» Thriller » (un)lucky Number thirteen, Missy [motivational novels for students .txt] 📗

Book online «(un)lucky Number thirteen, Missy [motivational novels for students .txt] 📗». Author Missy

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in my face, and it was long. My tan skin was exposed, and my face was flushed. I was short, but I had curves with some pretty big breast that were kind of hard to keep a towel wrapped around. I moaned and glared at Zane. I ran down the steps and stood on the other side of the edge of the road.
“ ZANE TRISON!” I yelled at him. He just looked at me and smiled. “ Z- Zane! Y- Y- You better give me the damn keys for the house, or so help me god!” I threatened him. Then his face went white. Oh my god he didn’t. my mouth dropped. “ You idiot! You locked us out of the house didn’t you!” I screamed. The rest of the guys busted out into laughter, and I felt my face redden. I walked across the street, and up to Zane. All of the guys were looking at me. I grabbed Zane by the ear and dragged him across the street with me, and stopped on our front lawn.
“ Strip,” I hissed. His eyes widened.
“ I aint giving you my close Galaxy,” he laughed. I clenched my jaw and raised my fist to him.
“ SO help me god Zane Tristan!” I said furiously.
“ Awe Galaxy, are you mad?” He laughed. I tilted my head down, and saw a flash. I looked up and saw all of the guys across the street taking pictures. I yelped and ran behind Zane.
“ Zane!” I hissed. He continued to laugh, and then I saw headlights coming down the street. The guys ran into their house, and Zane and I stood in the yard. Zane sat on the steps, and I stood there in nothing but a towel. The car pulled into the drive way and I saw Marcie and Don get it, and that didn’t stop. The backdoors opened and three more guys came out. One was tall, he had a nice body, dirty blonde hair, and radiant green eyes. The two others looked a lot alike. They were about the same height, brown shaggy hair, and blue eyes, but one wore glasses. Marcie and Don where smiling but then they saw me, and the three boys turned around and they were all staring at me. I felt my face become red.
“ What is going on here?” Marcie and Don said at the same time. I stomped my foot, and pointed towards Zane.
“ Zane Tristan how about you tell them!” I yelled at him.
“ I ugh… oh… ugh… sorry?” He mumbled. I let out a humph, and looked at the three boys and they were all checking me out and they all where a shade of pink. My eyes widened and I went bright red.
“ Marcie please open the door!” I cried. She nodded her head, and pushed past Zane, and unlocked the door. I ran to the door, and up the stairs all six eyes watching me. Zane, Marcie, Don, Tony, River, and Mark.
Chapter three-
I laid in my bed, and I wasn’t going to come out. I cannot look at anyone of them ever again…. That was so embarrassing…. I cannot believe that Zane did that. That wasn’t even funny- My thoughts where interrupted by a knock at my door, and then another knock.
“ Who is it?” I screamed. Another knock came on the door, and then they tried to push it open. I smiled to myself while looking at the wooden chair that is keeping the door closed. They stopped for a second.
“ Galaxy open the door,” I heard Zane mumble.
“ Go away!”
“ Galaxy!” He yelled louder know. I took my pillow, and chucked it at the door.
“ Zane Tristan go away!” I screamed know kneeling on the edge of my bed.
“ So are you just going to spend the whole Saturday in your room?” He hissed.
“ Yes, know go away!” I yelled. I heard him growl, and then I heard footsteps walking away. I sighed, and fell back onto my bed. I went to go into the bathroom, and I stepped into a pool of water. I slipped and fell into a horrible smelling…. Oh EWE! I let out a scream and ran out of the bathroom, and swung the chair out of the way, and ran to the end of the hall for the bathroom.
“ Get out know!” I screamed. I flung open the door and saw Mark standing their washing his hands. His eyes widened when he saw me soaking wet and covered in sewer water. I ran inside and pushed him out with soap still on his hands. I jumped in the shower, and was dancing and turning around.
“ Discussing icky ewe!” I cried. I stopped and took a breath. So nasty! I stripped off my clothes, and scrubbed myself clean. I got out and went to go reach for a towel. My hand reached the wall and… nothing… shit…I stepped out and walked towards the door, and peaked my head out.
“ Anyone here!” I asked. I saw Mark walking down the hallway drying off his hands with a towel. The towel he took from in here.
“ Um ugh… hi? Would you mind getting me a ugh… towel?” I said peaking my head out of the door. He let out a laugh, and nodded his head. I saw him disappear into his room, and come back out with a big black shirt.
“ Hey! Hey! That isn’t a towel!” I yelped.
