» Thriller » (un)lucky Number thirteen, Missy [motivational novels for students .txt] 📗

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looked a little taken back, and I sighed and rubbed my temples. “ Im sorry for being mean, but I have had a bad day… weekend… life,” I trailed off, and I felt des’ hand on my shoulder and I looked up at her.
“ I know I saw the picture,” She said looking at me concerned. Des is my only girlfriend, and I have never been totally close to her. I have been more close with Rickey, but she is such a sweet person. I looked at her, and broke down crying, and her face fell, and she knelt on the ground next to me. I broke down, and told her everything that had happened. After I finished and looked up at her.
“ So?” I asked.
“ im here gal,” She said smiling. I smiled.
“ I know,” I tried to smile.
Des let out a little laugh, and she stood up.
“ I have something for you to wear in my locker. I’ll be right back,” she smiled and turned away. I walked to the sink and stared to take off my clothes, and I washed the crap off my arms, and washed my face, and arms. When Des came back I was in my tank top and panties, and she held something red in her hands, and she held it back hesitantly.
“ H- Here,” She said handing me a red little dress. My jaw dropped and I held it in my hands and looked up at her.
“ Is this even clothes!” I screeched.
“ oh shut up and put it on!” She laughed. I looked at it and then at her, and sighed, and slipped it on. It reached my mid-thigh and was a v neck, and clinged to my body.
“ Wow,” Des smiled. I looked at her and then in the mirror.
“ The towel in the picture covered more of my body then this,” I sighed.
“ Well you’re not going against any school rules wearing that, so you’re keeping it on,” She smiled.
I looked at her, and then she just wrapped her arms around me. I was a little taken back, and then I did the same and wrapped my arms around her.
“ Thank you des,” I whispered.
“ Of course Hun,” she giggled. We broke from the hug, and she led me out of the bathroom, and we stopped in front of my English.
“ How did you get into a senior English again?” she laughed.
“ Because of my stupid brain,” I said glaring into the classroom. Des laughed, and went to go leave, and I grabbed her elbow.
“ D- Des I can’t go in their wearing this,” I said waving my hands over the dress. She rolled her eyes at me and let out a little laugh.
“ You’ll live… I’ll see you later Gal,” She smiled and with that she walked down the hall. I looked into the classroom and held my breath, and opened the door, and all eyes went on me. I put my head down, and slowly walked to my seat, and pulled down my dress before I sat down. I sat with my legs crossed so you couldn’t see my panties. I looked up at Ashton, and he had this look on his face I couldn’t quite figure out. Class started and we both looked up at the board, and we had a whole class of note taking. As I was taking my notes, and I felt something hit my arm, and I looked over to my right at Kale, and he was looking at me.
“ What!” I whispered.
He waved his hand over my body, and gave me a confusing look.
“ I had a spill,” I said turning back to the board, but I still felt Kale’s eyes on me. my face turned a scarlet red, and I felt someone’s cold fingers traveling up my leg, and I flinched, and grabbed Kale’s hand to stop it.
“ What are you doing!” I hissed trying to push his hand down, but he wouldn’t move his hand.
“ Hmm,” He smiled, and he continued to move his hand up my leg, and I bit my lip, and put both my hands on hips and tried to pry his hand off my thigh, and I felt my desk move and Ashton stood their glaring at Kale, and kale removed his hand from my thigh, and sat back in his seat, and Ashton stood their glaring at him. The bell rang, and I bolted out of my seat, and I ran out of the class. I was in the hall when I felt something go around my shoulder and I turned to see Ashton.
“ What are you doing?” I asked. He started to put his sweater on me, and I looked at him confused.
“ You gotta have some clothes on,” he smiled, and he put the sweater on me, and we stood there. I slipped my arms through the sleeves, and smiled.
“ Thank you Ashton,” I said looking up at him. He smiled, and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we walked down the hall.
“ Who took that photo of you?” He asked. I looked at him, and took his hand off my shoulder, and went to take of his sweater, but he stopped me, and held my shoulders so that I was facing him.
“ I didn’t mean it like that galaxy,” he said looking at me.
“ Why does it matter to you?” I said not breaking eye contact.
“ Because it aint right.”
I didn’t know what to say. I was pretty much lost for words. Ashton then wrapped his arms around me and I was caught off guard and at first I kind of just stood there, and I then wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him back. Even though I was mad at Ashton and I pretty much hated him it felt so right to be in his arms. I felt so right, but it seemed so wrong. I pulled away and Ashton looked at me, and he smiled.
