» Adventure » Gone Forever, Brielle Kin [the two towers ebook .txt] 📗

Book online «Gone Forever, Brielle Kin [the two towers ebook .txt] 📗». Author Brielle Kin

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into the lock and turned. It was a perfect match. The door slowly opened to reveal the place called Sten.”
“How do you know all this?” I asked trying to take in all he had told me.
“Because, the president of Sten was that boy. That’s why he’s the president. He found Sten. Of course he found Sten forty years ago. That’s one of the stories they tell you in Sten.” Austin said.
“Okay, so it’s starting to make some sense. But why did I have to come with you?” I asked.
“I’m trying to protect you from either getting killed or captured.” Austin said getting up from where he was sitting.
“Haha very funny!” I said pretending to laugh. “But really, why do I have to go to this place called Sten? And why am I in danger?”
“People are trying to kill you! My mission is to take you to Sten and to keep you alive. There’s this guy named Caesar. He used to be the head of Sten, under the president. Caesar was always a weird guy. Don’t ask me how he even became vise-president because I don’t know. Anyways, he decided he would try to take over Sten by killing the president. A lot of people in Sten liked the idea of killing the president but others didn’t. When the president figured out what Caesar was going to do, he had him arrested. Caesar except the prison and fled to the dark side of Sten. He took many villagers with him to be his assistants. Caesar has been trying and trying for years to over-rule the president but always fails. Now he actually has found a way to do it. All he needs is the diamond from the crystal mountain.” Austin said going over to our firewood pile to get more firewood.
“There’s a crystal mountain!” I exclaimed excitedly. “You guys have the coolest things! What else do you guys have?”
“Haha! A lot! You’ll just have to come to Sten and see.” Austin said returning with some more logs.
“I guess. So why am I so important?” I ask rubbing my arm because a mosquito bit me.
“I’m not really sure why. All I know is that you’re in danger. The president told me to go and find you but didn’t tell me why.” Austin said sitting back down.
“Oh. Hey do you have mosquito spray?” I asked itching my arm over and over. I put my arm by the fire so I could see what was wrong with my arm. My arm was now swelling and red.
“Yes. Just wait one second while I find it.” Austin said grabbing his backpack. “I know it’s in here somewhere.” He finally found the mosquito spray and tossed it to me.
“Thanks.” I said while I was spraying myself with mosquito spray. I tossed it back to him and that’s when I noticed how dark it was. “Are we supposed to spend the night here?”
“Yeah, sorry about there not being a bed. But these rocks do make good pillows.” Austin said smiling.
“I’ll take your advice on it!” I said smiling back. As I laid my head down on the rock, I noticed how cold it was. “Austin, I don’t mean to bug you but do you have any blankets?”
“I knew you would ask me that sooner or later.” Austin said grabbing a couple of blankets out of his bag. “Here you go.” I caught the blanket and wrapped it around me. It made me warm instantly. I don’t know what kind of blanket it was but it had a fuzzy texture to it. It was almost like sheep fur. This blanket should keep me warm for the whole night. “Austin?” I asked laying my head down on the rock.
“Yeah?” Austin asked me back. I could tell he was almost asleep by the way his voice sounded.
“Thanks.” I say yawing. “Good night.”
“You’re welcome.” Austin said. “Good night.” It didn’t take me long to fall asleep. I was so tired; emotionally and physically. Well, better get used to this type of environment because it looks like I’m going to be here for a while. I thought to myself. I shut my eyes and dreamed about everything that had happened today.
Kate! Come here! I saw my mother standing in the door way of our house. Come here Kate! I started running to my mother but I couldn’t get there. I started running faster and faster. I saw Mandy standing in the field nearby. I started running to her. She had on a white dress and was picking flowers. Mandy! Mandy! I called to her while I was running. Kate! Come here! I have a present for you! Mandy said when she saw me. I ran to her. She looked so pretty. I was about two feet away from her when she started to transform. She started turning into a dragon. A dragon with wings and very sharp teeth. I stopped running to her. I couldn’t believe it. She now was a fierce dragon with wings trying to eat me. I tried running away but I couldn’t move. It was like my feet were trapped in quicksand. I turned my head to see Mandy open her mouth looking like she would swallow me whole. I screamed and screamed! Tried to move but couldn’t. Then, Mandy opens her mouth and swallows me whole!
