» Thriller » Chained, Destiny B [websites to read books for free .txt] 📗

Book online «Chained, Destiny B [websites to read books for free .txt] 📗». Author Destiny B

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I gasp for breath as i look around the room. My vision was blurred a bit. I could only make out shapes in the room.  i couldnt move my hand, they were tied up. No. they were handcuffed. i felt the cool metal hit agaisnt my hands. i blew starnd of hair from my face with my mouth.
"Sara? you here" I whispered. It smelled horid in here. where were we? how did we even get here.? I hear a low moan."Sara?" nugded my head up a bit. I could see someone in the other corner, laying on their side. It was sar, i could tell by her brown hair, sitting there losly my her cheeks. There was a little bit light in here now. i piped up on my side and rose to feet. staggering, i walked over to her lifeless body and she opened her eyes a bit at me. 
"" she croaked.
"Shh," i tell her, spinning on my stomach so i could face her."im gonna get us out, okay?"
she nodded her head weakly. "o..kay..hurry..before" 
I couldnt help but to cry a bit. Him. Thats what we'll call him for now. Him. I scanned her fragile body. cuts and bruises formed, and a deep gash in her leg was spilling out, and a pile of dried blood was on the floor. i winced. He stabbed her? why dont i rememebr anything. For chirst fucking sakes, remember, Lana.
"Shit" i whispered, cursing quietly. I moved closer to her, moving my chin down the lenght off her body, waiting to feel the cold metal. but instead, i was gretter with the roughness of something. A rope. he tied her with rope. perfect. I sigh before putting my teeth against it, un tieing the knot. he sucked at tieing this, cause i pulled one string and her arms dropped o her side, as she let out a sigh of relief.
", Lana"
i sat up on my knees."Are you abe to get up. Look around for a key?"
She pulled herself up with her arms. "i cant..try" she huffed.
I rememeber that i could walk, so i got up and let her lean on my shoulder. her breathing started to come back again regulary and she searched around. "Lana..theres..theres nothing here." she started chockin up. I was still crying as she wrapped her arms around me and we both just sat in the corner, crying. 
"we'll get out. I promise"

On the radio


I love the feel of my hair flowing wildly from the air. We sped down the main street in my Red porsce. I laugh as we turn the music on louder and look at all the passing calls honk their horns at us. We didnt care. It was the end of Junior year, and summer was now beginning. We were free. For another three months at least. I pull the top up as we stop at a red light.

