» Adventure » Savior, Jordan Wilson [which ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Savior, Jordan Wilson [which ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Jordan Wilson

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Jason’s Aspen shirt.
“Oh this?” Jason asked, “Yeah, it was something my uncle gave me,”
“That’s nice,” smiled Sarah, “What are these markings?”
Jason looked at the Aspen symbols on his shoulders and the one by his neck.
“My uncle never told me exactly what language they were,” Jason lied, “I do know that this one on my right means ‘belief’. And this one on the other side means ‘strength’.”
“What about this one?” Sarah asked pointing to his neck.
“Uhh,” Jason said as he faked trying to remember, “I believe it means ‘hope’”
“That’s cool!” Sarah said.
Jason and Sarah walked through the town for nearly another hour before they finally decided it was time for Sarah to go. Jason walked her to her house, asking directions as they walked. He knew exactly where he was going, but he pretended to get lost once or twice. When they finally got there, they walked up to her porch.
“That was fun,” Sarah smiled.
“Yeah, it was nice,” Jason agreed.
“Well thank you for a great night,” Sarah said as she hugged him goodbye.
Jason could feel her heartbeat as she hugged him. It was very soothing to him. She was the most incredible person he had ever met. Every little thing she did was beautiful to Jason. He wished he could hold her forever. Sarah turned for her door and was ready to head inside when Jason finally said, “Would you, uhh, be interested in goin’ to the Homecoming Dance with me?”
Sarah turned around and smiled.
“I would love to,”
Jason smiled and the two went their separate ways. When he was out of sight, he took flight and made his way home. The sun had gone down and everybody was heading inside for the night. Jason masked his presence, even though it would be next to impossible for anyone to see who he was. This night had been more incredible than he had ever imagined. He hoped the dance would be just as good as or better than tonight. He floated in the sky for awhile just smiling. Everything was so peaceful.

