» Thriller » (un)lucky Number thirteen, Missy [motivational novels for students .txt] 📗

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he stepped back. “ Thank you,” He said. It caught me off guard and I looked at him shocked and then I smiled.
“ My name is Galaxy by the way,” I said reaching out my hand. He shook it and smiled.
“ Josh,” he nodded his head.
“ Let’s get you to the nurse,” he said.
I shook my head.
“ I am fine,” I smiled. He gave me a unsure look and I let out a laugh.
“ Maybe we should just check,” he said trailing off. I started to laugh.
“ Im fine!” I smiled, and lightly hit his arm. He smiled and nodded his head.
“ Those guys where completely shocked when they saw what you did,” he chuckled.
“ Yeah I know, hey can I ask you something?” I looked at him. He nodded his head. “ How come you seemed to hate me so much?” He face went scarlet red.
“ It’s just I hear a lot of stuff,” he trailed off. I raised an eyebrow at him.
“ What kind of stuff?” I said.
“ Just rumors but I don’t think they are true know,” he said.
“ Why is that?”
“ Because I couldn’t except someone like you to do that,” he said not looking me in the eyes.
“ Something like-,” I was cut off when someone wrapped their arms around my waist. I turned around and saw Ashton and his face dropped.
“ What happened to your face?” he asked lightly touching my nose.
“ Dodge ball,” I said shrugging my shoulders. He shook his head, and let out a laugh. I turned towards josh. “ Ashton this is my friend josh. Josh this is my boyfriend Ashton,” I said introducing the two. They both smiled at one another.
“ nice to meet you,” josh said extending his hand. They shook hands, and josh looked at me and smiled. “ I’ll talk to you later. The teacher probably thinks I ran away,” he laughed. I smiled.
“ Thanks,” I said.
“ no thank you,” he said and then turned and left. I turned back to Ashton, and he placed a kiss on my forehead.
“ how are you feeling?” He asked.
“ Im fine really,” I giggled.
“ you want to go to my place and hang out?” he asked.
“ yeah sure,” I smiled. We walked to his car and we sung to songs on our way there, and it was fun. When we got their he opened the door to his house, and I walked in. it was nice.
“ You want anything to drink?” He asked.
“ No thanks,” I smiled looking around.
“ let’s go watch a movie,” he said walking upstairs. I followed him, and we went into his bedroom.
“ What movie you got?” I asked plopping down on his bed.
“ How about Friday the thirteenth?” he smiled. I nodded my head, and he popped in the movie, and he sat down on the bed next to me. I laid back, and rested my head on his chest, and he wrapped his arms around my shoulders. That’s how we stayed throughout the movie and it was nice. He didn’t try to be a perv, and he was kind. I felt his chest move up and down when he breathed, and when the movie ended I laid there and tried to match my breathing with his.
“ I love you,” I heard him whisper. He must of thought I was asleep. I felt his hand running through my hair and after a couple minutes of silenced I smiled.
“ I love you too,” I said. His hand stopped, and I felt his body tense. I tilted my head up a little, and he smiled down at me, and he kissed my forehead.
“ I know we only start dating, but I have like you for a long time,” He smiled. I smiled, and leaned up a little, and softly kissed his lips, and rested my head back down on his chest, and slowly closed my eyes, and fell into a light sleep in Ashton’s arms.
Chapter fourteen-
I laid on the couch, and flipped through the channels one by one trying to find something to wear.
“ Chanel two hundred one,” I sighed.
“ Gal go out or something!” I heard Rickey scream from his room.
“ you go out or something!” I yelled back from the couch. I laid across of the couch and flipped myself over so I was upside down, and I had my feet on the top of the couch, and I felt the blood rushing to my head.
“ GOO!” I heard Rickey scream.
“ NOOO!” I screamed even louder.
“ Jesus shut up! Its Saturday morning!” Ben cried walking out of his room rubbing his eyes.
“ Well it wouldn’t be so bad if you didn’t have a hang over,” I giggled.
“ What are you doing?” ben asked standing in front of my with a hand on his hip, and his head tilted looking down at me.
“ what does it look like im doing?” I asked looking up at him. He rolled his eyes at me, and stumbled into the kitchen.
“ You’re so weird,” I heard him grumble on his way.
“ I LOVE YOU TOO!” I screamed. He moaned.
“ Sh!” I started to laugh, and then I felt someone hit me in the face with a pillow.
“ What was that for?” I asked sitting up and saw Rickey sitting there.
“ You and Ashton have been dating for two weeks know?” He asked. I nodded my head. “ Then what are you doing home right know?” He asked.
“ What do you mean?” I asked raising an eyebrow.
“ Well like shouldn’t couples go out on Friday nights get wasted and you’re supposed to crash at his place, and not be home until like noon on a Saturday?”
