» Thriller » (un)lucky Number thirteen, Missy [motivational novels for students .txt] 📗

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against him, and jumped out of the car. Ashton laughed and also got out of the car after me. We walked up to his house, and he opened the door, and I stood their peering in.
“ You’ll get a better look inside,” he grinned. I rolled my eyes.
“ Pfft what ever,” I sighed. I continued to peer inside and then Ashton grabbed my wrist, and pulled me in. I put my hand over my mouth to hold back my yelp. I glared at him, and he shrugged his shoulders and let out a laugh. Ashton walked away, and walked into another room when I heard two other voices. I slowly followed him, and saw an older man that looked like Ashton sitting at a table, and an older women with strawberry blonde hair, fair skin, and very petite. But probably the same height as i. our eyes met and a grin spread across her face. I smiled back.
“ Hello!” She smiled.
“ h- Hi,” I waved my hand. The guy looked up at me, and smiled, and stood up from his seat and held out his hand for me. I shook his hand, and then he brought my hand closer to him, and kissed it.
“ It’s a pleasure to meet you, I am Guy, Ashton’s father,” he smiled. I smiled back at him.
“ It’s nice to meet you Mr.” He stopped me.
“ Darling call me Guy,” He laughed letting go of my hand. I nodded my head, and then he gestured for me to sit, and I took a seat next to Ashton and across from his mother. She smiled at me.
“ hello, I’m Lin, Ashton’s mother,” she smiled.
“ Hello… Lin it’s nice to meet you,” I smiled.
“ So what’s your name?” Guy asked.
“ My name is Gal,” I smiled looking down.
“ Gal? What an intriguing name!” Lin smiled. I nodded my head.
“ Her full name is Galaxy though,” Ashton spoke up. I looked over at him, and Guy and Lin where both looking at me.
“ That’s a unique name,” Guy laughed.
“ I can say the same thing about you,” I laughed. He let out a laugh and nodded his head.
“ Oh I am just in love with your name….” Lin said gazing at me. I blushed and smiled. “ Oh Ashton I love this one!” She clapped her hands together. I let out a chuckle and looked at Ashton and his face was a little red. “ Oh Galaxy… oh you don’t mind me calling you galaxy right? Well never mind but Ashton has never brought a girlfriend home to have dinner with us before. We only… sometimes hear about them, but he is always mentioning you!” She smiled.
“ Ma,” Ashton groaned. I let out a laugh, and Ashton’s face was beat red.
“ Ashton, son usually I would agree with you and tell your mom to stop embarrassing you, but son…” He shook his head looking at me. “ Don’t let this one go,” he smiled looking at me. I felt my face flush, and I looked away. Ashton sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.
“ you two… are unbelievable…” Ashton groaned. I stared to laugh and so did Guy and Lin. The dinner was nice, and I really enjoyed myself.
“ Galaxy this was nice, I hope you can join us more often if your parents don’t mind,” Lin smiled. I looked at her, and tried to smile but I looked down.
“ ma,” Ashton whispered. I touched his arm and shook my head.
“ Lin, my parents died,” I smiled. Guy and Lin both looked at me, and then Lin ran around the table pulling me into a hug. Ashton groaned and buried his face into his hands.
“ im so sorry!” she cried. I let out a laugh.
“ Its fine,” I giggled shaking my head. She released me, and we both looked at Ashton.
“ Mother your killing me!” He cried.
“ Ashton shush!” She scolded. I let out a laugh. “ Galaxy hunny did you bring a bathing suit?” She asked. I shook my head. “ Would you like to go swimming?” She asked. “ It would only be you and Ashton though me and Guy wouldn’t go,” she added in laughing. I let out a laugh, and looked at Ashton who was nodding his head.
“ Sure,” I smiled.
“ Come with me then! I have one of my nieces old bathing suits in my closet you can wear,” she smiled taking my hand, and leading me up the stairs. We walked into her room, and she rummaged through her closet, and then handed me a black bikini. I held it in my hands.
“ Um…” I groaned looking at the bikini and then at Lin. She started to laugh.
“ Galaxy, you have an amazing body, don’t worry wear it!” She laughed. I smiled and nodded my head. She lead me to a bathroom down the hall. “ Well me and Guy are going for a walk, I’ll see you later!” She smiled turning around and walking down the stairs. I smiled, and stepped into the bathroom. I changed into the bikini and looked at myself…. God I have never worn such little clothing in my whole life! I walked out of the bathroom, and down the stairs folding my arms across my chest. I looked around and couldn’t find Ashton. I walked out into his backyard and peered around.
“ Ashton… Where are,” I was pushed into the pool, cold water engulfing me. my head went under water, and I resurfaced and saw Ashton standing their laughing. I glared at him, and started to splash him with water.
