» Adventure » Gone Forever, Brielle Kin [the two towers ebook .txt] 📗

Book online «Gone Forever, Brielle Kin [the two towers ebook .txt] 📗». Author Brielle Kin

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Chapter 5

Austin looked so peaceful as he was just lying there. Jake handed me a leaf to wipe off the blood on the knife.
“What’s next chief?” Jake asked after I was done cleaning the knife.
“Oh, please don’t call me that! It’ll make me feel lousy if I don’t save him.” I said shyly. My eyes slowly made their way to where Jake’s eyes where. Surprisingly, he held me gaze. His eyes felt so familiar to me. It’s like I’ve seen them before. But where? I’m positive that I’ve never seen Jake before. I looked away from his gaze because it kept reminding me of someone but I didn’t know who.
“Okay then. How about follower?” he asked laughing at my answer.
“Oh, please no! Don’t call me that either!” I said.
“Fine, but what am I going to call you?” he asked smiling. I just smile back and then said,
“Hi, I’m Kate.” I said giggling and reaching out my hand to shake his.
“Why hello Kate, I’m Jake.” Jake said reaching out his hand to shake mine. After we shook hands, we just bust out in laughter.
“Wow Kate.” Jake finally said after we were done laughing. “I didn’t think you had a sense of humor!”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked in my joking tone.
“Just means you have a great personality. It reminds me of my sister.” At this comment I just couldn’t help but blush.
“Thanks.” I said shyly. “Um…we should get back to work on Austin before the poison sinks back down into his skin.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” Jake said looking down at the hole I made in Austin’s leg. “So, ah, what do we do now, Kate?”
“We suck out the poison.” I said putting the knife back in Jake’s bag. “And you can do that.”
“Fine, but your list of I-OWE-YOU’s is getting longer and longer.” Jake said getting ready to suck out the poison. “You by chance know how to do this, do you?”
“Not really. I’ve watched my dad do it several times to his patients. All he did was just suck out the poison and then spit it out. But make sure you don’t swallow it!” I said watching Jake getting ready to suck out the poison.
“Great advice!” Jake said sarcastically. Even though Jake said he didn’t know how to suck out poison, he looked like he had been doing it for years. The longer I watched him, the more he reminded me of my father.
I got bit from a snake on the arm on summer when dad was still around. I started screaming because of all the pain that my arm was producing. My dad was outside with me when I was screaming because the next thing I know, he was at my side. “What’s wrong honey?” he asked looking at me with the same caring eyes as Jake’s.
“It’s a snake! It bit my arm!” I exclaimed with tears gushing out my eyes.
“Lie down for me. We don’t want the poison spreading through your body now do we?” he said lying me down on the ground. He pulled my arm out so that he could see it. He then gently pulled up my sleeve to see where the snake bit me. “This isn’t that serious but just in case, don’t move sweetie.” I knew he was trying his hardest to calm me down but it wasn’t working. I was going into shock mode and nothing could calm me down after I went into that. Although his smooth voice did cause me to relax.
“Yes father.” I said trying to endure the pain.
“This won’t take long.” He said putting his lips against my arm. I watched him put his lips against my arm and gently suck. After every few seconds or so, he would lift his head up and spit out the something. Since I was seven at the time, I didn’t know what he was spitting out or why. I learned out later that it was the poison. I closed my eyes and lied back down one the floor. The longer my father sucked, the more the pain decreased. After what I thought to be five minutes, my father pulled his head up and didn’t go back down.
“Kate, you’re all fixed up. Now go inside and have mother put ointment on the wound.” Father said lifting me up to my feet.
“Thanks father!” I said giving him a hug.
“You’re welcome!” he said giving me a hug back.

