Das Königreich der Tausend™ welterste Sci-Fi Saga. Die Erfindung des Sci-Fi. Es bleibt ein Mysterium warum das Königreich der Tausend fertiggestellt ist. Wenn Eftos noch einmal vor allem stünde, bliebe das erste Blatt leer. Wo sind die Nachbarn? Es gibt keinen einzigen Buchstaben mehr. Er hat es geschrieben: das Königreich der Tausend! It remains a mystery why the kingdom of a thousand is here. If Eftos would be before it all the first page would remain empty. Where are the neighbours? There

What if you boyfriend for two years cheats on you with the school slut? What if you found One Direction hiding from fan-girls under your bed? Then you just magically became the greatest friends in the world, like those Fan Fiction's every girl reads. Well everything that I said out of that is true........Yes, I found One Direction under my bed. This is my story of how those five idiots became my five idiotic best friends and how a stupid little love formed for one special little bad boy Zayn

Das Königreich der Tausend™ welterste Sci-Fi Saga. Die Erfindung des Sci-Fi. Es bleibt ein Mysterium warum das Königreich der Tausend fertiggestellt ist. Wenn Eftos noch einmal vor allem stünde, bliebe das erste Blatt leer. Wo sind die Nachbarn? Es gibt keinen einzigen Buchstaben mehr. Er hat es geschrieben: das Königreich der Tausend! It remains a mystery why the kingdom of a thousand is here. If Eftos would be before it all the first page would remain empty. Where are the neighbours? There

What if you boyfriend for two years cheats on you with the school slut? What if you found One Direction hiding from fan-girls under your bed? Then you just magically became the greatest friends in the world, like those Fan Fiction's every girl reads. Well everything that I said out of that is true........Yes, I found One Direction under my bed. This is my story of how those five idiots became my five idiotic best friends and how a stupid little love formed for one special little bad boy Zayn