» Thriller » (un)lucky Number thirteen, Missy [motivational novels for students .txt] 📗

Book online «(un)lucky Number thirteen, Missy [motivational novels for students .txt] 📗». Author Missy

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front of Zane’s house. I let out a sigh, and jogged up the stairs and knocked on the door. When it opened Don stood their looking confused.
“ Oh Galaxy where were you? You were supposed to come home last night. Marcie and I and the boys were worried sick about you,” Don smiled. “ Why didn’t you just walk inside the door was unlocked,” He laughed. I looked up at him, and he saw my expressionless face, and my puffy eyes.
“ I can’t just walk into someone’s home,” I muttered.
“ Galaxy this is your home! What in god’s name are you talking about,” he said shaking his head. He opened the door a little more so I could come in.
“ is Marcie here?” I asked. He nodded his head and looked at me worried and I walked inside and heard shuffling around in the kitchen and walked in there and Marcie turned around and saw me and she ran to my and wrapped her arms around me.
I will not cry… I will not cry… I said to myself, and I gave myself a mental slap, and kind of backed away from Marcie a little. Her and Don stood their looking at me.
“ In god’s name Galaxy where were you last night!” Marcie yelped. I will not cry… I will not cry…
“ Galaxy what’s going on? All your stuff isn’t in your room either!” she said.
“ I- I moved out,” I whispered. Marcie let out a little laugh.
“ Galaxy this is ridiculous!” She said looking at me. I shook my head, and stood with my head held up high, and I looked right into Marcie’s eyes.
“ Marcie my family is dead. My parents are dead. You need to stop feeling sorry for me. Im over it, and I don’t need your pity. Im moving out because I don’t want to be an intruder. Im not your responsibility Marcie, and Don. You have your own family,” I said looking at them both. Marcie stood their frozen, and I saw her eyes start to water. I turned away, and came to face Zane, Tony, river, Mark, and Dylan standing their looking at me.
“ Galaxy…” Zane whispered looking at me. I looked him straight in the eyes. I will not cry… I will not cry.
“ Zane I don’t need your pity either. You don’t have to pretend to be friends with me and be nice to me because my family is dead,” I said walked past him. I stopped in front of Dylan and we looked at one another. He came closer to me, and know stood face to face with me.
“ Your right Dylan. My family is dead, and their not coming back, and I never was and never will become part of this family,” I said to him. I then pushed him aside and walked out of the house. I will not cry I will not cry. As soon as I opened the door, and made my way down the stairs, tears escaped my eyes, and flooded down my face.
“ G- Galaxy!” Zane cried at me. I sprinted into a run down the stairs, and turned the corner, and ran as fast as I could tears pouring down my face. I ran into the park, and went up on the hill, and fell to my knees and continued to cry. I sat down and brought my knees up to my chest, and buried my face into my knees.
“ I will always cry,” I whispered into my knees. I sat there and my whole body shook furiously.
“ Damnit why did you take them from me! Why did you take them and leave me here!” I screamed into my knees.
“ iii shdhbf obff behfn tzheg nnone tweo dieeeye,” I muffled. I stood on my feet and looked up into the sky.
“ I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE ONE TO DIE!” I screamed and fell to the ground, and everything slowly started to drift away from me, and I felt all of the pain start to go away. Not forever but just for now. Just for a few seconds. Just until I can actually smile a real smile, and live a happy life. Just for a little while, but it will never happen. Maybe if I go to sleep and stay asleep then everything will go back to the way it used to be.
Chapter eight-
I sat on the couch with my knees up to my chest, and I glared at my luggage bag.
“ Galaxy just pick something to wear!” Rickey laughed from the kitchen. He was sitting on the counter watching me.
“ I don’t want to go to school,” I muffled. Rickey rolled his eyes at me and flopped down on the couch next to me.
“ we have fifteen minutes and then we need to leave for school,” he said nudging me. I threw my hands up in the air and pointed at my clothes.
“ You pick something for me to wear then,” I growled. He rolled his eyes and walked over to my bags, and he started to go through my clothes. Im not picky about what I want to wear I just really don’t feel like going to school, nor getting dressed. Rickey threw a pair of jean shorts, and a black tank top at me.
“ im not wearing that,” I said holding up the shorts.
