» Adventure » Savior, Jordan Wilson [which ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Savior, Jordan Wilson [which ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Jordan Wilson

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in the face again.
The man continued to attack Jason, but they were all just failed attempts. Jason delivered attack after attack, with almost all of them hitting. Whatever had happened to make him strong again was a blessing. He ended his attacks with one a blow that he thought would finish the man off. Jason kicked the man in the stomach with a force that sent his sailing through the air. Jason was confident that it was over. The man was too beaten down to land on his feet. As he flew, he punched his hand into the ground to slow himself down. This guy was definitely trained to fight. He was bleeding from the mouth and the arms. Jason’s strings of punches and kicks had torn his clothing some and exposed where he had some wounds. He had cut from across his right eye from when the sword had been knocked from his hand. It was bleeding bad, and caused him to close it. That’s when Jason realized his intentions. He was now near his blade again. He jumped for it, but Jason was quicker. He kicked the man away and grabbed the handle of the sword.
Suddenly, something very strange happened. When his hand touched the blade handle, Jason felt as though jolts of electricity were pulsing through his body. He couldn’t move or let go of the blade. He began to shake as though he was being electrocuted. What was happening to him? Suddenly his vision began to fade, but he was still conscious. He saw images. They were images of horrible things. He saw dark shadowy things dashing through the air. They were attacking people. Killing people. It was a massacre. The biggest figure stopped and appeared to turn its head, if it even had a head. It appeared to look at him and all Jason could see was its red and black eyes. They were frightening and sent a chill through his body. The eyes appeared to be an indescribable evil. Why was he seeing this?
“You idiot!” he heard the man cry. The man must have either hit him or punched him away at this point because in an instant, the images went away and he was now flying through the air. He was flying higher and faster than any of the other hits. The man must have put all of his strength into it. As Jason fell through the air, he opened his eyes to see the man standing where he had been moments again. The man grabbed his sword and with a blue light, it disappeared. The man looked at Jason as he fell and then disappeared as well. Jason tried to move, but his body was back to the state it had been when he’d been hit by the white beam. He was beginning to close his eyes when suddenly he hit a tree. He fell straight down, breaking branches as he fell. He hit the ground with a thud and all was still. He tried to move one more time, but when he did so, he fell unconscious.
It was hours before he woke up. The woods were still. The birds were the only sound that was to be heard. Jason was lying on the ground surrounded by branches. The air was cool and the sun was setting. The blood that mainly came from his shoulder, leg, and chest had dried. He was still in pain, but could move again. It took him a few moments to recall what had happened. He wondered where the man had gone. Could he have a gone far in such a damaged condition? If so where did he go? Jason still hadn’t figured out who he was. It was a safe bet to assume that he was Aspen, but how was the possible? Above all of these questions he had, there one that was really stuck in his mind. What had happened to him?
When he thought he was done for, something had changed him. That force had changed him somehow. He was so much stronger and faster. He felt as though nothing could harm him anymore. Did he have some sort of hidden power inside him? Jason could only hope that his uncle would know more about it.
Jason was slow at getting up. His whole body ached from the fight. His clothes were torn and his body had been damaged. His wounds were deep, but would heal if he had enough rest. His uncle would have something to help the pain, as he always did. When Jason got to his feet, he got a bad feeling in his gut. The feeling wasn’t pain. It was just…bad. He ascended several feet into the air. It was a bit more difficult to fly when he was hurting, but he managed.
He tried not to rush himself as he flew. He didn’t want to exert too much pressure onto his body. While flying, Jason thought of the blade the man had used. What kind of a sword could cut his skin? It wasn’t anything he’d ever heard of before. His uncle had mentioned the Aspen using weapons in their wars but not blades. Jason assumed they were high tech firearms or something along those lines. Was it possible that maybe the man he’d fought was a Quixon? We’re Quixon that similar to the Aspen? His uncle always spoke of the Quixon as sinister, ghastly creatures that held great power. The man Jason had fought was certainly strong, but he didn’t get the feeling that he had an evil, destructive mindset.