“ All of the towels are dirty, so just use one of my shirts,” he smiled and stood at the door. I had my head hanging out, and the door was covering my naked body. I felt my face become blushed. I reached out my hand and grabbed the shirt from him, and went back into the bathroom. Shit…. I have to get to my room. I put the shirt on and slipped on my underwear. I peeked my head out the door again and all four boys where their talking.
“ Hey you guys,” I muttered. Zane looked at me.
“ Hey galaxy,” He winced.
“ Can you guys go in your room?” I pleaded. I still had my head hanging out of the door.
“ Why didn’t you take a shower in YOUR bathroom?” Zane emphasized on you.
I pinched the bridge of my nose, and took a breath.
“ Zane there was a sewer leak. I can’t use my bathroom, and right know I am only wearing a shirt, and some panties. I have no pants so go in your rooms!” I growled. Zane gave me an evil smile, and the twins started to laugh. Mark stood there with a stupid grin on his face.
“ We aint moving Gal,” Zane laughed. I sighed and shut the door and stood there for a couple of seconds.
“ Come on Galaxy you can do it,” I whispered. I swung open the door, and all four boys were looking at me. my face turned bright red, and I started to walk to my room, and the dour guys watched me in my shirt, and panties while I made my way past them. I felt someone’s arms wrap around my waist, and I let out a scream. Zane started to twirl me around, and my black lace panties where being shown.
“ Zane for god sake put me down!” I started to hit his back, and then he just threw me to the ground and I stumbled backwards.
“ Good thing my parents aren’t home,” Zane laughed. I sat on the ground, and I jumped up and attacked Zane. I kicked him in the groan and he went down. I straddled over him.
“ Zane,” I hissed. Then I felt someone grab my ass and I realized it was Zane. My jaw dropped, and I brought my hand up, and smacked him right across the face, and ran into my room, and slammed it shut. My hand tingled and I felt my eyes water. Why did Zane act like that. He has never touched me pervert like or been so mean. I quickly wiped away the tears, and ran towards my closet and put on a pair of ripped jeans and a blank tank top, and put my hair up in a messy bun, and put on some black eye liner. I grabbed my phone and put it into my pocket and ran down the stairs. All four boys where sitting on the couch and I stopped to look at Zane. He had a nice red hand print on his left side of his face.
“ Zane tell Marcie and Don I am not going to be home tonight,” I hissed at him.
“ Where are you going?” he got up and walked up to me, and went to touch my arm. I shoved him away.
“ I don’t want to be here,” I mumbled. He saw the look in my eyes, and he took a couple of steps back, and I turned away and ran out the door. I stumbled down the steps, and walked down the side walk. Argh where am I going to go? I continued to walk down, and stopped in front of Starbucks. I forgot my wallet at home. I shook my head, and turned around and ran into someone, and stumbled backwards, and landed on the ground. I looked up and saw Ashton looking at me. He held out his hand and I didn’t take it and got up by myself.
“ Ugh sorry,” I muttered and made my way around him but he caught my wrist.
“ Hey Galaxy you want to start on our project?” he looked at me. I looked at him for a couple of seconds and then he brought out the voice recorder. I let out a little laugh.
“ Are you stalking me?” I mumbled.
“ Of course not. I was going to come to your house today anyways,” he smiled.
“ How do you know where I live?” I raised an eyebrow at him, and he put his hands up.
“ Your live across the street from Donnie,” He laughed. I let out a little laugh, and nodded my head.
“ I guess we can start on the project… but not at my house,” I mumbled.
“ Why not your place?” he looked at me.
“ Just… Just don’t ask,” I looked at him, and he dropped the subject.
“ I guess we can go inside Starbucks then,” He smiled and grabbed my hand and dragged me into Starbucks. We stood in the line, and I felt a little awkward. Ashton turned to me, and put his arm over my shoulder, and I gave him a confused look.
“ What do you want?” He asked.
I shook my head.
“ Nothing.” He shook his head.
“ Well take two caramel frappes,” He smiled. I hit his shoulder and then he paid. We sat down at the table in the corner of the room.
“ You didn’t have to get my anything,” I muttered.
“ Ah shut up Gal,” he laughed. We sat there for a couple of seconds in silence while we drank our coffee’s.
“ So Galaxy who is Zane?” Ashton asked. My head shot up.
“ Oh… He is like my “best friend” you could say,” I tried to smile, but it seemed impossible. Ashton started to laugh. I looked up at him confused. “ What’s so funny?”
“ When you talk about him it seems as though you hate him,” Ashton looked at me.
“ Well he has been a total jackass the past couple of days, and
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