“ yes you are known get dressed. Its hot outside anyways,” he laughed. I rolled my eyes, and got off the couch and went into the backroom, and put on the shorts and tank top. I brushed out my hair, and put it up into a messy bun, and put on some eyeliner, and mascara. I looked at myself in the mirror, and swung open the door, and walked into the kitchen. Rickey was eating a granola bar, and I swiped it out of his hands and made my way to his car. Rickey came running towards me and I turned to him.
“ Don’t you even dare,” I snarled and took a bite out of the granola bar, and I jumped in his car, and he let out a oomph, and walked around the car, and into the car. He started to drive and I looked out the window.
“ Where are we going?” I mumbled.
“ Where gonna go pick up Pat,” He said turning down the street, and parking in front of Patrick’s house. Patrick was one of Rickey’s best friends, and I am also close with Rickey, but im not very fond of Patrick. He is also buddies with Ashton, and all those football players, and Patrick is a football player. Patrick tapped on my window I and looked up at him, and he motioned his hand for me to get into the back. I shook my head.
“ you sitting in the back,” I said. He opened my door, and I crossed my legs, and crossed my arms over my chest.
“Get in the back,” he sighed I shook my head.
“ Screw you! You get in the back,” I said glaring at him. He stood there, and then shut the door, and jumped in the back, and was having a hissy fit. I sat there and rolled my eyes. I sat there and Pat kept messing me with and kept pulling pieces of my hair out one by one.
“ Will you cut it out?” I said turning around to look at him. His eye brow went up.
“ nice shirt Gal,” he winced. I rolled my eyes and turned back around in my seat. I was wearing just a single black tank top, with spaghetti straps and it was a v at the neck, and I was wearing jean shorts, and my black converse. I shouldn’t of listened to Rickey when he picked out my outfit. I swatted my hand at pat and hit him on the forehead. He let out a oomph and grabbed my arm, and pulled it back.
“ Ow let you a-,” Rickey cut my off, and we stopped in front of the school. I pulled my arm away from pat and sat in the car for a little bit. I was going to have to see Zane, and his cousins today… I opened my car door, and ran into Pat.
“ Ump, move you weirdo,” I said pushing him with my hand. Pat grabbed me around my waist, and hauled me over his shoulders. I started to hit his back, and I realized he was dragging me over to the rest of his football buddies.
“ No pat put me down!” I squealed. He then threw me to the ground, and put his arm around me, and around us where all the football players. My face went scarlet, and I tried to get pat’s arm off me, but I was unmerciful.
“ Hey Ashton,” pat laughed. I looked up and I was surrounded by seniors. Yeah Ashton is a senior, and I am in a senior English class.
“ Hey pat, what you got their?” Ashton said looking at me. I moved from Pat, and shoved him a little and he wrapped his arms around my waist.
“ What is wrong with you,” I said glaring at him.
“ Hey Gal, we all want a piece of you after seeing those photo’s,” Kale said grinning at me. I stopped pushing against pat’s chest, and looked at him confused.
“ What pictures?” I said looking at pat.
“ The ones in you in a towel outside,” he said whispering into my ear. I gasped and shoved him back, and ran away from them looking for Zane. I ran around the corner and saw him messing around with some of his friends. Anger filled in me, and I started to walk towards him, and I stopped remembering what had happened yesterday. I closed my eyes, and remembered that Zane didn’t take the pictures but Donnie did. I sighed, but Zane is the one that locked us out of the house, and wouldn’t give me his clothes. I looked up, and saw Zane staring at me, and he was very blushed, and all his friends looked at me, and let out dog whistles. They have the picture… I ran towards them, and swiped the phone away from one of his friends, and my jaw nearly hit the ground. I dropped the phone on the grass, and turned to run away but I felt someone grab my elbow, but I jerked away and continued to leave. I ran inside the building and went into a closet, and fell to the floor.
It looks like a was in a porno! Oh my god, I cannot get through the day today with that picture going around. It’s so embarrassing. My face started to get redder, and I buried my face into my knees, and I felt something behind me rock, and something we came crashing down on my head. I jumped up, and ran out of the closet, and I was now soaked in a sticky liquid.
“ ARGH!” I cried. I turned around and saw Des looking at me and she ran to my side, and we ran into the girls bathroom, and she shut the door and turned around to look at me. she just stood there looking me up and down, and she busted into laughter’s.
“ W- what bethhee hoendeo totot yuotu!” She cried.
“ Ugh!” I stomped my foot down, and she tried to stop laughing, and she took a deep breath.
“ What happened to you?” She said.
“ I obviously spilled something on me!” I spat out. She
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