» Adventure » Savior, Jordan Wilson [which ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Savior, Jordan Wilson [which ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Jordan Wilson

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around, the signature was above him and coming down fast. Jason flipped backwards moving out of its way. Dust and dirt was thrown into the air. Whatever this thing was, it moved fast. Very fast. It shot towards him, delivering another blow to his stomach. After that it attempted another strike at his chin, but Jason dodged and kicked at the figure. He hit it head on and sent it sailing back.
Jason landed catching his breath. He looked at where the heat signature had gone. It had landed as well. The kick hadn’t done very much to it or, as Jason could see now, him. He stood there looking into Jason’s eyes. He looked like Jason in some ways. The hair and the eyes were the same. This man wasn’t him though. He wore a black cloth jacket and a pair of jeans. He stood an inch or two taller than Jason. The worst of all is that he looked angry. He was staring Jason down. Could this man be an Aspen? Was that possible? No, only he and his uncle were left. The Aspen died out. No one survived. But yet here stood a man that could not only move as quickly as Jason but do damage. Jason spoke first, masking his presence as he began.
“Who are you?” asked Jason.
“Silence!” hissed the man, “Something like you can’t be allowed on this planet!”
“Something like me?” asked Jason, “What do you mean? Who are you? Or better yet, what are you?”
“Shut it, demon! I cannot allow something such as you to live!”
The man raised his hand in Jason’s direction. Jason felt the heat coming and quickly held up both of his hands. The flames met in the middle of them both and erupted into a visible form. Jason pushed with all his strength against the man’s force. This guy was strong and at the moment it seemed that he was stronger than Jason. Jason was struggling to remain in control, but with one final effort, the flames shot at the man. By the time Jason had pushed them all at him, the man had disappeared. Jason felt for a signature. Where was he?
A sharp pain jolted through Jason’s body, starting in his leg. Something had cut him. He turned to feel a signature moving away. He was coming back though and it was time for Jason to act. He shot back to the sign that he’d been thrown through and ripped one of the metal beams out of the ground. When the man came after him again, Jason acted first and swung the beam. When he did so, it was cut in half. Whatever weapon this man had, it was sharp. Jason didn’t let the loss of his weapon phase him though. He threw his fist at the man’s face, followed by a kick to the side. With those hits delivered, the man shot back. Jason held his ground. His leg was bleeding but not too severely.
The man didn’t take long to commence with his next attack. Jason tried to guard, but he wasn’t fast enough. The man’s knee caught him right under the rib cage and that strike was followed by another few blows to the face. The man ended by grabbing Jason’s leg and throwing him high into the air. Jason attempted to regain focus and control of the fight but the man was making it next to impossible. Why did this man want to kill him? Was it that Jason stood in his way of something? He seemed to have a deeper motive, but what? No matter what his reasons were, Jason could not let someone so strong hurt any of the humans.
The man flew up to Jason and slashed at him with what he could now see was a sword. Jason dodged the first two, but was hit in the shoulder. It wasn’t a direct hit, but instead a deep cut. This guy knew how to fight. By not directly striking Jason, his blade was still free and he could continue to attack without skipping a beat. At the same time, Jason was bleeding and hurting. What kind of metal was this blade made out of? It was nothing of this world. Where did it come from?
Jason dodged another slash then made another strike at the man. The man, instead, grabbed his arm and spun him around. Once he had enough speed, he released Jason, sending him hurdling to the ground. He hit the ground hard. It rattled his mind, but he didn’t lose his focus. He wasn’t going to do that again. That blade could kill him if he wasn’t careful. There were a few cars on the road. All of them were stopped and most of the people that were in them were now running away from the battle. There was one car that had two little boys and a mother in it. The man landed next to it and the mother began to panic. He looked at Jason, then to the car. With his blade in his right hand, he used his left hand to grab the car and hold it above his head. This wasn’t good.
The man held his arm backwards from a moment, then in one powerful toss, sent the car flying at Jason. Jason wanted to dodge, but couldn’t knowing that there were people inside the car. He instead stood his ground and grabbed the car before it hit him. The force it was thrown with caused his feet to slide, but he still managed to prevent the car from having a hard landing. When he stopped sliding and had control, he lifted the car above his head with both hands. He was about to set it down when something hit him hard in the chest. He dropped the car and was sent flying backwards at a high speed. The car landed on it tires and the people inside landed safely, but Jason wasn’t as safe. He hit the pavement hard, tearing it up as he continued to skid across the ground.
