» Thriller » (un)lucky Number thirteen, Missy [motivational novels for students .txt] 📗

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my shoulders. I let out a cry, and tried to get away from him, but something hit my on the side of my head hard, and I fell over. The lights flickered on and Kale stood their grinning at me. I crawled back, and stumbled up, and ran behind a shelf that separated us.
“ You leave me alone kale! You hear!” I shouted at him. He turned towards the door, and I heard a click and he turned back to me, and I felt my stomach churn. He took a step closer to me, and he shoved the shelf, and it started to rock, and it leaned towards me, and I lunged to the right to avoid it falling on me, and Kale’s arms wrapped around my waist and he plunged his lips onto mine. I shoved his chest, but he just brought my closer, so I bit his lip and he swore, and slapped me across the face, and then a punch came right onto my cheek, and I saw stars. I stumbled back, and fell on my ass, and Kale lunged at me, and started to kick me in the ribs about five times and then pinned me down. His hand went under my dress, and I let out a cry, and he started to touch me.
“ K- K-,” I couldn’t stop because I thought I was being choked. He brought his lips to my neck, and then he started to kiss my lips, and I froze, and couldn’t move anymore. Kale started to remove my underwear, and my body felt limp. Then the door swung open.
“ OK I’ll get the-,” He stopped and starred at us. Kale jumped up, and left the room. I sat there, and brought my knees up to my chest, and I looked up and saw Dylan standing their looking at me. I looked down at my hands, and my body hurt, and I was on the urge of crying.
“ Whore,” he spat out. I sat there and took his insult. He walked in and grabbed something from a rack, and he looked down at me. “ You would just sleep with any guy wouldn’t you,” He laughed. I tightened my fists, and went to go stand up, but my ribs ached, and I fell back to the ground, and held my stomach, and tried to hold back the tears.
“ You… you don’t know how wrong you are,” I whispered. He stood their looking at me, and turned away and started to leave.
“ Have fun with Kale,” he muttered. I sat there, and started to cry. I sat there for hours crying, and when I tried to get up I fell back to the ground, and coughed up blood. I stumbled up, and kept one hand on the wall, and made my way out of the closet. I stumbled down the halls limping, and held onto the wall with one hand, and the other hand over my stomach. I made it outside, and started to walk down the street, and my body was shaking.
“ Galaxy?” A voice muttered. I continued to walk, and I didn’t turn around, and I heard footsteps coming closer, and I tried to walk faster, but it was a total fail. Someone spun me around and I was facing Ashton and we he saw my face all bruised and bleeding, he just looked at me baffled. He went to wrap his arms around me, but I let out a little cry, because of my ribs, and he pulled away, and looked at me. He kissed the top of my forehead, and I looked up at him, and I saw tears in his eyes.
“ Your crying….” I muttered.
“ Im sorry Galaxy… please… I freaking love you,” he said looking me in the eyes. My eyes widened and I felt my heart melt, and I smiled, and wrapped myself to Ashton, and it felt so right. He felt so right…. We just felt right. Us… it just sounds perfect.
Chapter ten-
“ So where should I drop you off?” Ashton asked.
“ The condo’s over by the woods… You know where it is?” I asked.
“ Yeah I do. Why are you in those creepy ass things?” He laughed. He turned his head towards me, and stopped looking at the road.
“ Keep your eyes on the road,” I pointed at the road, and he nodded his head. “ They’re not creepy. They are very nice condo’s actually, but they are just in a creepy area with the woods in all.”
“ But why are you their?” He asked.
“ Ugh because I live there,” I said turning my head away from him, and looked out the window.
“ oh god… I mean why did you leave Zane’s place?” I frowned, and continued to look out the window.
“ I just needed to move… I mean I am not part of their family. Its god…. Awkward and all his cousins are there, and his older brother. It got crowded.” I sighed.
“ How are you able to afford a condo though?” He asked tapping his finger on the stirring wheel.
“ I can’t afford a condo. Im living with a friend, and his roommate.”
“ his?” Ashton sighed. I let out a little laugh and nodded my head.
“ Rickey, you know him right?” I questioned.
“ Yeah I know him. You guys are like close right?” Ashton said. I looked at him, and his grip on the steering wheel, and his knuckles where turning white.
“ Yeah I’ve known him ever since I was in pre-k,” I said. He jaw clenched and his body tensed. I looked at him confused. He just nodded his head, and he kept his eyes on the road. I looked at him confused, and I touched his shoulder and he flinched.