“ Shut up,” I laughed.
“ I mean come on its Saturday and eight in the morning!” He cried throwing his hands up in the air. I rolled my eyes at him, and pointed my finger at him.
“ Because I love pissing you off,” I smirked. He got up and threw another pillow at me, and I caught it, and stood up and walked into the kitchen and lightly hit ben’s arm.
“ What are you doing today?” I smiled.
“ Well im going out with some friends to dinner later, and Rickey is bringing some of his friends too,” He smiled.
“ Where are you going?”
“ Pizza parlor!” Rickey sung.
“ Sometimes I wonder if your gay too,” I said turning to Rickey.
“ baby I can show you that I am one hundred percent straight for girls,” he winced. I rolled my eyes, and pretended to gag.
“ I’ll pass.”
“ Your loss,” He smiled.
“ You want to come with us?” Ben asked. I looked over at him and shrugged my shoulders.
“ Sure,” I smiled.
“ Is Ashton going to come?” Rickey asked sitting down on the counter.
“ No he is in this football thingy,” I smiled.
“ Ohhhhh! Well tonight where gonna have us a single Galaxy tonight,” he smirked. I let out a laugh, and hit Rickey in the chest.
“ When did you become such a perv?” I giggled.
“ When I woke up this morning and I saw your jammies,” He winced. I looked down and saw I was wearing black short shorts with a white tank. I blushed and hit his arm.
“ Ah shut up,” I groaned.
“ What time should I be ready by?” I asked walking into the front room, and plopping down onto the couch.
“ well its eight thirty know… be ready around four,” Ben said looking over at me.
“ Alrighty,” I smiled. “ im gonna take a little nap, because boy I am tired!” I giggled, and threw a blanket over me, and closed my eyes.
“ I shouldn’t let you sleep,” I heard Rickey grumble and then his door closed. I laughed to myself and took a little nap. I woke up and saw it was already three o’clock. I sighed, and got up and took a shower. Then I did the daily routine…. Dry it, straighten, apply makeup, and get dressed. It all take forty minutes… man sometimes being a girl really sucks. I walked out of the bathroom, and ben rushed past me and slammed the door shut. I turned around and starred at the door confused and then ben walked backed out and looked down at me.
“ You took forever in their! And I had to really use the bathroom!” he sighed.
“ Why didn’t you use yours?” I asked raising an eyebrow.
“ because Rickey wouldn’t for the love of god get out!” he cried. I broke out into laughter, and shook my head. Rickey then came out dresses, and ben shot glares at him, and Rickey rolled his eyes.
“ Get over it,” Rickey laughed walking past me grabbing his keys and walking outside. I laughed, and followed him. I went to go open the passenger door, but I was pushed out of the way, and I put my hand on my hip, and glared Ben.
“ Shotgun,” He smirked, and opened the door and got in the car and closed it. I stuck my tongue out at him, and hopped in the back.
“ Wow she let you sit in the front?” Rickey laughed while starting up the car.
“ Um more like he pushed me out of the way,” I said looking at ben. Ben shrugged his shoulders.
“ get over it hunny,” He winced. I rolled my eyes, and leaned back into the seat. Bruno mars marry me came onto the radio and I jumped up and down.
“ DON’T YOU DARE CHANGE IT!” I yelped. Rickey jumped and nodded his head.
“ Alright…. Alright…” he mumbled. Ben laughed, and I started to sing along with the song, and then we pulled up to the pizza parlor, and ben turned around towards me, and he was smiling.
“ What?” I asked sheepishly.
“ You’re a good singer,” He winced. I rolled my eyes, and kicked his seat. Ben and Rickey hopped out of the car, and I looked out the window and saw a dozen guys standing there and I the only girl? Really? Come on….. I crawled out of the car and stood behind Rickey, and then he pushed me forward, and I was standing around all the guys.
“ Guys this is Gal my girl,” He smirked putting his arm around me. I rolled my eyes, and shrugged his hand off.
“ Im Gal, but im not his girl. Im his roommate,” I smiled. I was greeted by hello’s and all that. They introduced their names but I didn’t bother to pay attention because their where just too many of them to remember all of their names. We walked into the pizza place, and sat down. The guys where telling jokes, and I was laughing, and I looked over to my right and saw Zane, mark, river, tony, and Dylan sitting at a table. I gawked at them, and slumped down into my seat so I wouldn’t be seen. I slumped all the way in my seat, and some of the guys gave me questioning looks and I just did a faint smile, and tried to hide my face with my hair. The waiter came with our drinks and he looked young and inexperienced-
Coldness erupted all over my body, and I jumped out of my chair, and let out a yelp, and saw that the waiter tripped and all the
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