“Ahhh!” I said waking up from my nightmare. I’m sorry if Austin woke up from my screaming but I couldn’t help it. Mandy transforming into a dragon and then eating me was just too much to bear. Still panting and dripping sweat from my dream, I noticed that Austin was still asleep. It was just a dream, I’m perfectly fine. I kept telling myself. Austin didn’t seem to notice my screaming which was a good thing. I didn’t want to have to explain it all to him. Just thinking about it made me feel really sick. Maybe if I just go walk around for a little bit, I’ll feel better. I thought this was a good idea so I get up from my earthy bed and grabbed my knife. I knew it was morning because of how the sun was positioned in the sky. I started walking away from camp but that’s when my stomach growled. I guess I was so scared about my dream that I forgot of how hungry I was. I looked over a Austin’s stuff but nothing there seemed edible. I decided to help him out and go hunt. I could at least find a rabbit or some small animal for breakfast. I slipped on my boots and walked further away from camp. Since its morning, the animals should be out by now. I kept walking until I heard a twig snap beside me. I then remembered what Austin had told me last night: “People are trying to kill you! You need to be more careful!’ I turned to the direction where the sound came from but saw nothing. Then a rabbit came out of the bush. “Ah, perfect,” I said quietly to myself. I approached the rabbit but it must have seen me because it started to hop farther and farther away. I started to follow it thinking that I didn’t go very far away from the camp. I turned around expecting to see a glimpse of the camp but instead, I just saw a bunch of trees. I stared to panic but then I realized that I was big enough to take care of myself no matter what Austin tells me. The only thing that I was thinking about was if Austin would get worried if I’m gone or not. He’ll get over it. Besides, I’m not that far away from the camp. I said to myself. The rabbit finally stopped hopping and turned around to face me. Then something strange happened. The rabbit’s eyes started glowing orange. It stands on its two hind legs and gets bigger and bigger. It’s taller than me when it finally stops growing. Wings then come out of the creature. It looks like a bear, a rabbit, and a dragon all squished into one body! I thought about running back to the camp but then the creature started breathing out fire from its mouth. It could disintegrate me by the time I started running or worse, while I was running. I figured that that option was out of the question. My next option was to stay and fight. No matter what I did, I know I would get killed. At least I could die trying. I clutch my knife in my right hand. My fingers gripped it so tightly that I thought my fingers were losing circulation. The creature starting running towards me so I pulled my knife up ready to plunge it into its body. The creature then stopped right in front of me. I don’t know why it stopped but this would give me a good shot at killing it. Sweat was dripping down my face. The creature pounced on me before I could throw my knife into it. I got knocked to the ground with a hard thump. My knife flung out of my hand and landed about five feet away from me. I tried to grab it but the creature stepped on my arm crushing it. The creature was so heavy. The pressure of its paw on my arm felt like my arm was breaking into two pieces. “AHHH!” I cried out when the creature put even more pressure on my arm. “Austin!! Austin!!” I knew it was hopeless for me to scream out his name. I was to far away from camp for him to hear me. Well this is it. I thought, I’m going to die all by myself!
Chapter 4

“Austin! Austin!” I screamed out again. I started kicking the creature with my feet but it just made it crush my arm more. “Get off of me!!” I screamed at the creature. I was lucky that it didn’t spray fire at me, otherwise, I would be toast. Literally speaking! The creatures eyes where still glowing. I couldn’t do anything else but just stare into those huge cruel eyes. By looking at his eyes, I got a glimpse of his teeth. I’m surprised I didn’t see them before because they were huge. At any moment know they could rip my face off. I shut my eyes trying to think of happy thoughts while the creature killed me but I couldn’t think of any. What thoughts are happy when you’re just about ready to get killed? I asked myself instead. Then, I could feel the creature slowly lift its paw up from above my arm. I was for sure my arm was broken by how numb it was and how much it hurt. I still had my eyes shut when I felt the creature drop beside me. It scared me so much that I jumped lying there. I opened my eyes and turned my face to see the creature lying dead beside me. Through

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