» Adventure » Savior, Jordan Wilson [which ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Savior, Jordan Wilson [which ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Jordan Wilson

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involved Brett getting his ass kicked,” Josh laughed. At that, they all laughed. His friends were definitely like no others. Suddenly, Matt stopped laughing and looked at Jason.
“Dude, where were you last night?” Matt asked as though Jason had missed something important.
“I was at home, why?” Jason asked.
“There was a full scale alien death match going on! How could you not know about it?” Tony asked, now entering the conversation.
“Maybe it was that alien from the news. Remember him, Jason?” asked Josh.
“Yeah, I remember the guy who saved all of those people.”
“Jay, they said he could fly.” Matt stated.
“Ok, so what if it is an alien?” Jason asked, a bit worried, “What would that mean?”
“What would it mean?!?” asked an outraged Josh, “It would mean that this is amazing! There has always been talk of aliens. But now that one is here, so many things change. We have so many new questions. Like where did he come from?”
“Or did he come with anyone?” said Tony.
“Maybe the two that were fighting were brothers or something,” Josh suggested. Jason got an angry thought in the back of his head. There is no chance in hell that the man was his brother. This guy was far from being like Jason. This guy was something else.
“You guys aren’t afraid of these aliens, are you?” Jason asked. He had always worried about telling his friends. He thought that they might be afraid of him. He thought everyone would.
“Of course not!” cried Matt, “This is so incredible! I wish aliens would have arrived here years ago!”
“Yeah, I guess that would have been kind of cool.” Jason fake agreed, “Well, I have to head into my next hour early. Big project or something stupid like that. See you guys later.”
Jason got up from the table, with his tray and left the lunchroom. Josh, Tony, and Matt all just sat at the table. They waited for Jason to be out of sight before anyone spoke. When he finally disappeared behind the wall, the whole mood changed. The three boys all looked each other, ready to discuss the biggest thing on their mind.
“Do you think it was him?” Josh asked the others.
“It could be, I mean did you see that mark on his cheek? Looked like a cut you would get in a fight.” Tony said.
“Yeah, maybe,” Matt said, “But I mean come on, we’ve known Jason for years. Could he really be an alien?”
“I don’t know, man,” Tony said, “For now, all we can do is watch and wait.”
When the bell rang, the boys departed for their classes. The day carried out like any other day. The teachers gave their lectures that put students to sleep. The warm air of the departing summer blew in through the windows, like a hand attempting to pull the students from their prison. The town was always so peaceful and predictable. Every year, the leaves would fall off their trees at the same time. The young children would cherish the snowy months while those beyond sledding would dread the hassle.
There would be several festivals throughout the year where people would come to buy goods, converse about their lives, and just generally enjoy themselves. In the upcoming fall festival, shortly after homecoming, just about every person in the town would gather in the town square. The festival would be an opportunity for people to express their new ideas for the town.
Before the nighttime events started, a big football game scrimmage would be played under the lights for everyone to enjoy. The entire town would usually attend this as well. When the game concluded, there would be a big night ceremony for all of the athletes on the football teams. The town definitely didn’t change their traditions, which to most its citizens was a good thing. Why change something that is already good?
Jason left school that day, not needing any books for the night, and began his usual walk home. Nothing unusual happened today. He kept his guard up this time. If he detected one fast moving heat signature, he would be ready to fight. As he walked through the woods, he thought of how big the world was. Would he ever be able to find that man again? And if he did, would he be ready this time? Yes, he had to be ready. He couldn’t allow himself to be beaten this time.
When he reached his home, he walked out to the cliff that overlooked the city. If he were to fall, what would become of the rest of the world? Would this man try to takeover this world and claim it as his own? Or would he just want to see it all burn? If he was a Quixon, then the world was in trouble. Jason wouldn’t allow anything bad to happen to these people. He had to be strong. Without delaying another moment, Jason lifted into the air. He needed to practice his abilities. He needed to make himself stronger. Before he soared away, he felt a heat signature. It wasn’t just one either. There were three of them.
Jason suddenly tensed up. Had the man brought friends this time? Jason whirled around, looking for the signatures. He could feel that they were close. One was behind a large tree, while the other two were behind his wooden house. Jason descended from air, clenching his jaw. It was time to take revenge. He walked slowly towards the two behind his house. They were just leaning against the side of the house. Did they think he didn’t notice them? Could they really be that foolish? He raised a hand in their direction, ready to begin the fight.
Jason slowly moved to a point where he had a clear shot. His whole body was tense with anticipation. He had flame at the ends of his finger tips, slowly getting hotter. This time, he would not be beaten. He was almost in sight of his targets. He finally rounded the corner. He would not let this man destroy this peaceful world. When he saw his targets, he stopped. The flames disappeared from his finger tips and he lowered his hands. He was shocked when he finally saw what he was worried about. Leaning against the side of his home, were two guys. They were the same two guys that Jason had known for a long time. Looking back at him were none other than Josh and Tony, which made the other signature Matt.