“ Ashton are you alright?” I said losing my voice. He just nodded his head, and kept his eyes on the road. “ Ashton ….” I sighed shaking my head. Ashton pulled the car in front of the apartments and we sat there in silence for a little bit. I let out a laugh, and opened the door, but before I closed it I leaned in and Ashton looked at me. “ Me and Rickey are NOT a thing,” I giggled, and I closed the door, and made my way to the condo’s. I went to go get my keys, and then I felt someone wrap their arms around me, and I jumped and was in Ashton’s arms.
“ Thank god,” he smiled.
“ Hm?” I questioned.
“ thank god you and Rickey are nothing,” He smirked. Hmm I could smack that smirk right off his face. Hmm…. Cocky little- and then I snapped out of it when Ashton’s lips gently pushed against mine. My eyes closed, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he pulled my waist closer to him. It was gentle, and sweet. He pulled away and looked at me. He smiled and I was lost in his eyes. This boy just…. There was something about him that made my heart drop. Then the door opened and we both turned to see a guy standing there in his boxers looking from me to Ashton. He scratched the back of his neck, and did a little smile.
“ Ugh.. well… hi?” He stifled a laugh. I smiled and pulled away from Ashton and held out my hand.
“ You must be Rickey’s roommate Ben,” I smiled and held out my hand. He smiled back, and shook my hand.
“ And you must be Rickey’s friend, and also my new roommate,” He laughed. I nodded my head and smiled. “ Well im going to head back inside… leave you two to it…” he smiled, and walked back into the condo leaving the door open for me. I turned to Ashton and he had this look on his face, that made my bust out into laughter. He scrunched up his nose.
“ What?” He scoffed.
“ Jealous!” I said in a high pitch laugh. He rolled his eyes at me, and I stepped close to him, and he looked at me lustfully….
“ me? jealous? Ha! You can’t turn any guy on so I have no troubles,” He smirked. I stepped closer to him, and our chests where touching. I placed my hand on his chest, and got on my tip toes, and leaned toward his neck, and let out a cool breath and he shivered. I traveled to his ear, and started to nibble on his ear lobe, and he let out a little moan and I smiled.
“ I beg to differ,” I whispered seductively. He shivered and I pulled away and turned on my heal and walked in the house and turned around to a shocked Ashton. He didn’t move, and I don’t think he could.
“ Bye Ashton,” I smiled, and slammed the door in his face. I leaned on the door, and I felt a smile creep onto my face, and I walked into the kitchen to see Ben in his boxers chugging down the milk… right out of the bottle!
“ Ewe,” I whispered. He put down the milk and looked at me, and I looked at the rest of him, and he was still only wearing his boxers.
“ Well hello,” He laughed capping the milk, and putting it back in the fridge. He closed the fridge and leaned on it and looked at me.
“ Got a starring prob?” I laughed.
“ What’s your name roommate?” He smiled.
“ Galaxy, but everyone calls me Gal,” I smiled.
“ love the name,” he smirked. I smiled, and walked past him to get a cup out of the cabinet. I opened it, and I looked up, and saw a white bag leaning on the top shelf. I looked at it confused, then it came falling onto my face. I let out a gasp, and got hit in the face with a bag of flour. When it made contact with my fast, it broke open and I was covered in flour. Ben erupted into laughter’s, and he was leaning on the counter clutching onto his stomach. I let out a scream, and stomped my foot.
“ it’s not funny!” I huffed.
“ You- should- of- seen- your- face!” He cried. I rolled my eyes, and took the bag of flour, and chucked it at him. Ba- bam! It hit him right in the face, and he was also covered in flour.
“ Hey!” He screeched looking at me like a mad man. “ Whya do that!” He said.
“Because you laughed at me,” I snickered. He gave me a devil grin, and made his way to the sink, and I spotted the sprayer.
“ Do it and you die!” I hissed. He lunged for the sprayer. I went to turn away but he grabbed my wrist, and drenched me with freezing water. I started to scream, and trying to get out of his grip. We were both laughing, and I took the sprayer from him, and we were both drenched.
“ What the hell!” a voice screamed. We both looked at Rickey who was staring at us flabbergasted, and then his eyes traveled over the ruined kitchen and he let out a gasp. Ben put the sprayer down. And stood their smiling.
“ Hey Rickey man, guess what!” he smiled. Rickey looked at Ben.
“ What?” He hissed.
“ I met my new roommate,” Ben smiled. Rickey’s eyes went bug eyed and he lunged for ben, and they tackled each other to the ground. Rickey got ben in a head lock.
“ No way dumb shit really!” he laughed. I took this chance to leave, and I
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