» Thriller » (un)lucky Number thirteen, Missy [motivational novels for students .txt] 📗

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Zane’s body jerked, and he cupped my face in his hands making me look at him.
“ Don’t. You. Think. That,” He said sternly.
“ It is… though…”
“ Damnit! No its not… don’t think like that Galaxy!” He said shaking me lightly. I nodded my head, and he let go of my face, and bent over and started to cry harder. “ The only think I can do is promise myself that he will live… that gives me some hope…” He whispered. I sat their looking at Zane, and I felt my heart breaking all over again. I looked back over at Dylan and lent down placing my hand on his cheek, and I moved my lips to his ear.
“ Dylan… Zane, Marcie, Don, Mark, river, tony…. They all need you…. I need you, so please don’t leave me… you can’t… not yet…” I whispered into his ear. I pulled back, and looked at his sleeping face. “Zane,” I whispered.
“ What?” he asked sitting up.
“ You think you can let me take your car?” I asked.
“ You can’t just leave by yourself gal, you just got out of a coma!” he said raising his voice.
“ Please…. Zane…” I said looking at Dylan. I heard him sigh, and he started to wheel my chair back to my room. “ What are you doing?” I asked.
“ We gotta get you clothes out of your room,” he said sounding irritated. We got to my room, and he handed me a pair of black pants, a gray tank top, and a purple hoodie.
“ Thank you,” I whispered. he looked at me for some time, and then kissed my forehead.
“ Don’t make me regret this Galaxy,” he said sounding threatening. I nodded my head, and he reached in his pocket, and handed me his keys. I grabbed them and he turned around and walked out of the room. I got dressed, and it took me some time because I was still in pain. I was don’t getting dressed, and I made my way out of my room trying to walk as straight as possible, and concentrating on making no one notice me. I was in pain, but they can’t know. I took the elevator, and I got downstairs, and saw the doors leading outside. I made my way towards it, and the doors opened, and fresh air filled my lungs, and I took a deep breath, and it hurt my ribs and I stopped, and lent against a wall. Okay find Zane’s car… I started walking around the parking lot, and then I spotted his car, and I made my way towards it and jumped in. I sat their taking deep breaths, and I felt out of breath. I started the car, and drove away from the hospital. I drove for a good hour, and I came to a stop on the side of the road, and looked out the window where my parents had died. I turned off the car, and stepped out, and walked closer towards the pond, and sat down in the dry grass looking out towards the sky.
“ hey mom… dad…” I stopped looking around, and I sat with my legs in front of me, and took a deep breath closing my eyes. “ You guys can be in peace know… im okay with letting you go know, because I know what had happened… I never wanted to accept your deaths, because I didn’t want it to be real, and I never knew what really happened, but know that I know… I know you both are dead, and I am alive, and I need Dylan… He can’t join you both where you are. I need him here with me, so help him come back to me. bring him back to me… Mom… Dad… Im in love,” I whispered the last part a smile playing across my face.
Chapter twenty one-
The cold water splashed onto my face, and I sucked in a deep breath looking around the apartment. I decided to move back in with Marcie and Dan. I miss Zane and the cousins, and I just miss it all. It’s been two weeks and Dylan is still in a coma. It kind of feels like life is at a standstill. I wake up go to school come home, go visit Dylan for one to two hours, come back home and do homework, and then go to sleep. I hardly even eat anymore… But I try. I just can’t keep it down. it feels like my body is shutting down. I can’t live without Dylan, and I didn’t realize it until I lost him. he’s still holding on though. I won’t let him let go. Not yet… not ever.
“ Gal,” Rickey whispered. I was sitting on the couch looking at my bags, and I tilted my head up looking at him. I felt my throat go dry. I gave him a weak smile, and he came and sat down next to me, and put his hand on my knee giving it a light squeeze. “ It’s going to be okay, Gal.” He muttered.
“ Thank you so much Rickey,” I whimpered. “ I-If I didn’t have you I don’t know what I would of done… you have done so much… both you and Ben,” I muttered wrapping my arms around him. he wrapped his arms around me hugging me to him.
“ you’re like my family silly,” He laughed. I started to cry and nodded my head, and I heard someone clear their throats and I looked up, and saw Ben with a hand on his hip.
“ Where is my love?” he said sounding hurt. I started laughing, and I shook my head standing up, and I took one step, and then Ben wrapped his arms around me, and I wrapped my arms around his waist. “ I’m going to miss my little girlfriend!” He sobbed.
“ Suck it up you baby, your still going to see her,” Rickey sighed.