“Okay Kate,” Jake said bringing me back to reality, “I’m done sucking out the poison. It’s your turn now.”
“Oh, okay.” I said looking at what he did. “Good job. It looks like you got all the poison. Now we need to clean the wound with water. You by chance don’t have water in that backpack do you?”
“Here Kate,” Jake said handing me his back. “Just look for yourself. You find everything you need in here.”
“Oh Jake, thanks!” I said taking the pack from his hands. I looked inside the pack and there were a lot of stuff inside. Stuff like medicine, food, survival supplies, and a lot more. I found a water bottle and a napkin in the pack too. This would help me clean the wound. I dripped some water on the napkin and then dropped some on the wound. I had a half a bottle of water left so I decided to give the remaining to Jake. He could wash his mouth out because there was a possibility that he could have poison in it. Besides, he was over there wiping his mouth with his hands. I handed the bottle to Jake who took it without hesitation. I then wiped the watered napkin on Austin’s leg. Hopefully doing so would clean the top so it wouldn’t bring infection. I’ve watched my mother do it to me when I got bit by a snake. After I finished wiping the wound clean, I looked over at Jake who was still cleaning his mouth. He looked so funny. He would drink some water and then spit it out while wiping his tongue on his hand. I giggled quietly so he couldn’t hear me. After watching Jake for a couple minutes, I noticed Austin stirring. I quickly finished putting medication on the wound that I found in Jake’s backpack. Jake came over and asked me if it was okay if he could go back into the woods to get something. It was more like telling me that he was going to go into the woods than asking me. I let him go and returned to my work on Austin’s leg. I just finished putting a white bandage when I heard something stir behind me. Thinking it was another so called mutation, I grabbed the spear that Austin had used earlier and pointed it at the spot where the noise came from. I didn’t really know how to throw a spear but some kind of weapon was better than no weapon. Something started moving in the bushes again. I was ready. Spear in my hand and a bucket load of determination and fear. Just then Jake came breaking through the bushes. He stopped right in his tracks when he saw me. He just looked at me with a puzzled expression. Here I was, never holding a spear before, aiming it at him ready to kill.
“Okay Kate, you can put that thing down now.” Jake said making his way over to me.
“Sorry Jake. I thought you were a mutt.” I said putting the spear down.
“That I can see. Well, at least you picked up something that would have killed me better than a knife.” Jake said with a smile. “Do you even know how to use a spear?”
“Hey, don’t go dissing on my knife. It’s very special to me. And no, I don’t know how to use a spear or any other kind of weapon.”
“Well, at least you’re willing to try.” Jake said with a smile. “Are you done nursing Austin back to health?”
“Hahaha, very funny!” I said pretending to laugh. “And yes, I did finish.”
“By the way, I think this is yours.” Jake said handing me something. I looked at what he had in his hand. It was sharp and shiny. The closer I looked at it the more I could tell what it was. It was my knife! Jake went back to get my knife!
“Oh Jake! Thank you so much!” I said taking the knife out of his hands.
“You’re welcome! I kind of figured it was special to you when you were freaking out because you couldn’t find it.” Jake said.
“Yes, thanks so much! It means so much to me!” I said smiling at him. “Well, I’m done nursing Austin. Do you want to go finish our breakfast?”
“Well, I already finished mine but I’m still hungry. I could use another muffin.” Jake said heading to where our seats where.
I laughed and then said, “Yeah, me too! How long until Austin comes back to consciousness?”
“Oh, it shouldn’t be long. If he was moving when you were finishing him up, then he should be conscience within a few minutes.” Jake said sitting down on his log.
“Okay.” I said sitting back down on my log. “So, how did you come across Sten?”
“My sister and I came across it when we were searching for help,” Jake started so say.
“It was about two years ago. Our home got bombed which killed most of the people in the town including my parents. My sister and I were sent out of town to get baby supplies from our Aunt because our mother was having a baby. At the time, we gave them all to her because we had no room in our house. We were half way there when we heard a big explosion behind us. We turned around quickly to where the noise came from. All we could see was smoke rising about the trees. I turned and looked at my sister who was now white as a ghost. Her eyes where focused on the smoke. Whatever just happened was unexpected. We just stood there motionless waiting, watching, wondering what just happened. After the smoke cleared, we headed back down to where the explosion was. When we got back down to our town, I couldn’t believe what I saw. Everything was destroyed. From houses to trees to flowers to shops. Walking through the streets was different because there was hardly anything to see. I looked over at my sister who was now crying. I ran to where our house used to stand. I couldn’t bear to go stand on the ruins because of thought that people where dead under where I stood. I just stood there at the entrance hoping that our parents made it out. By the looks of things, it would be very hard to get away. The thought of my parents dead blurred my memory from thinking clearly. My sister was now besides me. She wasn’t standing though. She was on her knees rocking back and forth. I look down at the ground where the ruins of our house stood. Everything was covered in black. Then, something moving in the ashes nearby caught my eye. I just stared at the moving pile of ashes wondering

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