He finally came to a stop. He looked at his chest. Whatever the man had shot at him, it was nothing like he had been hit with before. His other injuries were nothing compared to this attack. It had burned straight through his sweatshirt and down to the Aspen clothing. It had ripped that slightly as well, but it had taken most of the impact. Blood began to pour from the wound. His head had been rattled and he felt dizzy. He lifted his head and looked at the man, who was pointing his sword at him about two hundred yards away. Whatever he had shot at him, it had come from the sword. The man began to walk towards Jason at a slow speed. He wanted Jason to suffer before he died.
Jason tried to move but couldn’t. The attack had damaged him too much. He laid his head back on the torn broken pavement. Why was this happening? What had he done? All that he’d ever done was help the humans and now someone was trying to harm him. Did the man wish to harm the humans? Jason couldn’t stand by and let that happen, yet his body would not allow him to move. His vision was beginning to fade. The effect the attack was still settling in. Jason was in a lot of pain. He wished his uncle were there to help him. How could he have known that such a peaceful world would have someone out there who wished to harm him? His vision was almost gone now. The last thing he thought of before he closed his eyes was his friends and Sarah. He wanted to protect them. He needed to protect them. And now he was helpless.
That’s when something in his body changed. His strength was back. He could move. If anything, he felt stronger. He opened his eyes and stood up. Although he was bleeding from several spots, including his chest, he felt as though he could fight back again. The man stopped in his tracks. He was about a hundred yards away now. He looked at Jason in disbelief. Jason stared him down, but not in anger. He didn’t feel any anger for some reason. Something had changed. He felt more confident. The man wasn’t about to give Jason a free moment. He lifted his sword and shot the same kind of attack at him. It was a white hot beam of light. It came fast, but Jason reacted quickly. Before it hit him, he heated his arm deflected the attack. The beam went flying off into the air behind Jason. He had never done anything like this before. What was happening? Whatever it was, it seemed to give him an advantage.
The man looked worried. Now was the opportunity to strike. Jason dashed at the man and sent a kick at the man’s face. There was no chance of him avoiding or blocking this attack. Jason’s foot struck him across the face, but he didn’t stop there. He dropped down to the ground and furiously began to deliver one punch after another into the man’s chest. When the man finally could react, he swung his sword high above his head and attempt to strike Jason down. He may have been fast, but now for some reason, Jason felt faster. He dodged the slash and down kicked the back of the man’s leg. The man cried out in pain. While the man was in pain, Jason threw a punch at the man’s face. It sent the man soaring through the air and into one of the empty cars. As Jason hit him, his sword flew from his hand and stuck into the ground far out of his reach. The car exploded upon the man’s impact.
Jason didn’t cease from attacking. He jumped over to where the man hand landed to find him holding his side and down on one knee. He was bleeding from the face and the chest now as well. He hadn’t been used to being hit so hard. Jason wasn’t used to hitting so hard either. The man was angrier than before now. He had a fear of losing.
“H-how?” cried the man in anguish.
“Who are you?” asked Jason, “Why do you try and harm me and these people?”
“The people?” asked the man as he coughed up a little blood, “I’m trying to save the people…”
“Save them?” asked Jason, “Save them from what?”
“Ha, you pretend like you don’t know?” spat the man.
“I want to help you. I don’t want anyone to harm these people either.” Jason stated.
“You want to help me?!?” laughed the man, causing himself pain as he did so, “You are the threat! How can you help me destroy yourself?”
“I’m not threatening these people!” cried Jason, stunned by the man’s words.
“Not yet you aren’t, but you will…and that is why I must destroy you!” the man roared. That was the end of the conversation. He could not be reasoned with. This man needed to be stopped and now there was only one way to do that. The man held up his hand that wasn’t clutching his side and attempted to burn Jason. Jason saw his attack before it happened and held out both of his hands to produce a strong flame. They were locked in a battle of force like earlier, except this time, Jason had the upper hand. He continued to heat his flame and push against the man. They fought for nearly ninety seconds. Jason, with one final push, sent all of the flames at the man. He disappeared into the flames. Jason thought for a moment it was over, but then he felt a signature from above. He shot back to avoid the aerial attack, then lunged forward and struck the man
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