» Adventure » Gone Forever, Brielle Kin [the two towers ebook .txt] 📗

Book online «Gone Forever, Brielle Kin [the two towers ebook .txt] 📗». Author Brielle Kin

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get any stranger than this situation.
“Are you coming Austin?” Jake asked turning around to Austin.
“Yep,” Austin said hopping up from his sitting position. As he was walking towards us, he kept falling. He was walking like he just got drunk!
“You need any help there buddy?” Jake asked as he noticed Austin falling.
“Huh? What are you talking about? I’m fine.” Austin said looking a little confused. “Why do you think I need help?”
“Well, you were walking sort of funny so I figured you wanted help.” Jake said trying to explain calmly.
“I’m not walking funny!” Austin exclaimed loudly. I could tell he was getting angry.
“Well, yeah you were!” Jake said loudly back.
“Jake!” I said looking at him sternly. “Drop it!” Jake just looked at me and then said okay.
“Shall we get going?” I asked Jake trying to change the subject.
“Yeah, let’s get someone into the doctors fast!” Jake said quietly so I could only hear him.
“Yes please.” I said quietly too. Jake walked through the door first, then Austin. They walked in with no problem but I was scared. What would I see when I walked through that door?
“Come on Kate! Just walk through the door!” Jake said through the door. I couldn’t see him but I could hear his voice. I took a deep breath in and then exhaled it out. Here I go. I walked towards the door slowly. The light from the door was so bright so I had to cover my eyes with my hand. As I got to the door, something rustled behind me. I spun around quickly but nothing was there. It’s got to be the wind. I thought. I turned back to the door and walked in with my eyes shut. When I opened my eyes there before me was a forest. A forest so green I thought I was walking through a green paint splotch.
“Kate! Over here!” someone yelled from the distance. I turned to where the voice was coming from and sure enough, Jake and Austin were sitting down behind a tree. As I made my way towards them, Jake got up and said, “So, what do you think?”
“It’s so pretty here!” I exclaimed as I walked towards them.
“Oh, if you think this is pretty, just wait until you see the rest!” Jake said with a huge smile on his face.
“Alright,” I said smiling back. “But first, let’s get Austin to the hospital.”
“Right.” Jake said going back over to Austin. “Okay Austin, let’s go.” Austin was delayed for a little bit but finally go up. We followed Jake until we got out of the forest.
“Wow!” I said amazed when we got out of the forest. Before me was a great blue lake with green grass and a blue sky surrounding it. “How far does Sten go?”
“Well, how far does your home place go?” Jake asked.
“Okay, I get it!” I said trying not to show my embarrassment.
“Don’t worry Kate, I know people who have asked stupider questions than you.” Jake said with a smile.
“What! Shut up!” I said in a joking way pushing him slightly. We just stood there for a bit laughing until Jake said, “Hey look! It’s some of the guards or Sten.” I looked over to where Jake was pointing and sure enough there were three men standing by the Lake. They looked like men in their thirty’s. Two of them had rough beards while the other one was clean shaved. While I was watching the guards, Austin starts running towards them. Jake gave me a look and we start running after Austin. For Austin not totally being mentally there, he sure ran fast. This was the first time I’ve seen Austin run without falling. As Austin was running, he started shouting at the Guards. I kept running after Austin. I stopped when I saw the Guards pull out their guns.
“Austin, stop!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. All of a sudden, two of the guns that were pointed at Austin were pointed at me! Jake stops running too when he realizes what I just did. I just bite on my lip when he turns and looks at me. I slowly make my way to where Jake was standing praying that I wouldn’t get shot.
“Kate, why did you do that?” Jake asked me quietly when I got up to him. By now we were about twenty-five feet away from the Guards.
“I’m sorry Jake. I wasn’t thinking. I didn’t want to cause trouble!” I said whimpering. “I’m so sorry!”
“Shhh, Kate, it’s okay. You didn’t know better.” Jake said watching the Guards.
“Agent Austin?” one of the Guards asked. “Agent Jake? Is that you two?”
Yes.” Jake answered with a sigh of relief. He also answered because Austin wasn’t.
“Oh Jake, we’re so sorry. We didn’t know if it was you two or not. The government made us these new glasses for us yesterday and we still haven’t been able to see things far away.” Another Guard said as Jake and I came closer to them. When reached them the put their guns down because they could tell I was a little scared.
“Why did they give you glasses?” Jake asked.
“The government says that they will, well of course, protect your eyes.” A Guard said. “And they give us abilities to see in the dark and will supposedly help us see farther.”
“Who’s the girl?” another Guard asked.
“This is Katelyn Cove.” Jake answered. “She’s the one that we are to look after and protect until this whole situation is taken care of.”
“Oh pardon us Ms. Cove. Like I said before, we just got these wacko glasses and aren’t used to them yet.” The tall guard with the beard said. “Let me introduce myself. My name is Hunter and these are my boys, James and Ryan.” Hunter pointed to the men on his left and right.
“It’s nice to meet you all.” I said smiling back. “And please, just call me Kate.”
“It’s a pleasure to have you, Kate.” The clean shaved guard named James said.
“Agent Jake, what’s wrong with Agent Austin?” Hunter asked looking over our shoulders.
“Well, we’re not exactly sure. He got attacked and scratched by a mutation. We cleaned out the wound but apparently we didn’t get everything out.” Jake said turning around to watch Austin play with the grass.
“Well, we better take him up to the hospital just in case it’s anything major.” Ryan said picking up his gun.
“Yeah, let’s go.” Hunter said picking up his gun too. “Oh, and Kate, if you need anything, we’re here to protect you and help you.”
“Thanks!” I said with a smile. We walked in the same line formation for what seemed like hours. Ryan leading, Austin following Ryan, Jake and I following Austin and then James and Hunter in the back.
Chapter 5

