» Adventure » Gone Forever, Brielle Kin [the two towers ebook .txt] 📗

Book online «Gone Forever, Brielle Kin [the two towers ebook .txt] 📗». Author Brielle Kin

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noticed Mandy just sitting in the corner eating her breakfast quietly. “What’s wrong Mandy?” She didn’t answer. Normally when she doesn’t answer a question, it’s an indicator that something is wrong. “Mandy?” Still no answer. As I look at her closer I could see the tiny tears streaming down her face.
“Mandy’s dog got killed this morning. Someone forgot to let Benny inside last night so some strange animal came and attacked it. Poor Benny couldn’t do anything to fight the creature off,” mother said with sincerity in her voice while glaring at me.
“Oh, I’m so sorry Mandy. Don’t worry, I’ll find you a new pet.” I said trying to make her feel better. But all she gives me is a faint smile and a nod. I know it will be hard in the next few days for her. Mandy got Benny right after father died. It’s not like mom didn’t like trying to comfort Mandy in the middle of night when she woke up from nightmares, It’s just she couldn’t get herself out of bed most of the time. She got Mandy this dog so that it would be someone she could talk to whenever she was sad, scared, or hurting in anyway. The good part of it is that it worked. She loved that dog more than anything. Now with it being gone, she will have to face her sadness at night alone. Mandy does go to mom or I once in a while but mostly went to the dog. Now I can see the real pain shooting through her eyes. “Mandy, it’ll be okay. Trust me.” Those were the only words I could get out as I ran to her and held my arms open to her. After about five minutes of Mandy’s constant crying in my arms, mom finally tells us that if we don’t hurry and get changed that we’ll be late for school. Again, school gets in the way of everything.
“Oh by the way,” mother said as we climbed the stairs for our rooms, “Come straight home after school. We are having company over for dinner.”
“Who?” I asked a little rudely.
“You’ll know them when you see them. But I want you two to be on your best behavior when they get here,” mom said shooting me a stern look.
“Whatever,” I said under my breath. When I finished getting ready for school, I decided to go into Mandy’s room and see if she’s ready yet. When I walk into her room it has looked as if a tornado has blown through leaving a terrible mess in its place. I looked around for Mandy but couldn’t find her. Finally I saw her huddled in a corner with her stuffed bear that father had bought her when she was born. “Mandy, are you ready?” I asked trying to sound sincere. “If we don’t leave now, we’ll be late for school.”
“I don’t care! I don’t even want to go to school! I hate school!!” Mandy started to say sternly.
“I know how you feel. I don’t want to go to school either. In fact, I hate it too!” I said stroking her hair back behind her ear.
“You do?” she asked me when she turned around, “I always thought you loved it. I mean, the way you act. It just seems that you do.”
“Me, like school?” I said laughing, “Mandy, that’s the last thing I would do. Love school. I despise it so much! In fact, I’m thinking about quitting it and never returning”
“Really?” she said with a hint of smile coming from her mouth, “could I quit too?”
“Well now. That depends. You will have to be a good girl and obey whatever mom says. If you can do that then maybe you can quit. If I ever do quit, I’ll be sure to drag you out with me only if you follow what I just said!” I said smiling at her. She just laughs and then gives me a hug. While hugging, I hear her voice as soft as a mouse whispering something in my ear, “Kate, thanks so much!”
“You’re welcome,” I whisper back, “Now onto prison!” I could tell by the way her face looked she wasn’t getting my joke. “Prison means school. It’s my new nickname for it!”
“Oh, well in that case, off to prison!” She exclaimed cheerfully. I couldn’t help myself but laugh the whole way to school.
“Why hello there Kate,” one of my classmates said in a mocking tone when I got to school.
“Hello Ella.” I said back trying to ignore her.
“I almost didn’t recognize you today,” Ella said in her usual mean tone, “I thought you were some new girl that got her hair colored but then as you came closer, I knew it was you by that tacky hair cut you have.”
“Whatever Ella, I’m not in the mood,” I say pushing her to the side as I walk into the school door with Mandy. Why do I even go to school? I thought. All you do I die when you’re older. Why waste your life on learning about stuff that you won’t need to know after you die? Of course, what I do in class is much different than what others do. Maybe I had at least one friend my life would be different.
I was so glad that I had to go straight home after school. I didn’t even want anyone to be here altogether. “Mandy, we need to go home. NOW!” I said grabbing Mandy by the arm.
