» Adventure » Gone Forever, Brielle Kin [the two towers ebook .txt] 📗

Book online «Gone Forever, Brielle Kin [the two towers ebook .txt] 📗». Author Brielle Kin

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its heart I could see and arrow. Stunned by the situation, I closed my eyes again tell myself that it was all over with. Then it hit me, who shot the arrow? Was it Austin? It couldn’t have been. He was to far away from me. I opened my eyes again and shot up from my lying position. I looked around for the owner of the arrow but didn’t see anyone. I looked back at the dead creature but it wasn’t there. All that was left was the arrow punctured into the ground. I retrieved the arrow looking for some sign of who shot it but I couldn’t find anything.
“Better be more careful now Kate,” someone said in the distance.
“Austin! I’m so sorry! I can explain.” I said turning around to where the voice came from. “Oh sorry, I thought you were my friend.” There before me was a boy that looked around my age. He looked like Austin but with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. Besides that, his height and his body appearance all seemed to be like Jakes.
“It’s okay. I’ve reckon you met Austin?” the boy asked coming closer to me.
“Maybe,” I said trying not to give away to much information in case he was someone I shouldn’t trust. “Who are you? And how do you know me?” The boy did look mighty familiar but then again, so did Austin. It was probably the boy’s looks that threw me off. I mean, he does look a lot like Austin and I didn’t know him.
The boy started to laugh but the said, “I see. Don’t worry, you can trust me. I know Austin too.”
“How do you know him?” I asked stepping farther away from the boy. “And what’s your name?”
“Oh, pardon me. My name is Jake.” The boy said coming closer and closer to me. “I’m Austin’s partner from Sten. Do you by chance know where he is?”
“Why do you want to know where he is?” I asked suspiciously.
“Wow, they didn’t tell me you were this hard to get information out of! I like it!” Jake said.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask raising my voice.
“Shhhh…. Never mind. Forget I said that. But please be quiet,” he said quickly.
“Why should I be quiet?” I asked raising my voice. I know raising my voice would irritate him so that’s why I did it. “You could just be telling me that because you don’t want me calling for someone to help me. You could kill me for all I know.”
Jake nods his head and sighs. “Okay, you have to believe me this time. I’m not a bad guy. Look,” Jake said pulling up his sleeve to reveal a tattoo. It was the strangest tattoo I’ve ever seen. It was in the shape of a circle with the letters ‘S’ and ‘C’ in it. It was strange but I knew I’ve seen that same tattoo before.
“Yeah, I see it. What is it?” I asked still looking at it.
“It’s a patch that means we are citizens of Sten. The ‘S’ means Sten and the ‘C’ means citizens. If you don’t believe me, go look on Austin’s arm. I guarantee you that he has the exact same one.” Jake said pulling his sleeve back over the tattoo. Austin’s arm! That’s where I’ve seen it before! When Austin was picking up firewood he rolled his sleeves up and there it was. Sitting plain as day on his arm. I can’t believe I didn’t notice it before.
“Can you please take me to Austin?” Jake asked. I completely forgot he was there until he said something.
“I guess.” I said heading in the direction to our camp. Then I remembered how much pain my arm was in. I grabbed onto it and about cried out in pain.
“What’s wrong?” Jake asked me when I dropped to my knees.
“Oh, nothing.” I said trying to show the pain.
“It must be something. Why else would you be sitting on the ground?” he asked coming towards me. It was the first time I noticed he was right. I was sitting on the ground holding my arm. How could he not think I wasn’t hurting?
“It’s my arm. I got tackled by that creature back there before you killed it. I tried reaching my knife but the creature stepped on my arm. It put a lot of pressure on my arm. Now it just kills.” I said holding my arm even more.
“Here, let me help you,” Jake said grabbing something out of his backpack.
“What are you going to do?” I asked kind of scared.
“I’m going to give you medicine.” Jake said pulling up a needle with a bottle attached to the end.
“What is that?” I asked really scared.
“Don’t worry. I’m just going to inject this needle into your arm. It should heal it fast. If not, it will at least kill some of the pain. If it doesn’t heal it, we can take you to the hospital in Sten. They can fix your arm up in no time. It will be good as new.” Jake said as he was just about ready to inject the needle into my arm. “Ready?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” I said closing my eyes shut. I didn’t like needles. Especially ones that were injected into my arm. The sooner this is over with the sooner I’ll be happy. I feel a slight pinch and then relief. Finally, I thought. It’s over with.
“Um Kate. You can open your eyes now.” Jake said.
“Oh, um thanks!” I said opening my eyes.
“Don’t mention it.” Jake said putting the needle back in his bag.
“No. I mean thanks for everything. For saving me from being attacked and for helping me with my arm. I’m sorry I didn’t believe you a while back.” I said getting back up unto my feet.