The man had spoke of killing Jason for the safety of the human race. What did he mean by that? Jason had done nothing but help the humans since he arrived years ago. Did the man have him confused with someone else? And if so, who was that evil person he was confused with? If a man of such great power openly started a fight to the death, he usually had a good reason. That was another thing that crossed Jason’s mind. Why hadn’t the man finished him off? Upon touching the man’s sword, Jason had been unable to move a muscle. It was as though the sword was changing his body in some way.
The more Jason thought about it, the more he realized that something had changed. Something inside him was…different. It was unlike anything he had ever felt before. It was even different from the power that had overcome him during the fight. No, this was something else. He forced every thought in his mind away as he began to concentrate on seeing his uncle. Though it had only been a couple of days, Jason missed him. His uncle was the only family he had ever known. It was a feeling of security knowing that he wasn’t alone in the world.
His uncle had been like a father to him. He fed him, trained him, and looked out for him. Jason had learned everything he knew about fighting from his uncle. One thing his uncle always told him was to remember to be independent. He would say that to be a true warrior, you couldn’t fight like anyone but yourself. You had to have your own style of fighting. You had to have a style that nobody to imitate and predict. Your fighting had to completely reflect who you were.
After about an hour, Jason had reached his uncle’s home. He landed about a hundred feet from the doorway and began to walk towards the door. He scraped the dried blood off of his body as he walked. He didn’t want to look too bad for his uncle. His wounds had sealed now and were beginning to heal. Aspen wounds healed faster than human wounds by quite a bit. By tomorrow, the only visible wounds would be one on his cheek and one on his shoulder. The rest would either have healed over or covered by clothing.
Jason reached the door and went for the knob. Before he reached it, his body went stiff. The door slightly opened and the entire room inside was dark. His uncle never left the door open. That’s when Jason noticed something that sent a chill down his spine. He couldn’t feel a heat signature. He hadn’t really been looking for one when he landed, but now that he was at the door; he could feel that no one was inside. There was something wrong about all of this.
Jason opened the door and looked around. The home that was filled with light and warmth was now dark and cold. As he looked around he found that the house was trashed. There were books scattered across the floor and cracks in the wall. The table had been smashed into multiple splints and looked slightly charred. There was even a large hole in one of the walls. Jason tried not to think of the worst, but the evidence was piling up. There had been a fight here. Jason was still hopeful that this was all just an accident. He thought that maybe, just maybe, he was misinterpreting the scene. It was then when Jason saw him. His uncle’s body was lying on kitchen floor, lifeless.
Jason’s eyes widened and jaw dropped. He was completely petrified. The horrible feeling of sadness and despair shot had stricken him. He swallowed and took a step forward. He slowly made his way across the room to his uncle’s cold, stiff body. Dropping to his knees, Jason placed his hand on his uncle’s chest. He felt no heartbeat. There was no heat signature coming from the body. There hadn’t been one for awhile. Tears trickled down his face as he admitted the horrific truth. His beloved Uncle Alfred was dead.
“U-uncle?” Jason hopelessly called to the body, “Uncle Alfred?”
Jason could feel the tears pouring from his face now. In front of him lied the limp body of the only family he had ever known. Jason’s sadness turned to anger. Who would have done such a thing? Who could have done such a thing? Was there even anyone on this planet capable of killing an Aspen? It didn’t take too long for Jason to realize the only person who could have murdered his uncle. Jason now saw a stab wound on his uncle’s chest. His uncle had died at the hand of a blade.
Jason saw felt the dry blood on his uncle’s chest. He had been stabbed in the heart. He clenched his fist and gritted his teeth. A flame sparked to life on a nearby bookshelf. Jason’s anger could have filled the entire room with flames. The only thing Jason could think of now was to find the man that had attacked him today and kill him.

A Knife to the Heart

After spending a few more minutes with his uncle’s body, Jason left his old home. He didn’t know what to do anymore. He was alone in the world. No one was there to look out for him. No one was there to tell him what to do next. He had no guidance. He had no family. He was now forced to live his life, based on his own choices, as his uncle had always intended. Now it was Jason’s lone duty to protect everyone from his uncle’s murderer.
Starring at the house that he had grown up in, Jason knew that he had to let go. His uncle always taught him not to let emotion get the best of him. It was time to erase the past. By simply raising his hand, Jason set the old home ablaze. He stood there, watching his childhood memories burn to the ground, wondering if he would be able to do everything on his own. His uncle must have known he wouldn’t always be there for him. But did he really prepare him enough
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