“ That’s cold!” he cried.
“ You! You just pushed me in! MAN UP!” I laughed continually splashing him. He looked at me.
“ Man up huh…” He grinned. He dived into the pool, and he started to swim towards me, and I turned to try and swim away but he grabbed my hips pulling me into him. I broke out into laughter’s, and then he dunked my head under water, and I wrapped my legs around him, and brought him down with me. we started to laugh, and then I hauled myself onto a raft, and Ashton rested his chin on it looking at me.
“ Why did your parents name you Galaxy?” he asked. I looked at him taken back by his sudden question.
“ You want to know?” I asked turning my body towards him. He bobbled his head up and down and I let out a laugh. “ Well… My parents met in high school. They were high school sweet hearts,” I smiled remembering all the stories they use to tell me. “ Well on homecoming my mother and father where crowned for king and queen and when they were in the middle of their dance, there was a galaxy above them. You know someone made all the planets. The theme was based off galaxy. So they were dancing, and my dad pulled something out of his pocket, and got down on one knee, and asked my mom to marry him. My mom looked up at the ceiling trying to take it all in, and then all the sudden she looked down at him and screamed out GALAXY!” I laughed. Ashton broke into a smile. “ The galaxy that was above them fell, and landed on top of my mom, and dad, and they said when they had me they both remembered their proposal, and wanted to name me Galaxy,” I laughed. I closed my eyes remembering them. “ You know I use to cry about their deaths a lot…. I kind of stopped when I met you. I just… I didn’t feel sad anymore, and when I couldn’t cry over their deaths I kind of felt guilty, but I realized that you made me so happy, that I couldn’t become depressed anymore,” I smiled with my eyes closed. I felt myself being tipped off the raft, and Ashton held me in his arms looking at me, and he kissed my forehead.
“ I love you so much Galaxy,” he smiled.
“ I love….”
“ HEY ASHTON!” A guy screamed. Ashton’s body tensed, and I looked at him, and saw his face go hard, and the look in his eyes was pure regret, and filled with sadness. He looked down at me, and then let me go, and turned around to look at the guy.
“ Ron… What are you doing here….” Ashton said in an evil voice.
Chapter seventeen-
Ashton swam to the edge of the pool, and pulled himself out. they guy that’s name was Ron stood there looking at Ashton, and then his eyes met with mine, and he winced at me. I knelt down into the water, the water touching the tip of my nose. Ashton continued to stand their glaring at the guy, and then he walked past Ron, and went into the house. I swam to the edge of the pool, and pulled myself out. I stood there with my arms wrapped around me.
“ So who are you?” Ron asked.
“ I- I was thinking t- the same t- thing,” I shivered. Ron grinned at me, and then he was shoved forward, and Ashton grabbed my wrist, and dragged me into the house. He continued to walk fast and I stumbled forward. I stopped and pulled my arm away from him.
“ Ashton!” I yelled. He turned around and when I our eyes met I took a step back. Hostility. That’s what I saw in his eyes.
“ C’mon lets go,” he said going to grab my wrist again. I pulled my wrist away, and took a step back.
“ Ashton,” I stated. Our eyes locked, and he bent down putting his hands on his knees.
“ Can we just go…” He growled.
“ Ashton who is that!” I cried.
“ none of your business!” He said going to grab for my wrist again. I took a step back avoiding his touch.
“ Since I am your girlfriend it is my damn business!”
“ Girlfriend huh?” Someone asked behind me. I turned around and saw Ron standing there with a grin on his face. Our eyes locked and his grin grew even wider. “ So I guess my little brother never told you about me,” he laughed. Ashton had a brother!? He never even told me he had a sibling. He took a step closer to me and held out his hand. “ Im Ron, Ashton’s older brother nice to meet you,” he smiled. I went to go shake his hand, but I felt Ashton’s arms lock around my waist, and he pulled me back so fast with so much force that I tripped over my own feet, and fell on my ass. Ashton stepped in front of me standing between Ron and I.
“ Ron…. What the fuck are you doing here!” he growled. I sat their gazing at Ashton in total disbelief. I have never seen him like this.
“ Cant I come see my baby brother?” Ron asked. Ashton went to go raise his fist, and I jumped up and grabbed onto his arm.
“ Ashton what the hell is wrong with you?” I said. He pulled his arm away from me and glared at me.
“ Lets. Go.” He said. I shook my head.
“ Ashton, what the hell?”
“ Get the fuck out of my house!” he screamed. I flinched and took a step back. It turned on my heel, and ran up the stairs and grabbed my clothes, and started to walk back down the stairs slipping on my shirt. I got to the bottom of the stairs, and I put on my flip
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