“It’s okay. I’m used to it.” Jake said smiling at me. “If it makes you feel any better, I was just as bad as you.”
“Oh, so what’s that supposed to mean?” I asked with a hint of laughter in my voice.
“It just means that I was just like you before I had my training. I was clumsy, self-reliant, and fearless.” Jake said looking at me straight in the eyes. His eyes looked so familiar but I couldn’t tell why. “But next time, be prepared to fight by yourself because I’m not going to help you.”
“Whatever!” I said pushing him slightly while laughing.
“No I mean it!” he said laughing with me. “Let’s get going.”
“Yeah your right.” I said as I starting walking again. Jake of course followed me. We made small talk until we got to camp.
“So um… what where you doing out there with that creature?” Jake asked walking right beside me.
“I was trying to get breakfast for Austin and me.” I said. “He was still sleeping when I left. He did so much for me last night that I thought I would return the favor by getting breakfast.”
“Oh. What a nice thing to do!” Jake said sarcastically. “But you do know that this backpack we carry has all sorts of stuff in it. Like, um… let’s see…food!”
“Well, we can blame this incident on Austin. He didn’t tell me there was food in his pack!” I said shaking my head.
“Okay. Next time you should tell Austin where you’re going though. We’re trying to protect you and can’t really protect you when we don’t know where you are!” Jake said looking at me. “You’re lucky that I was strolling around in the woods otherwise, you would have been killed.”
“What, so now I have to ask Austin if I can go out or not?” I asked. I could feel my checks getting red from my anger.
“Well yes and no. But since we’re trying to protect you, you should at least tell us where you’re going.”
“Look, I can take care of myself! I don’t need you guys!” I started shouting at him. “I’ve never had anyone to protect me and I turned out fine!”
“Kate! There you are! I thought someone kidnaped you! I was so worried!” Austin said when he spotted us coming through the bushes. “Jake! Hey man! What are you doing here?”
“I was just leaving! Better ditch while you can! Kate can take care of herself!” Jake said walking away from us. I could tell he was mad. I didn’t mean to hurt his feelings. I guess it was my anger taking advantage of me, again.
“Jake! Wait!” Austin shouted as Jake was walking away. “Kate, what did you do?”
“He got on my nerves. We were walking here and he told me that I should always tell you where I’m going so in case I’m in danger, you could rescue me. I told him that asking permission to go somewhere was stupid. I’ve taken care of myself long enough and I’m not going to stop now.” I said starting to feel bad about what I said to Austin. “He’s right though. I guess it’s my responsibility to tell you guys where I’m going so I don’t get myself killed. It’s just that, I’ve never had people looking out for me before. I’ve always been on my own. No one cared about me. Then when I met you guys, I guess I’m not used to the whole protection thing.
“I’m really sorry about what I did. I blew up on him. Can you tell him I’m sorry and really want him to stay with us?” I continued.
“Kate, I know you’re sorry. When I first came, I wasn’t used to the whole protection idea either. You’ll get used to it. Trust me!” Austin said about to walk over to Jake. “In the meantime, I think you should be the one who says sorry to Jake not me. Jake’s been through a lot.” Austin then left to go bring Jake back to his senses. I just stayed right where I was, in my awkward standing position. I watched Jake make his way over to Austin who was just about ready to leave our camp site. Austin just looked at Jake. The same hurtful expression crossed his lips. I know I hurt Austin’s feelings really bad especially not even knowing a thing about him. I wouldn’t blame him if he just left and never wanted to see or speak to me again.
“Why did I blow up on him?” I asked myself quietly. I turned my back against Jake so that they couldn’t see me talking to myself. “Jake didn’t do anything wrong. I’m the one who should be over there talking to Jake not Austin. I’ve got to control my temper more.”
“Kate?” someone asked behind me.
“Ah!” I exclaimed in surprise. I didn’t even hear Austin come up. “Austin! How long have you been standing there?”
“Long enough to hear that you have an anger problem!” Austin said with a smile on his face.
“That’s not funny! I didn’t want anyone to hear that!” I said pushing him slightly. “Anyways, how’s Jake?” I looked over Austin’s shoulder to see if Jake was still standing in the back ground. He wasn’t there. He probably didn’t want to talk or see my again just like I thought.
“Well, he’s been better.” Austin said looking over his shoulder to where Jake used to stand.
“Did he leave?” I asked.
“No, he went back to the camp.” Austin said looking back at me. “He’s pretty ticked. You really hurt his feelings. Maybe you should go and apologize to him when we get back to the camp.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” I said following Austin back to the camp. “Austin thanks again!”
“You’re welcome! Hey, that’s what friends are for.”
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