“ Oh Rickey! Can’t you be more sympathetic!” Ben sobbed. I let out a laugh shaking my head, and I messed with Ben’s hair. “ not the hair,” He whined. I rolled my eyes laughing.
“ Really guys, thank you… Well guy and… girl…” I chuckled. Ben rolled his eyes, and Rickey choked on his coffee. I smiled, and turned to look at all my bags.
“ What you think it’s going to be like?” Rickey asked.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“ Coming back, after everything that happened,” he said sitting on the counter. I let out a sigh shrugging my shoulders.
“ I don’t know anymore. Im just going to live life, and try not to guess at it anymore,” I muttered. I heard a car door slam, and Rickey jumped off the counter.
“ If all four of them come in here they’ll wreck my place!” Rickey screamed running for the front door. I shook my head letting out a laugh, and made my way towards the front, and I was surrounded by Zane, Mark, River, and Tony.
“ Hey guys,” I smiled.
“ Were getting our girl back!” River said happily wrapping his arms around me. I laughed while nodding my head.
“ My stuff is in the front room,” I said pointing towards the room. The cousins nodded their heads making their way into the other room. I looked up and saw Zane and gave him a weak smile.
“ You look tired,” he said wrapping an arm around my shoulder.
“ I am tired,” I muttered.
“ You look weak,” He said into my ear.
“ I am weak,” I whispered.
“ I don’t like it,” he said shaking his head. I rolled my eyes. “ Im serious Gal, you look like an AIDS patient. It looks like your body is shutting down,” He said worried.
“ it feels like my body is shutting down,” I said quietly. He looked down at me, and I looked over at Rickey who was also looking at me with worry in his eyes. “ Stop looking at me like that, you two,” I muttered walking into the kitchen, and grabbing a bottle of water.
“ How many hours have you slept this week?” Zane asked. I shrugged my shoulders drinking the water. “ Galaxy!” Zane hissed.
“ I slept two hours last night, okay?” I muttered. Ever since what had happened I’ve had nightmares and wake up crying or screaming. It just feels so real, and in each dream I try to do something different to save Dylan, but he always ends up dead, and I end up hysterical. I don’t like dreaming anymore. They are all just cold nightmares.
“ how many hours have you slept this week,” Zane said.
“ I’ve slept two to three hours each day…. So I’ve slept about fourteen to twenty hours this week,” I shrugged.
“ That’s not good, I sleep fourteen hours in one day,” Zane said still looking at me. I let out a deep breath closing my eyes. I was leaning against the counter and I felt my legs shaking. My body couldn’t even hold up my weight anymore.
“ I know…” I whispered. “ I know….”
Mark, River, and Tony came into the kitchen out of breath, and Mark hit Zane in the back of the head.
“ thanks for the help cousin,” He growled.
“ No problem,” Zane said happily. I let out a laugh, and Mark took my water gulping it down.
“ Hey,” I whined. He rolled his eyes and handed me back an empty water bottle. “ Well I don’t want it know,” I muttered throwing it at him. it fell on the floor, and he looked at me and then at Rickey.
“ Im not picking that up,” he shrugged. I saw Rickey glare at us and I shrugged my shoulders.
“ Well we should get going,” Zane said. the guys nodded their heads, and everyone said their goodbyes, and made their way into the car. I stopped at the front door, and turned around to Rickey, and gave him a tight hug.
“ You think he’ll wake up?” I whispered.
“ I know he will,” Rickey whispered kissing my forehead. I pulled away nodding my head.
“ Thanks Rickey,” I whispered turning away and making my ways towards the car.
“ Cya around Gal!” Rickey called out.
“ Cya around Rickey, Text me Ben!” I said a little louder. I heard Ben yell something from inside that house but I couldn’t make it out. I got in the front seat, and slumped in the seat tilting my head back closing my eyes and I let out a deep breath.
“ Tired?” Mark asked. I nodded my head, and turned my head to the side looking out the window.
“ drop me off at the hospital,” I muttered.
“ I don’t think you should today,” Zane said.
“ Zane, please just take me,” I whispered. I heard him sigh, but drove to the hospital anyways realizing neither of us felt like muttering with one another today. The drive was quiet, but then I felt someone tap on my shoulder. I turned around to look at Mark.
“ So what do you do when you’re there for hours?” He muttered. I let out a deep breath turning back around in my seat.
“ Things,” I mumbled. The conversation didn’t go on from that. We pulled up to the entrance, and I grabbed my phone, and opened the door.
“ When should I pick you up?” Zane asked.
“ I’ll call you,” I said closing the door, and I made my way towards the doors. I turned around and Zane had drove off. I stopped right out the doors, and
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