Second Encounter

Things had been going so much better than Jason could have imagined. After his uncle died, he thought things would have fallen apart. He thought his whole purpose would have been a waste. But now, he could see that he was someone. He was actually two someones. He was someone who protected lives and saved people from tragedies and he was also someone who was a good friend to many people. Even his newly found friend Kris seemed to like and trust him. Things were definitely going great.
It had been almost two weeks since his uncle was killed. He was still searching for the man, but so far everything had led to a dead end. He figured the best thing he could do for now was to wait for the man to find him and be ready when he did. Jason had been practicing and experimenting with his powers. He was getting quicker with his body and his mind. There weren’t many other things he could do without a teacher. He had to learn how to use his powers on his own.
Jason made his way into the city on the weekend, sometimes. He had finally got around to purchasing a cell phone. He figured it was the best way for his friends to get a hold of him. Jason had managed to repair the Aspen shirt that his uncle had given him. He learned that when heat was applied correctly, it would regenerate the materials over time. Jason found this fact fortunate. There was no one on the planet who could fix it any other way.
It was a cool, Saturday afternoon and Jason decided to head into town for lunch. He even called his friends and asked them to meet him at a seafood place on the east side of town. As Jason walked through the crowds on the sidewalks, he looked up at the clouds. He wondered if his mother and father were looking down on him from somewhere. The humans had a pretty set idea that when someone passed away that they would go to a place called heaven. He was pretty well convinced that heaven was a true place hidden from the eyes of the living. He believed that his entire family would check in on him from time to time.
He hoped that the entire Aspen race was proud of his existence. He wanted to destroy the Quixon for making him the last of his kind. Thinking of those monsters often made Jason wonder if they would ever come to Earth. His uncle described them as world destroyers. If they went from world to world, exterminating entire races, would they go after the humans? If the Quixon had killed the Aspen, what threat would the humans pose to the Quixon? Where they really so heartless that they would come after six million weaker lives and wipe them out?
Jason had become lost in thought once again as he walked through the city. He walked along the outer section of the town, trying to kill time before he met with his friends. They weren’t supposed to get there from another twenty minutes still. The day had the slightest hint of winter in the wind. Jason had worn a gray jacket over his Aspen shirt. His typical jean shorts and a pair of black tennis shoes were the only other things he wore. His light brown hair was too short to blow in the wind.
Jason was brought back to the real world when someone accidently bumped into him on the street. A mere civilian had just not been paying attention. The man said sorry as he continued to walk down the street. Jason stopped walking and looked back at the man. His hands began to shake and his body went cold. It was him. It was his uncle’s murderer.
Had he noticed Jason? The man was on a phone. Perhaps he was distracted. Jason watched the man continued down the street. If he hadn’t noticed Jason, then this was his chance. It was finally time to finish it. He perused the man down the street. He didn’t want to act yet. There were still too many people around to strike. Despite wanting revenge, Jason still put everyone’s safety above anything else.
The man rounded the corner, still on his phone. Jason was determined to not let the man get away. He followed the man through the city. The man was wearing a thin black rain jacket and a pair of blue jeans. His hair was a little longer than Jason’s, but the same tone of brown. Jason wouldn’t dare to compare himself to this killer. The man finally put away his phone and went down an alley way.
Jason didn’t follow him right away. If he had, the man would have been onto him. Jason snuck over to the alleyway and peered around the corner. There was a shady parking lot with a lone car in it. The man was pulling a pair of keys from his pocket and walking towards the car. Jason couldn’t feel any other signature but the man’s. Now was his chance to strike.
The man approached the car and went to unlock it. His car slowly sank downward. He looked down and saw that the tires had been melted. He turned to see Jason with an outstretched hand point towards the vehicle. The man dropped his keys, ready to make a move, but Jason acted quicker. His knee caught the man under his chin and sent him hurtling upward. This time, the first move was Jason’s.
As the man flew into the sky, Jason jumped up after him. He recovered quickly, this time not about to let Jason hit him. Jason threw multiple punches at the man, but he deflected each one with his arms. Jason tried to kick at the man’s head, but he caught it and delivered a blow to Jason’s gut. He wasn’t going to beat him without taking a few hits. Jason broke free of the man’s grip and shot backwards, getting some distance between them.
“Stop this, Jason,” the man called out, “I refuse to fight you.”
“You try to kill me, and now you won’t fight me??” cried Jason, “And how do you know my name?”
“You are still misguided. Allow me to help you,” the man said with an outstretched hand. It wasn’t a hand of violence. Instead, it was a hand of kindness, but Jason wasn’t buying it.
He shot forward sending a blow across the man’s face, causing him to shoot backwards. Jason wasn’t going to let him recover this time. Jason flew above the man with his hands extended, and released his power. The figure became engulfed with flames. Jason appeared to be winning for the time being, but he wasn’t about to let up. Jason took the flaming sphere that had once been the man and forced it together. The flames tightened in on spot. Jason’s hands were shaking with the pressure. He had practiced this maneuver, but not with an actual opponent. The flames all imploded together at once, causing flames to shoot out in all directions.
Jason looked down as the flaming strands found their way to the ground. Could it be over? As if to answer his thoughts, the man’s heat signature appeared above him. Jason tried to avoid the hit, but wasn’t quick enough. The man hit Jason over the top of the head with his elbow. Jason plunged downward into the ground. Dust flew into the air upon impact, as Jason hit the ground hard.
Jason got up quickly and looked up for the man, but he was gone. Jason caught his signature just in time to block. The man sent a kick towards his way that Jason blocked with his arm. Jason countered with a kick of his own, but caught his leg with one hand, while sending his other hand into the back of Jason’s kneecap. Jason cried out in pain and struggled to break the man’s grip, but it was no use. Desperate to break free, Jason used one of his hands to burn the man’s hand.
The man pulled back his hand, while at the same time let go. Jason distanced himself once again from the man. He would not be beaten. In unison, the two pointed a hand at one another. The flames exploded together like clashing waves. It was once again a battle of force. Jason’s gritted his teeth. Using all of his might, Jason gained control of the flame. It was time for this fight to end. Jason, in control of the entire mesh of fire, pushed it all in the man’s direction. It was headed right for him. There was no running from this attack. Jason wouldn’t miss this time.
The flame wave was almost to the man when, suddenly, it split into two. The man was holding his blade in his hand. He had cut the massive inferno into two halves with a slice of his sword. Jason froze in his tracks. He was too stunned to act. Where did the man get his blade? Jason felt the hit before he saw it. The man had hit him square in the chest with his fist. Jason flew backwards and skidded across the ground. Jason’s whole body stung after that hit. He looked up to find the man holding the blade to his neck. He had failed to beat him again.
“Jason,” the man said, “I told you to stop,”
“How do you know my name?” Jason coughed.
“You aren’t in a position to be asking questions, now are you?” the man grinned.
“Get away from me!” spat Jason.
“Jason, don’t be so spiteful,” laughed the man.
“You say my name like you
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