply as to the observer's action? 6. What is the sense of palpable and tangible? conspicuous?


A paradox is a real truth in the guise of an —— absurdity or contradiction.

The prime minister was —— by his absence.

The statement is a —— absurdity.

On a comparison of the two works the plagiarism was ——.

Yet from those flames
No light; but only darkness ——.

These lies are like the father that begets them; gross as a mountain, open, ——.



1. What is the etymological meaning of example? 2. What two contradictory meanings does example derive from this primary sense? 3. How does example differ from sample? 4. How does it compare with model? with pattern? 5. How does exemplar agree with, and differ from example? 6. What is an exemplification? an ensample?


I bid him look into the lives of men as tho himself a mirror, and from others to take an —— for himself.

We sleep, but the loom of life never stops and the —— which was weaving when the sun went down is weaving when it comes up to-morrow.

History is an —— of philosophy.

The commander was resolved to make an —— to deter others from the like offense.


1. What is excess? Is it used in the favorable or unfavorable sense? 2. What is extravagance? 3. What is exorbitance? 4. What kind of excess do overplus and superabundance denote? lavishness and profusion? 5. Is surplus used in the favorable or unfavorable sense? 6. To what do redundance and redundancy chiefly refer? 7. What words are used as synonyms of excess in the moral sense?


Saving requires self-denial, and —— is the death of self-denial.

Where there is great —— there usually follows corresponding ——.

—— of wealth is cause of covetousness.

Haste brings ——, and —— brings want.

The —— of the demand caused unfeigned surprise.

More of the present woes of the world are due to —— than to any other single cause.

—— of language often weakens the impression of what would be impressive in sober statement.


1. What is the meaning of execute? of administer? of enforce? 2. How are the words applied in special cases? Give instances. 3. What secondary meaning has administer?


It is the place of the civil magistrate to —— the laws.

The pasha gave a signal and three attendants seized the culprit, and promptly —— the bastinado.

I can not illustrate a moral duty without at the same time ——ing a precept of our religion.



1. What is the meaning of exercise apart from all qualifying words? 2. How does exercise in that sense differ from exertion? 3. How may exercise be brought up to the full meaning of exertion? 4. What is practise? How does it differ from exercise? 5. How is practise discriminated from such theory or profession? 6. What is drill?


Regular —— tends to keep body and mind in the best working order.

—— in time becomes second

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