» Thriller » (un)lucky Number thirteen, Missy [motivational novels for students .txt] 📗

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(Un)lucky Number Thirteen…
Chapter one-
“ Gal did you finish the biology homework?” Des leaned against the lockers next to me. I tried pushing everything without it all falling back out. Just one more book… I pushed it in and then slammed the door shut. I leaned against the locker, and looked at Des. Her red hair stood out, and she had amazing blue eyes that anyone could become entranced in. I envied her.
“ No Des I didn’t do the homework,” I said. Her eyes dilated.
“ Awe come on Gal!” She cried.
“ Gee, sorry I didn’t do my homework so you can copy off it,” I laughed. She lightly hit my arm.
“ Im not copying!”
“ Oh yeah?” I smiled.
Des looked around and then looked in front of her, and Rickey stood there.
“ Rickey, did you do your biology homework!” Des nearly screamed.
Rickey looked at me for a second.
“ You didn’t do it Gal did you?” he laughed. I shrugged my shoulders. Rickey rolled his eyes, and searched in his book bag, and brought out a ripped, and scrunched up piece of paper. Des ripped it out of his hands.
“ Your my knight in shining armor!” She beamed. I shook my head, and then the bell rang and Des ran down the hall to her next class. Rickey and I stood there.
“ You’re going to be late for English,” Rickey laughed. I sighed and looked up at him.
“ Dress up as me, and go to English?” I sighed.
“ so your telling me I can pass off as looking as a girl?” He said placing his hand over his heart. I rolled my eyes. “ I really don’t want to go. I mean it’s their…” I murmured.
“ Ah come on Gal, Ashton isn’t that bad,” Rickey laughed. I covered my ears.
“ Oh god that name is going to make my ears bleed!” I squealed.
“ God…” Rickey sighed. I glared at him.
“ Rickey! You know I hate Ashton! He is a total prick. I mean come on not even two months ago he is a new student and he acts like he owned the place since day one!” I yelped.
“ He practically does own the place Gal,” Rickey sighed. “ damn,” He sighed. I looked up at him.
“ What?”
“ Im late to class,” He sighed. I hit his chest, and shooed him away.
“ Wuss,” I mumbled to myself not intending for Rickey to hear.
“ Hey I heard that!” he yelled across the hall.
“ Sorry, you weren’t supposed to!” I laughed. I walked down the hall, and stopped at my English class… This is my junior year of high school, and ever since that Ashton came it’s been hell… I mean he came here not even two months ago and he is the most popular, hottest, guy in school.. no he is arrogant, stuck up, ugly, man whore-
“ Ms. Sexz?” someone said. I looked over and saw my English teacher standing next to me.
“ your late,” he said.
“ Mr. Rook you’re not even in the class, so technically your also late,” I mumbled. He gave me a scolding look and I shut up, and walked into class with him following behind me. I stumbled to the end of the room, and took a seat in the back, and in the corner. I walked past Ashton, and he brought out his foot, and I stumbled over it and dropped all my books. I looked down at him, and rolled my eyes, and went to pick up my books.
“ Sex!!!!” He snickered. I knelt there and looked up at him.
“ Ashton grow up,” I growled.
“ once you start growing taller, Ill grow up then,” he gave me a sly smile. I put my books on my desk, and sat down. Kale, Ashton’s best friend sat next to me. I was stuck around total idiots.
“ Sex!” Ashton whispered. He tilted his head back so he was looking at me upside down. I took my books, and shoved them against his face, and he sat up and grunted.
“ It’s not my fault your last name is sex,” He said. I clenched my fist, and looked at him.
“ That’s not my last name damn you! Its Sexz!” I snarled.
“ It still sounds like sex moron,” he rolled his eyes.
“ It’s not spelled like the intimate word sex though,” I grumbled sitting back in my seat. I hate my last name. In two years when I turn eighteen I am so changing it…. Kale let out little laughter’s, and I glared over at him, and he winced at me.
“ SEX!” They both whispered at the same time.
“ Im surrounded by idiots!” I yelled out. Much louder than I planned to. Everyone turned around and looked at me, and Mr. Rook even glanced up at me. I threw my hands up pointing at Kale, and Ashton.
“ Galaxy, if you have nothing nice to say then don’t say it at all,” Mr. Rook said looking at me. I looked down at my hands and then back up at Mr. Rook.
“ Sorry,” I muttered. I heard Ashton chuckled, and I took my right foot and kicked the side of his leg, and he let out a little oomph.
“ Yeah Galaxy be nice,” Ashton said turning around to look at me. My eyes bulged and I bit my lip glaring at him, and I looked up and saw Mr. Rook staring at me. I huffed, and put my head on the desk.
“ motherfuckersihatethemall,” I mumbled into my desk. Mr. Rook handed out a sheet, and I looked up at it, and slid it to the other side of the desk not bothering to read it.