Austin looked so peaceful as he was just lying there. Jake handed me a leaf to wipe off the blood on the knife.
“What’s next chief?” Jake asked after I was done cleaning the knife.
“Oh, please don’t call me that! It’ll make me feel lousy if I don’t save him.” I said shyly. My eyes slowly made their way to where Jake’s eyes where. Surprisingly, he held me gaze. His eyes felt so familiar to me. It’s like I’ve seen them before. But where? I’m positive that I’ve never seen Jake before. I looked away from his gaze because it kept reminding me of someone but I didn’t know who.
“Okay then. How about follower?” he asked laughing at my answer.
“Oh, please no! Don’t call me that either!” I said.
“Fine, but what am I going to call you?” he asked smiling. I just smile back and then said,
“Hi, I’m Kate.” I said giggling and reaching out my hand to shake his.
“Why hello Kate, I’m Jake.” Jake said reaching out his hand to shake mine. After we shook hands, we just bust out in laughter.
“Wow Kate.” Jake finally said after we were done laughing. “I didn’t think you had a sense of humor!”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked in my joking tone.
“Just means you have a great personality. It reminds me of my sister.” At this comment I just couldn’t help but blush.
“Thanks.” I said shyly. “Um…we should get back to work on Austin before the poison sinks back down into his skin.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” Jake said looking down at the hole I made in Austin’s leg. “So, ah, what do we do now, Kate?”
“We suck out the poison.” I said putting the knife back in Jake’s bag. “And you can do that.”
“Fine, but your list of I-OWE-YOU’s is getting longer and longer.” Jake said getting ready to suck out the poison. “You by chance know how to do this, do you?”
“Not really. I’ve watched my dad do it several times to his patients. All he did was just suck out the poison and then spit it out. But make sure you don’t swallow it!” I said watching Jake getting ready to suck out the poison.
“Great advice!” Jake said sarcastically. Even though Jake said he didn’t know how to suck out poison, he looked like he had been doing it for years. The longer I watched him, the more he reminded me of my father.
I got bit from a snake on the arm on summer when dad was still around. I started screaming because of all the pain that my arm was producing. My dad was outside with me when I was screaming because the next thing I know, he was at my side. “What’s wrong honey?” he asked looking at me with the same caring eyes as Jake’s.
“It’s a snake! It bit my arm!” I exclaimed with tears gushing out my eyes.
“Lie down for me. We don’t want the poison spreading through your body now do we?” he said lying me down on the ground. He pulled my arm out so that he could see it. He then gently pulled up my sleeve to see where the snake bit me. “This isn’t that serious but just in case, don’t move sweetie.” I knew he was trying his hardest to calm me down but it wasn’t working. I was going into shock mode and nothing could calm me down after I went into that. Although his smooth voice did cause me to relax.
“Yes father.” I said trying to endure the pain.
“This won’t take long.” He said putting his lips against my arm. I watched him put his lips against my arm and gently suck. After every few seconds or so, he would lift his head up and spit out the something. Since I was seven at the time, I didn’t know what he was spitting out or why. I

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