“ I know your mad at me Gal, but I just wanted to say im sorry,” He whispered. I smiled. Did he just say he was sorry. Forgive him! Say it okay!
“ alright,” I croaked. He nodded his head.
“ So how is your report coming?” He asked.
“ what report?” I asked.
“ You know how where supposed to get to know one another and write what we have learned about the person, and something we also learned…..” he laughed.
“ oh that… yeah it’s doing good,” lie!
“ I’ve started mine too.”
“ what have you written?” I looked at him curiously.
“ That is for me to know, and you not to,” he smirked. I lightly hit his arm and laughed.
“ Not fair,” I smiled.
He let out a laugh.
“ You Wanna eat with me today?” he asked.
“ I don’t really want to eat with all the cheerleaders and jocks…” I murmured.
“ well then me and you will eat outside together,” he smiled. I stood there and shifted my weight from one foot to another.
“ Ugh,” I muffled.
Ashton grabbed my arm and hauled me down the hall.
“ don’t worry gal I won’t bite,” He smiled.
“ I might,” said to myself. We walked outside, and sat underneath a tree, and I laid against the truck, and looked at Ashton. He was looking at me, and I touched his leg with my foot.
“ what?” I asked.
“ Where were you yesterday?” he asked.
“ what do you mean?” I said sitting up a little.
“ well I knew you were mad at me, and if I called you would just ignore me, so I went to your house, and when I got there, some lady answered, and she said you were not there, and when I asked her when you would be back, her eyes kind of watered up, and she just shut the door on my face,” he said. I looked down and felt the tears start to come to my eyes. I have caused Marcie so much pain… I felt Aston’s hand on my shoulder and I looked up at him, and he wiped a tear off my cheek, and I didn’t realize I was crying, and I pulled away from him and wiped my face.
“ Galaxy,” Ashton said coming closer.
“ leave me alone Ashton!” I hissed and I stood up and ran back into the building with tears coming down my face. I felt someone’s arm wrap around my waist, and Ashton brought me into a hug, and I cried into his chest.
“ why?” I cried.
“ why what galaxy?” Ashton said looking down at me.
“ Why are you acting like this?” I sniffled.
“ because I can’t stand seeing you in pain,” he said lifting my chin up, so I was looking at him. He brushed my cheek, and brought me closer to him, and at first I was resistant, but I let him hold me. I tried to push him away but he held me tighter.
“ Gal, you have to stop pushing everyone away,” He whispered. I shoved him hard, and his face was full of pain, and sorrow. I felt my heart ache and I took a step back, and looked him in the eyes.
“ I can’t trust you Ashton,” I whispered. His face dropped and he just stared at me. I closed my eyes and turned to leave, but Ashton grabbed my elbow, and I pulled away from him, and left him in the hall staring at me.
“ Galaxy!” He screamed out to me, but I didn’t listen to him. I blocked out everyone and everything. I am not going to let another person in, because I can’t lose them. I can’t go through the pain anymore.
Chapter Nine-
I sat outside the school underneath a tree, and closed my eyes. I just need to drowned the world out. The sun beamed on me, and I tried to pull the dress down a little more, but it was unsucceful, and I just sighed, leaned back, and lightly hit my head on the tree trunk.
“ Hey,” A deep voice said in my ear. I whipped my head forehead, and glared at Kale.
“ You scared the living hell out of me…..” I growled at him. He laughed, and stood their looking at me.
“ Gal,” He said. I continued to look straight, and I looked at my hands.
“ What do you want Kale?” I sighed. I felt his body on mine, and I looked to my right, and he was kneeling next to me. he felt too close, and I really wasn’t in the mood for him right know.
“ Someone is in a bad mood,” he smirked and I felt his hand traveling up my leg, and I grabbed his hand, and looked him in the eyes.
“ leave me alone,” I hissed and I stood up and walked inside the school building. As I was passing a utility closet, when someone ran up behind me and shoved me in the closet. It was pitch black, and I couldn’t see anything. Fear struck over me, and I stumbled backwards into the corner of a room.
“ Who’s their….” I hissed. A deep chuckle filled the room, and I know that laugh from anywhere.
“ Kale!” I shouted. He laughed again, and I heard him walk towards me, and I knelt down in the corner of the room, because I didn’t want to be touched. I felt his hand search for me, and I ducked down, and his hands landed on
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