“Why are you in such a rush Kate?” Ella asked as I was pulling Mandy out of the classroom. “I mean, I know you don’t have a date or anything.” That did it. She knows how to get on my nerves but this really hit the spot. “Your right Ella, I don’t,” I say firmly trying not to show my anger. “But if I were you, I would stop worrying about those eyebrows of yours or else you’ll never get a date.”
“AH!” Ella said as she stormed away from us.
“Mandy, let’s go.” I said pulling her out the door. I lean in close to her ear so that no one could her and whisper, “Let’s get out of this prison?” All she does is look at me with a smile and a girly giggle.
“Mother, were home.” Mandy said when we walked through the door of our house. All of a sudden she stops. She stopped so suddenly that it almost made me fall on top of her. “Mandy, keep walking.” I said trying to not crush her with my body. As I look up, I see why she stopped. I could feel my mouth just drop in disbelief. There, right in front of me, was our old history teacher. I never liked him and after today, probably never will.
“Ah, there you are. Just on time,” my mother said with a hint of a smile, “girls, this is Mr. Brooks. Kate, I think you know him.”
“Why yes,” I try to say in my nicest way possible grinding my teeth together, “how could I forget him?”
“It’s nice to see you again Kate,” Mr. Brooks said in a polite way, “It’s been what, three years?”
“Yes. Excuse me please,” I said looking at Mandy while quickly walking to my room. There in my room, tears started to build and run down my face. The tears then turned into anger. Anger that was gushing inside of me just waiting for me to explode it into the world.
“Kate?” I heard Mandy’s voice say as she opens the door to my room.
“What?” I said trying to wipe the tears from my eyes. I didn’t want her to see me crying but apparently I didn’t do a good job when she asks if I’ve been crying.
“Are you okay?” Mandy asked making her way to where I was lying on my bed.
“No,” I say sitting up on my bed. “I want him out of this house now!”
“Why? He seems like a nice guy.” She said sitting right next to me on my bed.
“Well, he’s not. He’s the worst guy that ever walked the planet!” Normally I don’t have this harsh of feelings towards another human being but when someone puts you through a lot of trouble, you kind of have to be.
It all started three years ago. I was in school, as usual, when Mr. Brooks came. He had come to be our new history teacher because our old one had retired. At first I thought he was a nice guy until I got beaten by him. Ella pushed me off a tree one day and of course, with my temper, I punched her. She then took a punch at me while knocking me to the ground. I was kicking and punching just trying to get her off. Then all of a sudden, Ella got off of me so I of course tackle her down to the ground. Someone must have gotten Mr. Brooks because the next thing I knew he yanked me off of Ella by my braid. As I was lying on the ground, I could see Mr. Brooks face. Angry, dark, cold and evil. Then, he pulled me off the ground and told me to go behind the school. I obeyed but knew that there was going to be severe punishment. After I got behind the school, Mr. Brooks wasn’t far behind me. He told me to turn around and put my hands on the wall. I, of course, obeyed. He then pulled my shirt up in the back and whipped my back with his belt. It wasn’t just one time, it was four of five. After he beat me, I was crying on the ground in a little ball. He put his belt back on and told me I’d better get to class quick. If I didn’t, more whipping. I rushed to my feet but the pain from my back pulled me back down to the ground. He then told me before he left not to tell anyone about what happened. Apparently I wasn’t the only one who got whipped. There was this little boy, about a year younger than Mandy, got whipped so much that his mother had to pull him out of school because they didn’t like the way the teacher was treating us. After we got abused several times, the government kicked Mr. Brooks out of our school and told him he could never come back into this district unless he straightens up his act. After the day I got beaten several times and then the times after that, I put Mr. Brooks on my list of people who I will never forgive. Now that he’s here in my house with my mother just made me even mad.
“Wow, just give Mr. Brooks a chance please. For me!” Mandy said wiping the tears from my eyes. “Besides, you said so yourself that Mr. Brooks couldn’t come back here unless he straightened up his act.”
“Thanks.” I said getting up off the bed. “I’ll give him a chance but if he fails, well, I don’t know what I’ll do.”
“Girls, dinner.” I could hear our mother’s voice say. I told Mandy not to mention the conversation ever again. She agreed and then we walked down to the kitchen together. While walking to the kitchen, I could hear my mother laughing. I haven’t heard my mother laugh like that since before my father died. Maybe he’s not so bad after all. I thought to myself, Wait! No!
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