» Adventure » Savior, Jordan Wilson [which ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Savior, Jordan Wilson [which ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Jordan Wilson

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The trees were always so calm. Nothing seemed to bother them. They were probably one of Jason’s favorite Earth inhabitants, next to humans of course. This made his life near the trees pretty enjoyable. They helped add that home-like feeling too. His wooden home stood alone near the cliff side. It looked like one of those old log cabins from the history books, but the inside was much different than things were back in those days. Jason hadn’t added anything to his house other than his clothes and some food. When he had arrived, it already had a bed, a couch, a television, a fridge, and other normal household accessories.
Jason unlocked his front door and set his two school books on the table. It was getting close to dinner now. In his fridge, he found some carrots, a package of meat, and a carton of milk. He let the meat cook in the stove while he cut up the carrots and poured a glass of milk. Once it was all ready, he sat down and ate an early dinner. He clicked on the television and turned to the news. He only had to read the headline to know what the story was about. He turned it up and sat down to dinner. The young reporter looked as though she didn’t believe what she was saying as she gave tonight’s story. Standing next to her was the police officer with the black mustache.
“So you are saying this young man caught their car with his bare hands?” asked the lady reporter.
“I’m not sure how, but yeah, that’s what happened,” answered the police officer.
“How is anyone sure that this is what really happened, chief?” asked the reporter.
“Well look at the car we were chasing. You think we did that to it?”
“Did this young man have a name, or say anything for that matter?”
“He did not say his name, but he seemed like a normal kid to me, other than his face. I couldn’t make out exactly what his face looked like for some reason, but he did have a-,” started the police chief, but was interrupted by his cell phone. He walked off camera after answering the phone.
“Well there you have it. Our cities very own mystery hero. Now I’ll take you to Natasha Greenfield who is there with a not-so-mysterious hero. Natasha?”
“The screen changed to another woman who was standing next to a friendly looking man. He was a taller than Jason by a few inches making him about six foot, eight inches. He had short cut brown hair and a roughly shaved face. He was wearing a black suit and stood there looking very official. He looked to be happy. Jason turned up the volume a little more to hear what the humans have done this time.
“Thank you Kathleen, I’m here with a man who has not only found a way to benefit the handicapped, but change their life forever. Mr. Anderson, would you mind telling us about your product?”
“Well Natasha, our product is somewhat robotic. You see, in theory, it is put on and monitors the brain waves. If you were to tell it to walk then you yourself would walk. It is a support system that can completely change a person’s life.” Mr. Anderson said.
“Now when you say in theory, do you mean you haven’t tested the product?” asked the reporter.
“Not quite. We will be testing our product this Saturday, but we have been assured of about a ninety-eight percent chance of success.”
“Wow, now isn’t that something. Now how did you manage to develop such a high tech piece of equipment?”
“Ah, now I can’t tell you that.” He said with a smile, “It’s a company secret.”
The two went on talking about the machinery, but Jason had lost interest. He turned off the TV and walked outside. He found a nice place to sit out on the ledge that overlooked the city. It all looked so peaceful. Looks can be deceiving however. If Jason hadn’t gone into the city today, lives might have been lost. He needed to keep a closer watch over things. He retrieved his school work and began to work on his homework.
While he did so, he thought about Sarah. He knew nothing about her, yet she was flooding his mind. What made her stand out to him? He thought his friends might know something about her, so he figured it was best to ask them in the morning. He realized that just about everyone had a cell phone, except for him. He made a point to purchase one tomorrow. He looked up from his school work and out at the city when he noticed something out of the ordinary. Billowing up from one of buildings in the east section of the city was thick black smoke. This was bad. He closed his book and went inside, realizing what he must do. He removed his sweatshirt and T-shirt so that he was only wearing the Aspen clothing. He kept his jeans on though. He didn’t have anything else that felt good. He opened his door and walked back out towards the cliff. He stopped about ten feet short. He looked out at the smoke, took a running start and jumped into the air.
He flew the whole way in a hurry. It didn’t take him long to get there. As he got close, he could see that it was clearly a fire. He masked his appearance and landed on the ground. An apartment building had a fire on the second floor from the top. He could hear screams coming from inside the building. He observed as the firemen were desperately trying to put the fire out. Even with everything they were doing, it wasn’t enough to put it out. Jason walked forward towards the building. He saw the police chief and other officers staring up at the building. Everyone was rushing to do something, except for the huge crowd of people that was looking at the fire.