“ Okay, so our next assignment will be with partners. What I will do is that you will have to spend over one hundred hours with your partner for the next month, and you’re going to learn about this person. I will give you all a video recorder, and a voice recorder, and you will record your hours that you spend with your partner. At the end of the month you must write a three page paper, about that person and one thing which you have learned,” he smiled. Someone raised their hand.
“ Do we get to pick our partners?” Some girl said quietly.
“ No,” he started. Everyone started to complain. “ Listen! I will put two of the same numbers on a popsicle sticks and whoever has matching numbers will be partners,” he smiled. Oh this sounds like so much damn fun. Mr. Rook started to bring out a bucket, and some of the girls laughed, and he went to each desk, and people picked a stick. Laughter’s and whispered filled the classroom, and then Mr. Rook stood next to Ashton, and he took out a stick and did a fist pump.
“ Lucky number thirteen baby!” he smiled. He then put the can to Kale, Kale looked at Ashton and shook his head.
“ I got seven brow,” he frowned. Then Mr. Rook stood in front of me and without looking up I put my hand in the bucket, and took out the stick. I held it in my hands, and looked up at the number. I dropped the stick on the desk, and covered it with my hands holding it to my chest. Oh my god… oh my god…
“ Okay were…” Mr. Rook started but my hand shot up. “ What is it Galaxy?” He asked.
“ Ugh. Oh… Ugh can someone like switch partners with me?” I muttered.
“ Galaxy why would you want to do that?” Mr. Rook asked. I stood up and stood over Ashton, and waved my hand over him.
“ Because I got this thing!” I spat. Ashton looked up at me and he started to grin from ear to ear. Not a pretty grin either... it was just plain creepy.
“ im sorry galaxy but no,” he said.
“ B- But!” Mr. Rook cut me off.
“ Galaxy you will spent one hundred hours with Ashton for a month,” Mr. Rook said loudly. I sat down in my seat, and hit my head on my desk.
“ YOUHAVETOBEFREAKINGKIDDINGME!” I mumbled. I heard Ashton laugh, and I tilted my head up and he was looking at me.
“ Hey partner,” He winced. I moaned and put my head back down. “ Look she is already moaning for me,” Ashton laughed. My head shot up and I glared at him.
“ You little perv!” I hissed. He smiled and looked down at my cleavage… I widened my eyes, and took my foot and kicked him so hard in his thigh that he bit his hand to keep back his yelp.
“ Never. Again.” I snarled. Kale was next to us bursting out into laughter’s. “ Ah shut it Kale,” I glared at him. The bell rang, and I darted out of my seat, and ran out of the classroom. I bumped into people, and they mumbled things like watch it or get out of my way, and I just rolled my eyes, and made my way to my last class… art… the only class I don’t have Ashton in. As soon as I got in there I took a piece of paper, and some charcoal, and I roughly started to make a sketch. After, about thirty minutes I looked down at the paper, and I gasped. Oh my god I didn’t even know what I was drawing. I had drew a picture of me hanging Ashton over a pool of sharks. I little smile came across my face. Oh how I would love to do that that though.
“ Whoa Galaxy, someone sure pissed you off,” Des laughed. I looked over at her, and looked back at the picture.
“ You won’t even imagine,” I mumbled glaring at the picture.

Chapter two-
I went to my car, and searched through my keys. I started to get frustrated so I tipped my purse over on the hood of my car, and spilt everything out. I rummaged through my things, and found my silver keys. I started to push everything back into the purse, before I heard a slight chuckled behind me. I turned around and saw Ashton and his football buddies standing around his hummer. Ashton is also a football player, and his ego is way too big. They stood around the car making jokes, and their where about five of them I should say. I turned back to my car, and continued to put my things away, and I felt something sting my arm, and I dropped my purse and saw a bee on my arm. I bit my tongue, and jumped back. The bee left and I looked at my arm. OUCH! I shook my arm, and did a little dance because I wanted to scream. I stumbled to the ground and started to pick everything up that has fallen to the ground. I reached for my wallet, phone, and where is my lip balm? I turned on my foot, still on the ground, and spotted five pairs of feet standing in front of my. My eyes travelled up the one pair of legs that where directly in front of me, and then I saw Ashton’s stupid smirk on his feet. I sighed and grabbed the lip balm that was next to his foot and shoved it in my bag. I stood up, and

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