"Sorry, Sara. Dad says its not Good to keep it down all the time" she frows, turning off the radio. I pat down my long auburn hair. It was in its narmal waves and i had a purple head band on over my forhead. I Guess i decided to go with a hippie look today.
"hey. turn it back on" I giggle turning the music back on and singing along to the lyrics of a song. She reached over and turned it down. I smiled and then frowned. You think David like me?"
"David? Davd banes? Hmm..I dunno. He gawks at your chest a lot during soccer Pratice. Remember that"
"Yeah" I laugh. "That was before i got a bit chubby" i poked at my not so flat belly.
"Oh pease. I'd kill for your body. you kind have tht Sofia vergara look going on."
She was right. Sara was a petite girl. She had a slender body, and she probably didnt weigh over 100 pounds. she had the prettied green of eyes, and dark brown hair that flowed straight down her back. Like one of those model girls you see in the ads. she was pretty. That wasnt no lie. I smile again and go through the radio stations.
"Kim kardashing And her baby.." I forwned And kept going. "the wheather here in sunny coloardo is 90 degress..." I sighed and just stelled on a random station. 
"Today three girls were abducted from the park. three teenage girls, who have been said to be 'heavily sedated by something" and was seen being dragged away by a tall man in his mid 40s"
"Aww" I say. "Dirty Old pervs. why teenage girls. why anyone" I complain as a black van pulled up in the next lane as us. Sara sighed as i looked over. they rolled down they're windown. a guy with shaggy brown hair smiled creepily at me. I turned back to Sara. "Can we go back home? Im getting a headach"
She looked at my. "Uh, sure." She was dissapointed. She wanted to go to the mall tou buy a few outfit for her date with Henry in a couple of days.
"i mean..Um.."I looked at a discount store. "we can go in there and see if hey have some stuff" i siggested. He face lit up a bit. "Sure"
we walk back into the store, ignoring the girl behind the counter talking loudly opn the phone. sara scoffed. "Rude people these days. I dont undertsand how they do it."
I fake a smile and look through the racks of clothes. Eyeing the girl at the counter who laughed loudly. I rolled my eyes.
"I wonder if those three girls are okay" Sara says Looking sad a bit. I shurugged. They just got taken today, i doubted they were okay. A little harsh but it was the truth. I sighed.
"maybe. but we should get going soon. you know how Robbie Gets. He'll throw a fit."
"Yeah. Well..Just a bit longer. I found a shirt" 
i look up as shes holding a pink Tank top with the words juicy spawled across it. "Um..Sara?"
"Yeah" She put it up to her small sized chest. the shirt was obvioulsy streched out.
"No...its a bit chiche and tacky. How about this?" I hold up a auqa t-shirt with the waist line cut and ties into little knots. She smiled bit as she tok it from me. 
"Perfect. Its not to classy but also not trashy. it definatly show some skin, but then, it'll say 'i have a wild me'"
I nod my head up and down slowly giving off a weird look atr her. "Sure..sara..Whatever you say"
She laughs. "Im totes kidding. I think i have smoe pants that might go along with this. or maybe you do. you have jeggings right?"
 "yeah." I sigh and cross my arms over my chest.
"Great. I have an outfit then"
she smiles at me and ges over to the counter and lays down the shirt carfully.
"Ugh hold On Bryce, customers" She sings lightly and rolls her eyes. Setting the phone, she grabs the shirt and inspects it lightly before ripping the tag off. "is this all for you today?"
"Well, lets see, i also have a pair of heels, and 50 more shirts" sara says sarcasticailly. I nudged her in the arms.
The girl at the counter rolled her eyes and scanned the shirt. have a nice day" She said with a fake smile.
"Thanks" I mutter as we both shuffle out of the small thrift shop. Finally, we can go home in peace.
"God she was a total bitch. she obvi saw that there was nothing else i had. who asks those kind of questions?"
"Its her job Sara, what else was she supposed to say?" 
She gets in the passenger seat and has the bag laid gently on top of her bare legs. "i dunno"
I climb in and put my seatbelt on and put the key in. "Dont worry, when we get to my house you can model the shirt and whatnot, okay?
"yeah. sounds great" she mutters under her breath. she wasnt happy, that was for sure. i look out the window and notice the sun is already setting. we've been gone all day, and all we found was a used cut up shirt. and for what? one simple dte. totaly wastless. I could of been on my laptop in my cool room wearing my baggy swaeter and eating chips while blogging on Tumblr or something. But no, that wasnt the case, now was it? But i should be happy that i drove her all the way out here. she has helped me so much in the past that, i can never forget. Like the time we went skinny dipping in our community pool and we got cought. and Sara lied and said that we were chasing some boys who took our clothes. It was probably the funnest day we have ever had. I miss those days. Shes changing a lot. ever since she got accepted into cheer camp, and i have literally did nothing all summer but work at pizza hut and be in my room on countless nights alone.
"Huh..What?" I snap away from my day dream and look at her puzzled face.
"You gonna start the car or what?" 
"Oh" I turn the key slightly" Yeah"
The engine Sputtered.
What? no..this cant be happening..i just got this car.
" everything okay?" Sara asks, with a little panic in her voice.
" me try again" I turn the key and nothing. it just sputters. "What in the fuck, man"
"Let me check" Sara offers. I looked at her weirdly.
"What? you know nothing about cars. how are you gonna 'check it'?"
"Diana Checks the car all the time. she taught me a few things, ya know" She smiles. "Just let me try"
I take my hands off the streeing wheel and get out of the car. She follows me and we may our way to the hood of the car. She pops the top open and pry it up with that stick thingy. black smoke rises and hits us in our face. I cough as she just waves it off. Great. now i look like the little bitch here.
"Hmm.." The enigine seems fine..I see nothing wrong with it." She looked around.
 I backed up a bit and pulled my phone from my back pocket. "ill call robbie real quick, maybe he can-"
A hand reached under my neck and put a hand whte thing over my face. I heard a scream. Sara.
Everything went black.

24 Hours


Me and my Sister, Lana,

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