Jason felt a strong heat signature coming from the middle of one of the apartments. He guessed it was a kitchen problem. He searched the building for human heat signatures and found three. Two were small children and they were huddled an enclosed room. Another was a person who was lying on the floor motionless. They might have passed out from the smoke. Jason needed to get to those people, but the fire had to be dealt with first. He rose into the air. Behind him, he heard gasps come from the crowd. He flew forward and began to fly around the building.
He was flying quickly and creating a large gust as he did so. The more he flew, the less heat came from the building. The wind from him flying was putting the fire out. When the flames had died down, he stopped and broke through a window. He looked around and found man lying on the floor. The man looked to be about in his late thirties and was clearly unconscious. Jason grabbed the man and threw him over his shoulder. He jumped out of the building and landed on the street. He gently laid the man on the ground, near an ambulance, and turned back to the building. He jumped to the floor with the children and broke into the room. The source of the fire was close. It had nearly been put out and the firemen were still drenching the room with water to finish it off. Jason found that a fridge had falling in front of a closet door. He put his hand between the door and the fridge. Like it was nothing, Jason slid the fridge across the room and opened the door. The children looked up at him with their red, puffy eyes.
“It’s ok now,” Jason said to them, “I’m here to help.”
He held out his hand and the two stood up. They looked like twins but Jason wasn’t sure. He knelt down and had the two boys climb onto his back. Once they were on and holding tight, Jason lifted off the ground and flew out the window. The boys cried out, frightened. Jason knew it wouldn’t bother them when he landed. He landed near the police officers. When he landed, the boys dropped off his back and ran to a woman in the crowd. She hugged them and together they all sobbed tears of joy.
Jason smiled as he saw this. Another few lives saved thanks to him. Jason turned to take to the skies once more when a man called after him.
“Wait,” called the police chief. Jason wanted to continue to take off but something inside him told him to stay. He turned around and looked at the chief. The chief stared at him for a moment, and then held out his hand.
“Twice in one day huh?” the chief said with a grin, “You’re making us look bad,”
“Just dropped by to help.” Jason said.
“Well, thanks,” he said, “We wouldn’t have been able to get those three out without you.”
“I’m glad I helped,” said Jason as he looked back to the mother and her children. Before the chief could ask anything more, Jason looked up and shot into the sky. He had disappeared into the night and left the humans in question once more. He didn’t care if they had questions. There would be a time and a place where they could ask. Not right now though. Right now, they just needed to know there was someone out there who could save them.
Jason flew around for awhile. He looked at the city. Other than the fire, things were all normal. He flew past the Anderson Research Center. The man from the news must work there. Jason was curious about his technology. Humans were always evolving with their technology. Perhaps if they had used Aspen technology, they could improve their current way of living. Jason thought of the humans using the Aspen space ships and meeting foreign life such as his. If only it were possible.
He returned to his home and retired to his bed. He liked to get a lot of sleep. While he slept he had a dream of Sarah. She was standing alone in a field. She was wearing a beautiful white dress and looking down at a flower. Her long blonde hair was tied back with a simple barrette. Her big, blue eyes resembled the water in the sea. She wore pearl earrings. The sky was light blue with big, white and puffy clouds. It was a beautiful day.
He felt like it was a paradise. There were no worries in the world; just a perfect day with this stunningly beautiful girl. She picked the flower and held it in her small hands. She spun it around in her hand. He walked towards her and she looked up at him.
She smiled at him and held out the flower. Before he could take it, he woke up. It was already morning. He lay there for a moment thinking of her. Maybe he would see her again at school today.
He had a bowl of cereal before he left for school. He decided he would leave early and walk the whole way today. Nothing ever changed with this town. It had maybe one act of crime in the past four years. He was at the front door when Josh caught up with him. They talked about the homework and complained about things. He said nothing out of the ordinary, until they got to Jason’s locker where he brought up something different for a change.
“Did you hear about the guy who saved those people yesterday?” he asked.
“Who? The guy from the news?” asked Jason pretending to be clueless.
“Yeah, pretty weird huh? They say he can
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