Family in Friends

Inside Jason’s house, his three friends sat on the couch saying nothing. Jason retrieved four bottles of water from his fridge and tossed one to each of his friends. They each unscrewed the caps and began to drink. Jason was amazed that he didn’t notice them following him. He had been so busy looking for fast moving signatures that he wasn’t watching for anything else. He thought about lying, but it was too late for that. They had likely seen him rise into the air and he had no reasonable excuse for that. He was stuck now. There was no choice. He had to tell them the truth.
His friends chugged their waters. Although they had suspected Jason was the alien, seeing it had taken everything to a new level of crazy. When they finished they looked up at Jason, not with fear, but excitement and question. They still weren’t afraid of him. If anything, they felt better knowing that it was Jason. Their heads were filled with many questions that Jason knew he would have to answer. He took a seat and waited for them to start.
“I knew it!” Josh declared, “I knew there was something different about you!”
“Yep,” Jason agreed, “I’m definitely different.”
“Yeah, a little,” said Matt sarcastically.
“So what…I mean how are you able to fly?” Tony asked.
“Yeah and what else can you do?” asked Matt.
“And why the hell didn’t you tell us sooner?” Josh asked with a fake tone of being angry.
Jason started from the beginning. He told his friends everything about him. He told them of the Aspen and how he arrived here when he was a baby with his uncle. He told them how his home had been destroyed by the vicious, blood thirsty Quixon. He described his life as a child and how he endured intense training. He spoke of how his uncle told him to become the protector of the humans. He explained the fight that had taken place between him and the mysterious, alien man. And lastly, he informed them of his uncle’s death and of his mission to kill his uncle’s murderer.
While he spoke, his friends for once didn’t ask questions. He told the entire story from the beginning to the present. His friends sat on the couch, with all of their attention given to Jason. Occasionally, their eyes would widen or one of them would gasp. Jason and his friends had switched places. For once, Jason was the one with all of the knowledge and his friends were the ones trying to learn. When he finished, there was a moment before anyone said anything again. Jason figured he would let it all sink in. He must have been talking for an hour.
“Wow,” was all Tony managed to get out.
“Yeah, that’s one way to put it,” Josh said.
“There is one more thing,” Jason said, regaining all of their attention, “None of you can ever tell anyone of my secret. I must continue to live like this without anyone knowing my true identity. No one but you three of course. I know this may be hard to do sometimes and I also know this is a lot for me to ask of you three b-”
“Jason, we will never tell a soul.” Matt interrupted.
“Yeah, if you believe that it is important to be an unknown solider, then we will help keep it that way,” Josh agreed.
“You guys…really don’t want to tell anyone? No one at all?” Jason asked, somewhat surprised.
“Well of course we want to tell someone,” declared Matt, “But we won’t. We are like a family, man. We are here for ya.”
“Yeah, he’s right,” Tony seconded, “And we will help in whatever way we can.”
“Wow,” Jason said. He was now the one lost for words. He didn’t expect them to take this so easily, let alone help him find his uncle’s killer.
“Do you know where this man could have gone?” asked Josh, slightly changing the conversation.
“No,” Jason said with a sigh, “He could be anywhere,”
“And you said he moved as fast as you?” Matt asked.
“Faster if anything. He was just like me, only a little bit faster and stronger,” Jason stated.
“If your body can withstand a steel blade without a mark, what kind of a blade could cut you?” Josh asked.
“I don’t know anymore about this man than you three know.” Jason said, “He is still a mystery to me as well,”
Before anyone could ask any more questions, Tony’s phone beeped. He grabbed it from his pocket and opened it.
“Dammit,” Tony muttered, “My mom needs me home for dinner,”
“Yeah, I probably need to get going too,” Matt said.
The four boys left the house. Maybe his friends knowing would work out better than he thought. Perhaps, with the four of them working together, they could find this man before he found Jason. Jason walked with them to the tree line. He was going to leave once they were gone. He still needed to make sure his powers didn’t go soft on him. When they three boys began to leave, Josh turned around and looked back to Jason.
“Before we go,” Josh started, with a small, hopeful grin, “Can you give us a little demo of what you
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